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ID: 716609 Tootekood: AAQS-S01
Laos 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat
60.28 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 15.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 15.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 15.04.2025
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
barcode - 6970504214644
Battery - Battery type - CR2450
brand - Aqara
BrandCode - AQARA
Category - Root/Smarthome/Electricity/Sensors/Temperature sensors/Smart temperature sensors
Category Code - HAU
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Climate - humidity range (inside) - 0 - 100
Climate - operating temperature - 0 - 50
Climate - temperature range (inside) - -20 - 60
Colour - White
depth - 1
Description - Air Quality Monitor A compact and portable companion caring for your air Zigbee 3.0 TVOC / Temperature / Humidity
description_en - ZigBee 3.0 protocol
Enjoy the benefits of the fastest, most stable, and energy-efficient smart home technology. Triple sensors for a multidimensional detection
The Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor has three built-in sensors that are developed via advanced electrochemical and semiconductor technology solutions to ensure the stability and accuracy. The temperature and humidity compensation algorithm can effectively reduce the influence of environmental change and the reading resolution can be refined to 0.01 mg/m3. TVOC – impacts your health Temperature – impacts your comfort Humidity – impactsyou and your property E Ink screen
Equipped with a dot-matrix E Ink screen which is similar to paper and protects your eyes. With only one button, tracking the air quality in different displays as per your preferences. 1 year battery life
Consumes very little energy, and can last for more than 1 year without changing batteries. Magnetic mount
Multiple placement methods and easy magnetic detachment. Smart automations
With ZigBee3.0 protocol, it can wotk with other devices via your Aqara Hub for cloud and local automation. Voice assistants support
The Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor is compatible with a wide range of smart home ecosystems and voice assistants. Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and more are supported. What are VOCs and where do they come from?
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a large and diverse group of compounds that volatilize into the air at room temperature. Inside your home, volatile organic compounds are harmful, carcinogenic air pollutants that evaporate at normal indoor atmospheric conditions. The majority of indoor VOCs come from everyday household staples, including sprays and aerosols such as air fresheners, cleaners and pesticides. Many products, such as glue, new furniture and carpets, construction materials and electronic devices produce VOCs through off-gassing as well. Your home will release these trapped VOCs and cold harm you and your family. NB! An Aqara hub is required.
description_et - Energiasäästlik ZigBee 3.0 ühendus
Naudi kõige kiiremat, stabiilsemat ja energiasäästlikumat nutikodu tehnoloogiat. Kolm nutikat sensorit
Aqara õhukvaliteediandur tagab stabiilse ja täpse mõõtetulemuse. Andur mõõdab õhus sisalduvate lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite hulka, temperatuuri ja niiskustaset, et hoolitseda Sinu tervise, mugavuse ja esemete eest. E Ink ekraan
E Ink tehnoloogiaga ekraan on sarnane tavalisele paberile ning kaitseb Sinu silmi. Ühe nupuga saad mugavalt vahetada ekraani vaateid vastavalt oma eelistustele. Energiasäästlik
Andur tarbib vähe energiat ning seepärast kestavad selle 2 × CR2450 patareid muretult üle ühe aasta. Magnetiline kinnitus
Kinnita andur mugavalt magnetilise kinnituse abil just sinna, kuhu parasjagu soovid. Häälassistendi tugi
Andur sobib paljude populaarsemate häälassistentide ja nende ökosüsteemidega – nt Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa jne. Hästi sobituv andur suudab ühenduda paljude nutiseadmetega, et aidata Sul luua täiuslik nutikodu. Aqara kodu automatiseerimine
Aqara nutikodu seeria toodete valik on lai ning neid saab hõlpsalt Aqara Hub'iga ühildada. Isegi kui WiFi ühendus on ebastabiilne või katkestatud, siis kuniks Hub on vooluvõrgus, töötavad sellega seotud seadmed endiselt korralikult. NB! Tööks on vajalik Aqara Hub, mis on müügil eraldi.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - Air quality monitor with ZigBee 3.0 Monitors temperature, humidity, & TVOC in the air Works more than 1 year without changing battery Multiple placement methods, magnetic mount Minimalist and compact design
description_short_et - ZigBee 3.0 ühendusega nutikas juhtmevaba andur Mõõdab lenduvate orgaaniliste ühendite sisaldust õhus Lisaks jälgib temperatuuri ja niiskustaset Lihtne paigaldada, magnetiline kinnitus Minimalistlik ja kompaktne disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Умный беспроводной датчик с соединением ZigBee 3.0Измеряет содержание летучих органических соединений в воздухеТакже отслеживает уровень температуры и влажностиЛегко устанавливать, магнитное креплениеМинималистичный и компактный дизайн
Dimensions - 41.6 × 76.0 × 14 mm
Dimensions - depth - 1.4
Dimensions - height - 4.16
Dimensions - width - 7.6
EAN - 6970504214644
Eans - 6970504214644
feature_group_en - Air quality monitors
feature_group_et - Õhukvaliteediandurid
feature_group_lv - Air quality monitors
feature_group_ru - Датчики качества воздуха
Full Description Line - Colour White|Dimensions 41.6 × 76.0 × 14 mm|Unit Net Weight 0.05 kg
Functions - configuration using app
Functions - voice control support - Amazon Alexa
Functions - voice control support - Google Assistant
General parameters - colour - white
General parameters - manufacturer - Aqara
GrossWeight - 0.0820
Height - 0.0610
height - 3
Interfaces - Apple HomeKit
Interfaces - Aqara Home
Interfaces - Google Home
Interfaces - Matter
Length - 0.0900
LongDescription EN - Air Quality Monitoring
The Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor detects volatile organic compounds (VOCs), helping to identify and monitor air pollutants that can affect the quality of your indoor air. Compact Design
The device's compact and portable design makes it ideal for use in homes of any size, offering flexibility in placement and ease of use. Healthy Living Environment
Regular monitoring of air quality helps ensure a healthier living environment, reducing potential health risks associated with air pollutants. Smart Home Integration
The Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor seamlessly integrates with the Aqara smart home ecosystem, providing easy control and automation options.
LongDescription ET - Õhukvaliteedi jälgimine
Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor tuvastab lenduvaid orgaanilisi ühendeid (VOCs), aidates tuvastada ja jälgida õhusaasteaineid, mis võivad mõjutada teie koduse õhu kvaliteeti. Kompaktne disain
Seadme kompaktne ja kaasaskantav disain muudab selle ideaalseks igas suuruses kodudes kasutamiseks, pakkudes paindlikkust paigutamisel ja lihtsust kasutamisel. Tervislik elukeskkond
Regulaarne õhukvaliteedi jälgimine aitab tagada tervislikuma elukeskkonna, vähendades potentsiaalseid terviseriske, mis on seotud õhusaasteainetega. Nutikodu integratsioon
Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor integreerub sujuvalt Aqara nutikodu ökosüsteemiga, pakkudes lihtsat juhtimist ja automatiseerimisvõimalusi.
LongDescription LV - Gaisa kvalitātes monitorings
Aqara viedais gaisa kvalitātes monitors nosaka gaistošos organiskos savienojumus (GOS), palīdzot identificēt un uzraudzīt gaisa piesārņotājus, kas var ietekmēt jūsu iekštelpu gaisa kvalitāti. Kompakts dizains
Ierīces kompaktais un pārnēsājamais dizains padara to ideāli piemērotu lietošanai jebkurā mājā, piedāvājot elastīgu izvietojumu un ērtu lietošanu. Veselīga dzīves vide
Regulāra gaisa kvalitātes kontrole palīdz nodrošināt veselīgāku dzīves vidi, samazinot iespējamos ar gaisa piesārņotājiem saistītos riskus veselībai. Viedās mājas integrācija
Aqara viedais gaisa kvalitātes monitors nemanāmi integrējas ar Aqara viedās mājas ekosistēmu, nodrošinot vienkāršas vadības un automatizācijas iespējas.
manufacturer_code - AAQS-S01
MediumDescription EN - Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor is a compact device that monitors air quality by detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It's an ideal solution for monitoring and improving indoor air quality. Requires the Aqara Smart Home Hub, which is sold separately for use! • Monitors volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
• Compact and portable
• Easy to use and integrate
MediumDescription ET - Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor on kompaktne seade, mis jälgib õhukvaliteeti, tuvastades lenduvaid orgaanilisi ühendeid (VOCs). See on ideaalne lahendus koduse õhu kvaliteedi jälgimiseks ja parandamiseks. Kasutamiseks vajalik Aqara nutikodu jaam, mis on müügil eraldi! • Jälgib lenduvaid orgaanilisi ühendeid (VOCs)
• Kompaktne ja kaasaskantav
• Lihtne kasutada ja integreerida
MediumDescription LV - Aqara Smart Air Quality Monitor ir kompakta ierīce, kas uzrauga gaisa kvalitāti, nosakot gaistošos organiskos savienojumus (GOS). Tas ir ideāls risinājums iekštelpu gaisa kvalitātes uzraudzībai un uzlabošanai. Nepieciešams Aqara Smart Home Hub, kas tiek pārdots atsevišķi! • Uzrauga gaistošos organiskos savienojumus (GOS);
• Kompakts un pārnēsājams;
• Viegli lietojams un integrējams.
Name - Aqara monitor powietrza AAQS-S01
Name EN - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor
Name ET - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor
NameInWeb EN - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor - Smart Air Quality Monitor
NameInWeb ET - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor - Nutikas siseõhu kvaliteedi mõõtja
NameInWeb LV - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor - Viedais gaisa kvalitātes monitors
Name LV - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor
name_en - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor (AAQS-S01)
name_et - Aqara õhukvaliteediandur AAQS-S01
name_lv - Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor (AAQS-S01)
name_ru - Aqara датчик качества воздуха AAQS-S01
NetWeight - 0.0500
Power supply - power supply - battery
Producer - Aqara
ProducerCode - AAQS-S01
ProductCode - AAQS-S01
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - display technology - E-ink
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 6.1 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.082 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 3 cm
ShortDescription -
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Camera Hub G3
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub E1
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M1S Gen 2
Smart home - compatible with - Aqara Hub M2
TariffNo - 85176200
Unit Box Height - 0.061
Unit Box Length - 0.09
Unit Box Width - 0.03
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0001647 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.082 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.05 kg
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Volume - 0.00016470
Warranty - 24 months
Width - 0.0300
width - 2
60.28 €
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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