Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4, White

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ID: 778256 Tootekood: 33927
Laos 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
222.16 €
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 11.04.2025
Kõik parameetrid
Efektiivsus (m3/h) : 400
Funktsioonid : Filtra maiņas indikators, Savienojamība ar aplikāciju
Helitase/vahemik (dB) : 34 - 64
Ionisatsioon : Nav
Jauda (W) : 30
Kaugjuhtimispult : Nav
Kiirused : 3
Näita : Ir
Õhupuhasti tüüp : Grīdas
Režiimid : Auto, Nakts
Tööraadius (m2) : 20
Torustiku pikkus (m) : N/A
Värv : Balta
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - Cleaner Power cord Filter Instruction
barcode - 6934177744761
Battery-powered product - no
brand - Xiaomi
Category - Root/Household articles/Air purifiers/Cleaners
category_en - Home appliances
category_en - Home Appliances > Climate equipment > Humidifiers
category_et - Kodumasinad
category_lv - Mājas ierīces
category_lv - Sadzīves tehnika > Klimata iekārtas > Mitrinātāji
category_ru - Sadzīves tehnika > Klimata iekārtas > Mitrinātāji
category_ru - Домашние приборы
Code - BHR5096GL
Color - White
Description - Air purifier with ionizer Xiaomi Mi Smart Air Purifier 4 Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Make the air you breathe healthy and clean. Great set of features 32.1 dB low noise level Filter change reminder Effective coverage of up to 48m Filters 99.97% of particles 0.3m Filtration of dust and pollen Negative ion release Cleans a 20m2 room in approximately 10 minutes: The Xiaomi Air Purifier 4 has a capacity of up to 400 m3/h of clean air, providing 6660 litres of clean air per minute, and will easily fill a room with clean air thanks to its 360° circular air intake. 3-in-1 filtration removes 99.97% of 0.3 um particles Provides all-day protection for allergy sufferers. Xiaomi Air Purifier 4 keeps the air in your home clean for safe breathing and respiratory protection. High-quality activated carbon eliminates odour and maintains freshness for a long time Activated carbon has a high adsorption coefficient that can effectively remove harmful gases such as volatile organic compounds commonly found in the home, as well as eliminate unpleasant odours and keep the air fresh. Releases negative ions to maintain fresh air in the home The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 releases negative ions to keep the air fresh for your body and mind after a hard day's work. One filter can be used for up to a year The high-performance filter has a large surface area and contains a large amount of high-quality activated carbon. The filters last for 6-12 months, ensuring long-lasting performance and fewer replacements. High-performance filter has a large surface area - 22,000 cm2 Contains high quality activated carbon - 500000 mg Smart control keeps the air fresh in the room, even when you are away from home Support smart control so you have clean and fresh air every time you come home. Using the Xiaomi Home app on your smartphone, you can also activate the purification function when you leave. Voice control support Voice-activated purifier. OLED screen showing real-time air quality Purification settings can be adjusted at the touch of a button to meet your air quality requirements. Night mode with a low noise level of 32.1 dB for a comfortable night's sleep Switch to 'Night Mode' to blank out the screen and achieve a noise-free purification effect. Your purifier will continuously clean the air, providing the ideal conditions for a good night's sleep. Easy to carry Lightweight and compact. Easy to open and close Magnetic door design. Durable Weatherproof ABS body. Xiaomi Mi Smart Air Purifier 4 - enjoy healthy air Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier will effectively purify the air in your home. The precise laser sensor detects unpleasant odours, VOCs and any pollutants down to 0.3 microns, including: pet dander, tobacco smoke or dust mites. The device also features a negative ion generator, which has a positive effect on health and well-being. The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 uses a HEPA filter with activated carbon, which lasts up to 12 months thanks to the high performance of the materials used. Xiaomi air purifier with modes for better air quality The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 offers several operating modes, so you can take care of the cleanliness in your home in many ways. In night mode, the air purifier runs at a lower power level - keeping the volume of the device at just 32.1 dB. In automatic mode, the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier continuously monitors the level of air pollution and adjusts the operating parameters based on this. Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier - convenient control from anywhere The Xiaomi Mi Smart Air Purifier 4 allows convenient control from anywhere. The purifier works with the Mi Home mobile app and the Google voice assistants, and Amazon Alexa. This allows you to set operating schedules remotely, as well as check air parameters including temperature, humidity or pollution levels in real time. Place your order for the Xiaomi Air Purifier 4 now and breathe a full breath!
description_en - Excellent cleaning power and constant airflow
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 cleans the air quickly and efficiently. The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 CADR speed is up to 400 m³/h. This air purifier delivers 6600 liters of purified air per minute. It allows to clean 20 m² in 10 minutes and a 360° air inlet ensures air cleaning of the whole room. OLED touch screen
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 has a smart OLED display with electronic touch controls, a light dimmer and a filter life indicator. The high-definition screen provides information on air temperature, humidity and quality, and you can choose between different modes: night, automatic and your pre-set favorite mode. In low-noise night mode, the screen brightness turns off to prevent glare, while the hood continues to work to keep air circulating and provide the perfect environment for undisturbed sleep. Powerful filtration system
The Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 three-in-one filtration system removes 99.97 percent of 0.3 μm particles from the air. The air purifier can remove mechanical particles, such as pet hair, mold spores, bacteria, viruses, pollen, house dust, dandruff, smoke and cotton fibers, making the air safe and healthy for allergy sufferers. The Xiaomi filter integrates blown PP fibers with electrostatic technology, which has a larger fiber space to filter large amounts of clean air. The smaller fiber filter makes it easy to let air through even at high speeds, making much less noise. Thanks to the lower density fiber filter, the Xiaomi filter consumes less energy to achieve the same amount of clean air. The air purifier has a long-lasting and high-quality activated carbon filter that lasts for about 6 months, provided that the air purifier operates for 12 hours a day. With this high adsorption rate filter, the device effectively removes all harmful gases, unpleasant odors, cooking fumes and all volatile organic compounds in your home, keeping the air fresh. Voice control and Mi Home / Xiaomi Home App support
Like other Xiaomi smart devices, the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 can be controlled via the Mi Home / Xiaomi Home mobile application. Check air quality, temperature, humidity and adjust the speed of the supply fans. The mobile app sends automatic reminders to change the hood filter. You can also set the child lock from there. Effective coverage area: 28-48 m² Removes odors, dust, bacteria, viruses, solid particles Convenient handle Easy to clean Waterproof ABS plastic housing Dimensions: 25 × 25 × 55.5 cm Power: 31 W Weight: 5.6 kg Compatible with both Android and iOS
description_en - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
Noise level: 64 dB
Degree of air purification: 400 m³/h
Ionizer: Yes
Efficiency: 99.97 %
Screen type: OLED
Weight: 5.6 kg
Suitable for rooms up to: 48 m²
Removable filter: Yes
Particle filtration: 0.1 µm
Activated carbon filter: Yes
HEPA filter: Yes
Particulate filter: Yes
description_et - Võrratu puhastusjõud ja pidev õhuvool
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 puhastab õhu kiiresti ja tõhusalt. Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 osakeste CADR ehk puhta õhu seadmest väljumise kiirus on kuni 400 m³/h. See õhupuhasti väljastab 6600 liitrit puhastatud õhku minutis. 10 minutiga võimaldab puhastada 20 m² ning 360° õhu sisselaskeava tagab kogu ruumi õhu puhastamise. Puutetundlik OLED-ekraan
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 õhupuhastil on nutikas OLED-ekraan, millel on elektroonilised puutetundlikud juhtnupud, valguse dimmer ja filtri kasutusea indikaator. Kõrglahutusega ekraanilt saad infot õhutemperatuuri, -niiskuse ja -kvaliteedi kohta ning saad valida erinevate režiimide vahel: öö-, automaat- ning oma eelseadistatud lemmikrežiim. Madala müratasemega öörežiimis lülitub ekraani heledus välja, et vältida pimestamist, samas jätkab õhupuhasti oma tööd, et hoida õhk ringluses ning pakkuda häirimatuks uneks täiuslikku keskkonda. Võimekas filtreerimissüsteem
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 kolm-ühes filtreerimissüsteem eemaldab õhust 99,97 protsenti osakestest suurusega 0,3 μm. Õhupuhasti suudab ümbritsevast õhust eemaldada mehhaanilised osakesed, nagu lemmikloomade karvad, hallitusseente eosed, bakterid, viirused, õietolmu, kodutolmu, kõõma, suitsu ja puuvillakiud, seeläbi on õhk ohutu ja tervislik ka alllergikutele. Xiaomi filtrisse on integreeritud sulapuhutud PP-kiud koos elektrostaatilise tehnoloogiaga, millel on suurem kiudude ruum, mis võimaldab suurel hulgal puhast õhku läbi filtreerida. Väiksemate kiududega filtril on lihtne õhku läbi lasta isegi suurel kiirusel, mille tulemuseks on palju vähem müra. Tänu väiksema tihedusega kiudfiltrile kulutab Xiaomi filter vähem energiat, et saavutada sama palju puhast õhku. Õhupuhastil on kauakestev ja kvaliteetne aktiivsöe filter, mis kestab umbes 6 kuud tingimusel, et õhupuhasti töötab 12 tundi ööpäevas. Selle kõrge adsorptsiooni kiirusega filtri abil eemaldab seade tõhusalt kõik Sinu kodus levivad kahjulikud gaasid, ebameeldivad lõhnad, toiduvalmistamise aurud ja kõik lenduvad orgaanilised ühendid, hoides õhu värskena. Hääljuhtimine ja Mi Home / Xiaomi Home App tugi
Sarnaselt teistele Xiaomi nutiseadmetele saab ka Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 õhupuhastit juhtida Mi Home / Xiaomi Home mobiilirakenduse kaudu. Kontrolli õhukvaliteeti, -temperatuuri,-niiskust ja reguleeri sissepuhkeventilaatorite kiirust. Mobiilirakendus saadab automaatseid meeldetuletusi õhupuhasti filtri vahetamiseks. Samuti saab sealt seadistada lapselukku. Efektiivne leviala: 28–48 m² Eemaldab lõhnad, tolmu, bakterid, viirused, tahked osakesed Kandesang Lihtne puhastamine Veekindel ABS plastikust korpus Mõõtmed: 25 × 25 × 55,5 cm Võimsus: 31 W Kaal: 5,6 kg Ühildub nii Android kui ka iOS seadmetega
description_lv -
description_lv - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
Trokšņu līmenis: 64 dB
Gaisu attīrīšanas pakāpe: 400 m³/h
Jonizētājs: Jā
Efektivitāte: 99.97 %
Ekrāna veids: OLED
Svars: 5.6 kg
Piemērots istabām līdz pat: 48 m²
Noņemams filtrs: Jā
Daļiņu filtrēšana: 0.1 µm
Aktīvās ogles filtrs: Jā
HEPA filtrs: Jā
Daļiņu filtrs: Jā
description_ru -
description_ru - Умный очиститель воздуха Xiaomi 4
Трокшню лименис: 64 дБ
Гайсу attīrīšanas pakāpe: 400 м³/ч
Йонизетайс: Jā
Эффективность: 99,97 %
Экраны: OLED
Свары: 5,6 кг
Площадь Piemērots istabām līdz pat: 48 м²
Ноемамские фильтры: Jā
Дальний фильтр: 0,1 мкм
Активируйте фильтры: Jā
HEPA-фильтры: Да
Далинью фильтры: Jā
description_short_en - Smart air cleaner with laser sensor Cleans up to 48 m² OLED touch screen 360° air filtration True HEPA filter
description_short_et - Nutikas lasersensoriga õhupuhasti Puhastab kuni 48-ruutmeetrise ruumi OLED puutetundlik ekraan 360° õhu filtreerimine True HEPA filter
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умный воздухоочиститель с лазерным датчикомОчищает до 48 квадратных метровСенсорный OLED-экранФильтрация воздуха 360°Настоящий НЕРА-фильтр
Design - Built-in display - Yes
Design - Color - White
Design - Control type - Touch
Design - Depth (mm) - 250
Design - Display type - OLED
Design - Height (mm) - 550
Design - Product colour - White
Design - Weight (g) - 5600
Design - Width (mm) - 250
Design > Type - Air Purifier
Designation - CE+WEEE
dimensionalWeight - 11520
dimensionalWeight - 11935
dimension depth - 300 mm
dimension height - 645 mm
Dimensions - 250 x 250 x 555 mm
dimension weight - 6760 g
dimension width - 305 mm
Disain - Kaal (g) - 5600
Disain - Kõrgus (mm) - 550
Disain - Laius (mm) - 250
Disain - Sügavus (mm) - 250
Disain - Värvus - Valge
Dizains - Augstums (mm) - 550
Dizains - Dziļums (mm) - 250
Dizains - Krāsa - Balta
Dizains - Platums (mm) - 250
Dizains - Svars (g) - 5600
EAN - 6934177744761
ean - 6934177744761
Eans - 6934177744761
Efficiency - 6660 l/min
Features - Air purify rate - 400 m³/h
Features - Air quality sensor(s) - Yes
Features - Automatic mode - Yes
Features - Efficiency - 99.97%
Features - Ionizer - Yes
Features - Noise level - 64 dB
Features - Noise level (night mode) - 32.1 dB
Features - Smartphone/tablet remote support - Yes
Features - Suitable for room area up to - 48 m²
Features > Colour of product - White
feature_group_en - Air cleaners
feature_group_et - Õhupuhastid
feature_group_lv - Gaisa attīrītāji
feature_group_ru - Очистители воздуха
Filtering - Active Carbon (AC) filter - Yes
Filtering - Filtering capability - Cigarette smoke
Filtering - Filtering capability - Dust mites
Filtering - Filtering capability - Pollen
Filtering - HEPA filter - Yes
Filtering - Particle filter - Yes
Filtering - Particle filtration - 0.1 µm
Filtering - Removable filter - Yes
Filtering > Filter life (max) - 12 month(s)
General - Operation type - Touch control
gross_weight - 0.24 kg
guarantee - 24
guarantee_type - normal
Humidity sensor - Yes
Ionization - Yes
Jõudlus - Müratase - 32 - 64 dB
Jõudlus - Võimsus (W) - 31
Jõudlus - Õhuringluse võimsus - 400 m³/h
manufacturer_code - BHR5096GL
Model - BHR5096GL
name - Air Purifier 4
Name - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 biały
Name - Xiaomi | Smart Air Purifier | 4 | 30 W | Suitable for rooms up to 28-48 m² | White
name_en - Xiaomi air purifier Smart Air Purifier 4
name_et - Xiaomi õhupuhasti Smart Air Purifier 4
name_lv - Xiaomi air purifier Smart Air Purifier 4
name_ru - Xiaomi очиститель воздуха Smart Air Purifier 4
Noise - 63 dB
Omadused - Filtri tüüp - HEPA
Operating range - 48 m2
Other features - Filter: Three-layer filter construction Filter mesh (external) HEPA 13 filter (centre) Activated carbon adsorption filter (internal) Captures 99.97% of particles 0.3m in size (smoke, dust, pollen, dander, animal hair, cotton fibre, bacteria, viruses, etc.). Filter life from 6 to 12 months Filter surface area - 22000 cm Active carbon content - 500,000 mg OLED touchscreen display: PM2.5 value (g/m3) Temperature (°C) Humidity (%) Wi-Fi status Active purifier mode Air quality colour indicator - green (1-20 g/m3); yellow (21-35 g/m3); orange (36-55 g/m3); red (above 55 g/m3) Negative ion indicator Power button Mode change button
Other features > Special features - High-precision Sensors: PM 2.5 sensor to monitor air pollutants fine particles, Humidity & Temperature sensors to detect air humiture. 6 purification modes for optional operation, auto /favorite /sleep /low /medium /high
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 303 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 655 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 300 mm
Package features > Inner carton packing Qty - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 36 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 1090 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 1.1 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.2 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0595395 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:4:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
PDF - http://www.blobs.lt/products/5/6/6/5/5/3/d749c4821e3b982e73a7f0d3a88c32cc/original.pdf
Performance - Air circulation power - 400 m³/h
Performance - Audible noise - 32 - 64 dB
Performance - Power (W) - 31
Performance > Noise level (max) - 63 dB
Power - 30 W
Power - Mains
Power > Efficiency - 99,97 %
Power > Power - 30 W
producer - XIAOMI
Producer - Xiaomi
ProducerCode - 33927
producerCode - BHR5096GL
Producer product family - Smart Air Purifier
Producer product name - 4
productName - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4
productName - Xiaomi | 4 | Smart Air Purifier | 30 W | Suitable for rooms up to 28-48 m2 | White
productSize - Normal
ShortDescription - Moc [W]: 30 | Poziom hałasu [dB]: 32-63 | Rodzaj filtra: HEPA | Wydajność [m3/h]: 400| Max wielkość pomieszczenia [m2]: 48
sizeX - 300
sizeX - 303
sizeY - 640
sizeY - 650
sizeZ - 300
sizeZ - 303
Special functions - Laser air quality detector Air inlet - 360° 6 purification modes (auto, night, manual/favourite, low, medium, high) Support for Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa voice assistants Negative ion generator Removable air outlet grille Magnetic door for filter replacement Dedicated app: Xiaomi Home available for Android and iOS Filter wear level and replacement reminders Air quality, temperature and humidity status Remote control and settings Automation and schedules Parental lock Display brightness adjustment (on, dim, off)
Specifications - Filter type - HEPA
Specifikācijas - Filtra tips - HEPA
Technical details > Gross weight - 6.7 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 5.6 kg
Technical details > Other features - Smart Control Voice command with Google assistant and Alexa; Smart Control Voice command with Google assistant and Alexa; Filter replacement reminder Automatic reminder for filter that needs replacing
Technical details > Producer - Xiaomi
Technical details > Suitable for rooms up to - 28-48 m²
Technical details > Warranty - 24 month(s)
title_en - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Air Humidifier 30W
title_lv - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Gaisa Mitrinātājs 30W
title_ru - Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 Увлажнитель воздуха 30W
Type - Air filter
Veiktspēja - Gaisa cirkulācijas jauda - 400 m³/h
Veiktspēja - Jauda (W) - 31
Veiktspēja - Trokšņa līmenis - 32 - 64 dB
vendpn - 33927
Vispārīgi - Vadības tips - Touch control
Warranty - 24
warrantyLength - 12
warrantyType - G
weight - 0.2 kg
Weight - 5.6 kg
weight - 6700
weight - 6750
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 250 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 555 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 5.6 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 250 mm
Weight & dimensions > Depth - 25 cm
Weight & dimensions > Height - 55.5 cm
Weight & dimensions > Width - 25 cm
width - 30
Üldine - Juhtseadmete tüüp - Puutetundlik
Дизайн - Вес (г) - 5600
Дизайн - Высота (мм) - 550
Дизайн - Глубина (мм) - 250
Дизайн - Цвет - Белый
Дизайн - Ширина (мм) - 250
Общее - Тип операции - Сенсорное управление
Продуктивность - Мощность (W) - 31
Продуктивность - Мощнось циркуляции воздуха - 400 м³/ч
Продуктивность - Уровень шума - 32 - 64 dB
Спецификации - Тип фильтра - HEPA
222.16 €
Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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