Gigabyte B650 EAGLE

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ID: 1125145 Tootekood: B650 EAGLE
Laos >50 üksused
Garantii: 3 aastat
149.06 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Seeria: Gigabyte Eagle
  • Plaadi suurus: ATX
  • Mikroskeemide siin (chipset): AMD B650
  • Pistikupesa: AM5
  • Mälutüüp: DDR5
  • Mäluslott: 4
  • Sisseehitatud Wi-Fi: Ei ole
  • M.2 port: 3
Seeria : Gigabyte Eagle
Plaadi suurus ATX

Emaplaadi füüsiline suurus. pakub ATX (täissuuruse plaat), mATX (micro ATX) (vähendatud suurusega plaat) ja miniATX suurusega emaplaate. ATX suuruse arvutia korpusesse on võimalik paigaldada nii ATX kui ka mATX emaplaati, omakorda mATX korpusesse ei ole võimalik paigaldada ATX plaati.

Plaadil ATX on vähemalt 3 mälupesa ja vähemalt 5 lokaalset pesa PCI, seepärast sellele plaadile võib koostada hästi toimiva võimsa arvuti. Siski kodu- või bürooarvutile pole nii palju pesi üldse vajalikud, ja seoses sellega sobib samuti microATX.

Emaplaadi toiteploki liitmikuks on vooluallika pistikupesa, mis käesoleval ajal on ATX ja ATX2.0 standardi kohane. ATX on vanem standard 20 nõelaga liitmikuga (20 "jalaga"), omakorda ATX2.0 on täiendava 4 nõelaga (20+4). ATX standardi emaplaat suudab töötada ATX2.0 toiteplokiga (PSU), omakorda ATX2.0 emaplaadiga on vajalik ATX2.0 toiteplokk.

Kujufaktoril on ennekõike soovituslik iseloom. Siiski enne, kui soetate emaplaadi, veenduge korpuse suuruse vastavuses emaplaadi suurusele ja selle toiteliitmikule.

Mikroskeemide siin (chipset) AMD B650

Mikroskeemide kiip on kõige tähtsam emaplaadi valiku näitaja (süsteemi loogika mikroskeemid jeb pingemuundurid). Mikroskeemide kiibist oleneb, milliseidprotsessoreid, mälu, liideseid jm. parameetreid toetab emaplaat.

Iga kiibistik on otseselt seotud teatud protsessori platvormiga, mis jagunevad protsessorite päritolu või protsessori ühenduskoha järgi.

Selleks ,et välja selgitada, milline mikroskeemide kiip on sobiv teie protsessorile jm. komponentidele, palume nõu küsida meie müügijuhtidelt.
Pistikupesa AM5
Protsessori (CPU) pesa on tähtis faktor plaadi valikul, protsessori pesa peab olema täpselt ühitatav protsessoriga, mille soovite monteerida plaadile. Vaatamata sellele, et protsessor sobib emaplaadi pessa, peab arvesse võtma ka selle protsessori tuge. Selleks, et välja selgitada, millist protsessorit toetab valitud emaplaat, palume külastada emaplaadi tootja kodulehte, leida konkreetse emaplaadi osas CPU support ja veenduda, et antud plaadi spetsifikatsioon näeb ette teie protsessori toetuse.
Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
Mälutüüp : DDR5
Mäluslott 4
Kasutadaolevate mälupesade arv näitab, mitu mälumoodulit (plaati) võib paigaldada emaplaadile.
Mälusiin DDR5 5200MHz (7600MHz OC)

Operatiivmälu kiip määrab ära selle, mis tüüpi operatiivmälu toetab vastav emaplaat.

Kiibi tähistuses on mälu tüüp DDRII või DDRIII, kā samuti maksimaalne mälu taktisagedus, mida toetab emaplaat. Tähtsaim näitaja on mälu tüüp, erinevate tüüpide mälu on füüsiliselt erinev, seepärast DDRIII mälu ei tohi ühendada DDRII mälu toega emaplaadiga(välja arvatud juhul, kui on mõlemat mälu tüüpi toetav plaat). Omakorda emaplaat, mis toetab 800Mhz DDRII mälu, suudab töötada DDII667 ja DDRII533 mälu kiirustega. Emaplaat mälukiibi kiirusega, mis on madalam mälumooduli kiirusest, suudab töötada mitte kiiremini näidatud kiibi kiirusest, s.o.juhul, kui emaplaadi mälukiip on DDRII667, siis paigaldades DDRII800, mälu selles töötab DDRII667 kiirusega.

VGA port (liides), ehk videokaardi pistik. VGA liides peab ühtuma teie videokaardi liidese spetsifikatsiooniga. Vanematel videokaartidel on AGP liides, uued videokaardid toodetakse PCI-EXPRESS (PCI-X) liidesega. AGP ja PCI-Xpress videokaardid ei ole omavahel asendatavad. Enne, kui soetate emaplaadi, veenduge videokaardi liidese vastavuses nii emaplaadiga kui ka videokaardiga.
Integreeritud Videokaart Only with iGPU-ready APU

Parameeter, mis määrab ära, kas emaplaadil on integreeritud videokaart. Integreeritud videokaart sobib töötamiseks büroo tarkvaraga, internetiga, filmide vaatamiseks ja lihtsate mängude mängimiseks. Juhul, kui soovite kasutada graafilisi programmas, mängida 3D mänge ja vaadata 3D animatsioone, on teile vajalik lisa-videokaart.

Integreeritud videokaart kasutab emaplaadil ievietotās operatiivmälu osa, seepärast juhul, kui teie emaplaadil on 1Gb mälu, ja emaplaadi videokaardi uzstādījumos on norādīts aizņemt 256mb, tad operētājsistēma uzrādīs pieejamo mälu daudzumu apt. 700 Mb.
Pirms iegādāties emaplaadi ar integreeritud videokaardiga, veenduge selles, kas sellele on lisa-videokaardi liides täiendusteks, juhul, kui sellised on vajalikud.

Sadamad ja seadmed
D-Sub : 0
DisplayPort : 1
DVI : 0
HDMI : 1
Integreeritud helikaart : Realtek Audio CODEC
PCI pordid 0
PCI liidesed on kõige levinuim arvutifunktsioonide täiendamise moodus lisa-kaartidega (heli-, võrgu-, kommunikatsioonide, videovalve jm.). Uusimatel plaatidel, tänu PCI-EXpress standardile, on väike PCI laiendamise liideste arv, seepärast, enne emaplaadi soetamist, veenduge selles, et PCI liideste arv võimaldaks teil paigaldada kõik teile vajaminevad PCI kaardid.
Traadita ühendused
Sisseehitatud Bluetooth : Nav
Sisseehitatud Wi-Fi : Ei ole
Välised sadamad
Väline USB 2.0 : 6
Väline USB Type-C (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 1
Väline USB Type-C (USB 4.0) : 0
Väline USB 3.0 (USB 3.2 Gen1) : 0
Väline USB 3.1 (USB 3.2 Gen2) : 2
Sisemine A-RGB 5V (3-pin) : 3
Sisemine RGB 12V (4-pin) : 1
Sisemine USB 2.0 : 3
Sisemine USB 3.0 : 1
Sisemine USB Type-C : 1
M.2 port : 3
SATA 3 Portid : 4
Toiteplokid (PSU)
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included -
Battery - Battery technology - Lithium-Manganese Dioxide (LiMnO2)
Battery - Battery type - CR2032
Battery - Battery weight - 3 g
Battery - Lithium weight per battery - 0.07 g
Battery - Number of battery cells - 1
BIOS - 1 x 256 Mbit flash Use of licensed AMI UEFI BIOS PnP 1.0a, DMI 2.7, WfM 2.0, SM BIOS 2.7, ACPI 5.0
BIOS - ACPI version - 5.0
BIOS - BIOS memory size - 256 Mbit
BIOS - Clear CMOS button - Yes
BIOS - Clear CMOS jumper - Yes
BIOS - Desktop Management Interface (DMI) version - 2.7
BIOS - System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) version - 2.7
BrandPartCode - B650 EAGLE
Category - Motherboards
category - PC Components|Mainboards|AMD Mainboards|Socket AM5
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Motherboards
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > Motherboards > AMD motherboards
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Pamatplates > AMD mātesplates
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Pamatplates > AMD mātesplates
Chipset manufacturer - AMD
Chipset type - AMD B650
code - B650 EAGLE
COM connector / port - Yes
CPU socket - Socket AM5
Description - B650 EAGLE AMD Socket AM5: obsługuje procesory AMD Ryzen serii 7000 / Ryzen 8000 / Ryzen 9000 Bezkonkurencyjna wydajność: 12+2+2-fazowe rozwiązanie Digital VRM Dwukanałowa pamięć DDR5: 4*SMD DIMM z obsługą modułów pamięci AMD EXPO i Intel XMP Superszybka pamięć masowa: 1*złącza PCIe 5.0 + 2*złącza PCIe 4.0 M.2 Zaawansowana konstrukcja termiczna i osłona termiczna M.2: zapewnia stabilność zasilania VRM i wydajność 25110 M.2 SSD EZ-Latch: gniazdo PCIe x16 z konstrukcją szybkiego zwalniania Szybkie sieci: GbE LAN Rozszerzona łączność: DP, HDMI, tylne USB 10 Gb/s Inteligentny wentylator 6: zawiera wiele czujników temperatury, hybrydowe nagłówki wentylatorów z funkcją FAN STOP Q-Flash Plus: aktualizacja BIOS-u bez instalowania procesora, pamięci i karty graficznej
description_en - Maternal plate shape factor: ATX
Mother plate chipset: AMD B650
Component: PC (computer)
Processor socket: AM5 port
Number of memory slots: 4
Maximum internal memory: 192GB
Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM
description_lv - Mātes plates formas faktors: ATX
Mātes plates chipset: AMD B650
Komponente: PC (dators)
Procesora ligzda: AM5 pieslēgvieta
Atmiņas slotu skaits: 4
Maksimālā iekšējā atmiņa: 192 GB
Atbalstītās atmiņas veidi: DDR5-SDRAM
description_ru - Фактор формы материнской пластинки: ATX
Chipset для материнской пластинки: AMD B650
Компонент: PC (компьютер)
Гнездо процессора: точка подключения AM5
Количество слотов памяти: 4
Максимальная внутренняя память: 192 ГБ
Поддерживаемые типы памяти: DDR5-SDRAM
Detailed data on disk/drive interfaces - 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX16), integrated in the CPU AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x16 mode AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x8 mode AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4 mode (The PCIEX16 slot can only support a graphics card or an NVMe SSD. If only one graphics card is to be installed, be sure to install it in the PCIEX16 slot.) 2 x PCI Express x16 slots (PCIEX1_1/PCIEX1_2), integrated in the CPU, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 The PCIEX1_1 and PCIEX1_2 slots become unavailable when an AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 processor is used. 1 x PCI Express x16 slot (PCIEX1_3), integrated in the Chipset, supporting PCIe 3.0 and running at x1 1 x M.2 connector (M2A_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 25110/22110/2580/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Processors support PCIe 5.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2P_CPU), integrated in the CPU, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 SSDs: AMD Ryzen 7000 Series Processors support PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 1 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs AMD Ryzen 8000 Series-Phoenix 2 Processors support PCIe 4.0 x2 SSDs 1 x M.2 connector (M2C_SB), integrated in the Chipset, supporting Socket 3, M key, type 22110/2280 PCIe 4.0 x4/x2 SSDs 4 złącza SATA 6Gb/s RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for NVMe SSD storage devices
RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 support for SATA storage devices
dimensionalWeight - 1605
dimension depth - 80 mm
dimension height - 340 mm
Dimensions - 30.5 x 24.4 cm
dimension weight - 1635 g
dimension width - 270 mm
ean - 4719331863081
EAN - 4719331863081
Eans - 4719331863081
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x 4
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x 8
Expansion slots - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x 16
Expansion slots - 2 x PCIe x 16
Expansion slots - 1st M.2 highest PCI Express generation - 5.0
Expansion slots - 1st M.2 largest key size - 25110
Expansion slots - 2nd M.2 highest PCI Express generation - 4.0
Expansion slots - 2nd M.2 largest key size - 22110
Expansion slots - 3rd M.2 highest PCI Express generation - 4.0
Expansion slots - 3rd M.2 largest key size - 22110
Expansion slots - Number of M.2 (M) slots - 3
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 3.x) slots - 3
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 (Gen 4.x) slots - 1
Expansion slots - PCI Express x16 slots - 3
External connectors - 1 x DisplayPort
External connectors - 1 x HDMI
External connectors - 1 x Line In
External connectors - 1 x Line Out
External connectors - 1 x MIC
External connectors - 1 x PS/2 Keyboard/MouseCombo
External connectors - 1 x RJ-45
External connectors - 1 x USB 3.0 Type-C
External connectors - 2 x SMA
External connectors - 2 x USB 3.1
External connectors - 6 x USB 2.0
Features - Audio chip - Realtek ALC897
Features - Audio output channels - 7.1 channels
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Cooling type - Active
Features - Motherboard chipset - AMD B650
Features - Motherboard chipset family - AMD
Features - Motherboard form factor - ATX
Features - PC health monitoring - Fan
Features - PC health monitoring - Fan, Temperature, Voltage, Water cooling
Features - PC health monitoring - Temperature
Features - PC health monitoring - Voltage
Features - PC health monitoring - Water cooling
Features - Power source type - ATX
Features - Product colour - Bronze
Features - Product colour - Brown
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64, Windows 11 x64
Features - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 x64
FireWire (IEEE 1394) - No
Form factor - ATX
Graphics - 1 x DisplayPort, supporting a maximum resolution of 3840x2160@144 Hz
* Support for DisplayPort 1.4 version.
1 x HDMI port, supporting a maximum resolution of 4096x2160@60 Hz
* Support for HDMI 2.1 version and HDCP 2.3.
** Support native HDMI 2.1 TMDS compatible ports.
Graphics - DirectX version - 12.0
Graphics - Discrete graphics support - Yes
Graphics - HDCP - Yes
Graphics - Maximum resolution - 4096 x 2160 pixels
Graphics - Parallel processing technology support - Not supported
gross_weight - 2 kg
GTIN - 4719331863081
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
Integrated CPU - No
Internal I/O - 12V power connector - Yes
Internal I/O - ATX Power connector (24-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - CPU fan connector - Yes
Internal I/O - EPS power connector (8-pin) - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel audio connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Front panel connector - Yes
Internal I/O - Number of chassis fan connectors - 3
Internal I/O - Number of CPU fan connectors - 2
Internal I/O - Number of RGB LED pin headers - 4
Internal I/O - Number of SATA III connectors - 4
Internal I/O - Number of water pump connectors - 2
Internal I/O - RGB LED pin header - Yes
Internal I/O - Serial port headers - 1
Internal I/O - Total number of SATA connectors - 4
Internal I/O - TPM connector - Yes
Internal I/O - USB 2.0 connectors - 3
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) connectors - 1
Internal I/O - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) connectors - 1
Logistics data - Country of origin - China
Logistics data - Products per shipping (inner) case - 1 pc(s)
LongDesc - Elevate your computing experience with GIGABYTE's renowned motherboard series: AORUS, AERO, and GIGABYTE. Featuring innovative designs and advanced features, these boards offer exceptional performance and reliability. Whether you're a gamer, content creator, or professional, our series cater to your needs, ensuring uncompromising quality and cutting-edge
LongProductName - B650 EAGLE Motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2
LongSummaryDescription - GIGABYTE B650 EAGLE Motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2. Processor manufacturer: AMD, Processor socket: Socket AM5, Compatible processor series: AMD Ryzen 7000 Series, AMD Ryzen 8000 Series, AMD Ryzen 9000 Series. Supported memory types: DDR5-SDRAM, Maximum internal memory: 256 GB, Memory slots type: DIMM. Supported storage drive interfaces: M.2, SATA III, Supported storage drive types: HDD & SSD, RAID levels: 0, 1, 10. Maximum resolution: 4096 x 2160 pixels. Ethernet interface type: Gigabit Ethernet, LAN controller: Realtek RTL8111H
LPT connector / port - No
Max. number of ATA devices - 0
Max. number of SATA devices - 4
Max memory size - 256 GB
Memory - ECC сompatibility - Non-ECC
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 192 GB
Memory - Maximum internal memory - 256 GB
Memory - Maximum internal memory per slot - 64 GB
Memory - Memory channels - Dual-channel
Memory - Memory slots type - DIMM
Memory - Number of memory slots - 4
Memory - Supported memory clock speed (max) - 7600 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4400 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4400,4800,5200,5600,6000,6200,6400,6600,6800,7000,7200,7600 MHz
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 4800
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 5600
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6000
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6400
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6600
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 6800
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7000
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7200
Memory - Supported memory clock speeds - 7600
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 1GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 2GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 4GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 8GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 12GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 16GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 32GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 40GB
Memory - Supported memory module capacities - 48GB
Memory - Supported memory types - DDR5-SDRAM
Memory - Unbuffered memory - Yes
Memory bus frequency - 4400 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 4800 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 5600 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6000 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6400 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6600 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 6800 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7000 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7200 MHz
Memory bus frequency - 7600 MHz
Memory type - DDR5
Model - B650 EAGLE
Model - Gigabyte
Name - Gigabyte B650 EAGLE
name - GIGABYTE B650 Eagle Mainboard, Sockel AM5, AMD B650, ATX, DDR5
name - Motherboard B650 EAGLE AM5 4DDR5 HDMI/DP ATX
Network - Ethernet interface type - Gigabit Ethernet
Network - Ethernet LAN - Yes
Network - LAN controller - Realtek RTL8111H
Network - Wi-Fi - No
Network interface - 1 x 10/100 Mbit/s
Network interface - Realtek GbE LAN chip (1 Gbps/100 Mbps/10 Mbps)
Number of DDR5 slots - 4
Number of USB 3.0/USB 3.1 gen 1/USB 3.2 gen 1 ports - 5
Number of USB 3.1/USB 3.1 gen 2/USB 3.2 gen 2 ports - 2
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4-pin water-pump-fan
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4pin CPU/Water Pump Fan Connector
Onboard connectors - 1 x 4pin CPU fan
Onboard connectors - 1 x 8pin 12V power
Onboard connectors - 1 x 24pin ATX zasilanie
Onboard connectors - 1 x Clear CMOS jumper
Onboard connectors - 1 x Front panel audio header
Onboard connectors - 1 x Q-Flash Plus button
Onboard connectors - 1 x RGB LED strip header
Onboard connectors - 1 x Serial port header
Onboard connectors - 1 x System panel header
Onboard connectors - 1 x TPM header
Onboard connectors - 1 x USB 3.0 header
Onboard connectors - 1 x USB C
Onboard connectors - 2 x 4pin Chassis fan
Onboard connectors - 3 x M.2
Onboard connectors - 3 x USB 2.0/1.1 header
Onboard connectors - 4 x SATA III 6Gb/s
Other information -
Packaging content - Batteries included - Yes
Packaging content - Bundled software - Norton Internet Security (OEM version)
LAN bandwidth management software
Packaging content - Cables included - SATA
Packaging content - Screws included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 270 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 80 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 1.82 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 335 mm
Processor - Compatible processor series - AMD Ryzen 7000 Series
Processor - Compatible processor series - AMD Ryzen 7000 Series, AMD Ryzen 8000 Series, AMD Ryzen 9000 Series
Processor - Maximum internal memory supported by processor - 192 GB
Processor - Processor manufacturer - AMD
Processor - Processor socket - Socket AM5
Processor - Supported processor sockets - Socket AM5
Processor family - AMD Ryzen 3
Processor family - AMD Ryzen 5
Processor family - AMD Ryzen 7
Processor family - AMD Ryzen 9
producer - Gigabyte
Producer - Gigabyte
producerCode - B650 EAGLE
ProducerCode - B650 EAGLE
ProductName - B650 EAGLE Motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2
productName - GIGABYTE B650 EAGLE Motherboard - Supports AMD Ryzen 9000 CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases Digital VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen2
productSize - Normal
RAID - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPorts quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - DisplayPort version - 1.4
Rear panel I/O ports - Ethernet LAN (RJ-45) ports - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - HDMI version - 2.1
Rear panel I/O ports - Headphone outputs - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - Headphone outputs - 3
Rear panel I/O ports - Line-in - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - Microphone in - Yes
Rear panel I/O ports - PS/2 ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 6
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-C ports quantity - 1
Rear panel I/O ports - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-A ports quantity - 2
Rear panel I/O ports - USB connector type - USB Type-A
Rear panel I/O ports - USB connector type - USB Type-C
Rear panel I/O ports - WiFi-AP antenna jack - 2
ShortDescription - Socket AM5 | Chipset AMD B650 | DDR5
ShortSummaryDescription - GIGABYTE B650 EAGLE Motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2, AMD, Socket AM5, AMD Ryzen 7000 Series, AMD Ryzen 8000 Series, AMD Ryzen 9000 Series, Socket AM5, DDR5-SDRAM, 256 GB
sizeX - 341
sizeY - 277
sizeZ - 85
Software - Norton Internet Security (wersja OEM) LAN bandwidth management software
Sound card - Kodek audio Realtek Obsługa High Definition Audio Ilość kanałów audio 2/4/5.1/7.1 * Funkcjonalność gniazda audio można zmienić za pomocą oprogramowania audio. Aby skonfigurować dźwięk 7.1-kanałowy, uzyskaj dostęp do oprogramowania audio w celu uzyskania dostępu do ustawień audio.
Special functions - Wsparcie dla GIGABYTE Control Center (GCC) *Dostępne aplikacje w GCC mogą się różnić w zależności od modelu płyty głównej. Obsługiwane funkcje każdej aplikacji mogą się również różnić w zależności od specyfikacji płyty głównej. Obsługa Q-Flash Wsparcie dla Q-Flash Plus
Storage controllers - Number of HDDs supported - 4
Storage controllers - Number of storage drives supported - 7
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 0, 1, 10
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 1
Storage controllers - RAID levels - 10
Storage controllers - RAID support - Yes
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, PCI Express 4.0, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive interfaces - M.2, SATA III
Storage controllers - Supported storage drive types - HDD & SSD
Supported operating systems - Windows 10
Supported operating systems - Windows 11
Technical details - Warranty period - 3 year(s)
Title - GIGABYTE B650 EAGLE Motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9000 Series CPUs, 12+2+2 Phases VRM, up to 7600MHz DDR5 (OC), 1xPCIe 5.0 + 2xPCIe 4.0 M.2, GbE LAN, USB 3.2 Gen 2
title_en - Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AMD B650 AM5 Motherboard
title_lv - Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AMD B650 AM5 Mātes plate
title_ru - Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AMD B650 AM5 Материнская плата
USB ports at back panel - 9
USB ports on motherboard - 10
vendpn - B650 EAGLE
WarrantyInfo - 3 years
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
weight - 1.818 kg
weight - 1600
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 244 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 35 mm
Weight & dimensions - Width - 305 mm
149.06 €
Gigabyte B650 EAGLE
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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