Reolink B440, 2160p(4K), 8MP, White

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ID: 1088157 Tootekood: Argus Series B440
Laos 37 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat
175.59 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 21.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 21.03.2025
Kõik parameetrid
Atmiņas kartes ligzda : microSD
Ava : Ei ole märgitud
FPS maksimaalse resolutsiooni juures : 15
Kaal (g) : 480
Kaamerate arv komplekti kohta : 1
Kasutamine : Indoor/Outdoor
Kodeerimine : H.264, H.265
Lahutusvõime : 3840x2160
Mikrofon : Ir
SIM-kaardi pesa : Nav
Söötmine : Baterijas, Saules Panelis, Tīkls
Töötemperatuur MAX (°C) : 55
Töötemperatuur MIN (°C) : -10
Vaatamisnurk : 90°
Värv : Balta
Veekindlus : IP64
Võrguühendused : On
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Audio - Audio system - 2-way
Audio - Built-in microphone - Yes
Audio - Built-in speaker(s) - Yes
barcode - 6975253983209
Brand - Reolink
brand - Reolink
BrandPartCode - 6975253983209
Camera - Camera pan control - Yes
Camera - Camera tilt control - Yes
Camera - Grozāma horizontāli - 355°
Camera - Grozāma vertikāli - 140°
Camera - Horizontal swivel - 355°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, diagonal - 110°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, horizontal - 90°
Camera - Lens viewing angle, vertical - 47°
Camera - Megapikseļi - 8 megapikseļi
Camera - Megapixels - 8 megapixels
Camera - Pan range - 0 - 355°
Camera - Sensora izmērs - 1/2.7" type
Camera - Sensora tips - CMOS
Camera - Sensor size - 1/2.7" type
Camera - Sensor type - CMOS
Camera - Tilt angle range - 0 - 140°
Camera - Vertical swivel - 140°
Category - Root/Electronics/Networks and communication/Monitoring/Monitoring IP
Category - Security Cameras
Category 1 - Netzwerk
Category 2 - Netzwerkkameras
category_en - Smart home
category_et - Nutikodu
category_lv - Gudrā māja
category_ru - Смарт дом
Code - BWPT4K04
Connectivity - Bezvadu - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n dual band
Connectivity - Connectivity - WiFi
Connectivity - Wireless - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n dual band
description_en - Wireless Pan & Tilt Standalone Solar/Battery Camera with Spotlights 4K 8MP Ultra HD Person/Vehicle Detection 5/2.4 GHz Dual-Band WiFi Battery/Solar-Powered 360° View in 4K Clarity
Argus Series B440 boasts 4K 8MP (3840x2160) resolution, offering incredibly detailed footage, while its 355° pan and 140° tilt capabilities provide wider coverage. By setting preset points, you can check all the priority monitoring areas with a single click. Two Night Vision Modes
In addition to clear black and white night vision, Argus Series B440 delivers vivid color night vision with its integrated spotlights, ensuring that you won't miss any crucial details even in dark environments. Double Warnings
When the camera detects something suspicious, its spotlights and siren will be automatically triggered to deter the intruders. These features can also be controlled manually via Reolink App/Client. Real-Time Alerts
Featuring advanced detection algorithms, this smart camera can detect the movement of people, vehicles and pets and promptly notifies you through app push notifications or emails. Two-Way Communication
Thanks to the built-in microphone and speaker, you can speak directly to the person in front of the camera. Welcome your visitors or warn uninvited guests anytime, from anywhere. Fast & Stable 5/2.4GHz WiFi
Enjoy smooth, lag-free 4K live streaming thanks to 2.4/5GHz dual-band WiFi for a more stable and blazing-fast network connection. Ecological & Economical Rechargeable Battery. The camera is equipped with a long-lasting built-in rechargeable battery to provide continuous protection, eliminating concerns about battery replacement or frequent recharging. Solar Panel. The 6W Reolink Solar Panel 2 delivers continuous, uninterrupted power for your security needs. By adjusting the panel angle as needed, you can optimize sunlight absorption throughout the day. Secure Storage, No Hub Needed
Argus Series B440 supports secure local storage, no base station needed. Motion events can be securely stored on a microSD card (up to 128 GB) for later playback. Remote Access, Anytime & Anywhere Instant Alerts. Stay informed of everything happening around your home with various real-time alerts, without requiring a subscription. Live View. Watch real-time video feeds from your property, ensuring your loved ones are safe and your belongings are secure. Motion Zones. By customizing the monitoring zones, you can choose which areas you want to receive alerts from and which areas you don't. Smart Playback. Effortlessly review important video clips according to the event type and timeline. Time Lapse: Experience Days in Seconds
With time lapse you can create cool clips that show, for example, the sunset or the construction process in seconds. You can also quickly review what happened over a long period of time. Withstands Rain, Snow and Wind
The robust housing makes the Argus Series B440 camera waterproof and dustproof. It works perfectly both inside and outside your home, even in harsh weather.
description_et - 2,4/5 GHz WiFi turvakaamera 3840 × 2160 videosalvestus Nähtavus pimedas kuni 10 meetrit Nutikas inimese/sõiduki/looma tuvastamine Kahesuunaline kõne Laetav aku või päikeseenergia 355° pööratav ja 140° kallutatav disain IP64 ilmastikukindel disain 360° vaade 4K-selguses
Argus PT Ultra pakub 4K 8 MP (3840 × 2160) lahutusvõimet, mis toob Sinuni uskumatult üksikasjaliku materjali, samal ajal kui selle 355° pöörde- ja 140° kallutusvõimalused tagavad laiema katvuse. Eelseadistatud punktide abil saad ühe klõpsuga kontrollida kõiki esmatähtsaid jälgimisalasid. Kaks öövaatlusrežiimi
Lisaks selgele mustvalgele öönägemisele pakub Argus PT Ultra tänu integreeritud prožektoritele elavat värvilist öönägemist, mis tagab, et Sul ei jää ka pimedas ühtegi olulist detaili märkamata. Kiire ja stabiilne 5/2,4 GHz WiFi
Naudi sujuvat ja viivituseta 4K otsepilti tänu 2,4/5 GHz kahesageduslikule WiFi-ühendusele, mis tagab stabiilsema ja kiirema võrguühenduse. Nutikas tuvastamine ilma lisatasudeta Topelthoiatused. Kui kaamera tuvastab midagi kahtlast, käivituvad automaatselt prožektorid ja sireen, et sissetungijaid eemale peletada. Neid funktsioone saab juhtida ka käsitsi Reolinki rakenduse kaudu. Reaalajas hoiatused. Tänu täiustatud tuvastusalgoritmidele suudab see nutikaamera tuvastada inimeste, sõidukite ja lemmikloomade liikumist ning teavitab Sind kohe rakenduses või e-kirjade kaudu. Kahesuunaline kõne. Tänu sisseehitatud mikrofonile ja kõlarile saad rääkida otse kaamera ees oleva isikuga. Tervita oma külalisi või hoiata kutsumata külalisi igal ajal ja igalt poolt. Kaugjuurdepääs, igal ajal ja igal pool Kohesed hoiatused. Ole kursis kõigega, mis Sinu kodus toimub, mitmesuguste reaalajas teadetega. Otsepilt. Vaata reaalajas videopilti oma majast, tagades, et Sinu lähedased on turvaliselt ja Sinu vara on kaitstud. Liikumistsoonid. Jälgimistsoonide kohandamisega saad valida, millistest aladest soovid teateid saada ja millistest aladest mitte. Nutikas taasesitus. Ilma vaevata videoklippide läbivaatamine vastavalt sündmuse tüübile ja ajakavale. Taaslaetav kauakestev aku
Kaamera on varustatud kauakestva sisseehitatud laetava akuga, kõrvaldades mure aku vahetamise või sagedase laadimise pärast. Päikesepaneel
6W Reolink Solar Panel 2 päikesepaneeli abil saab umbes 10-minutilise laadimisega anda piisavalt energiat igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Reguleerides paneeli nurka vastavalt vajadusele, saad optimeerida päikesevalguse neeldumist kogu päeva jooksul. Suuremahuline sisemine mälukaart, ei vaja välist salvestit
Argus PT Ultra toetab turvalist kohalikku salvestust, välist salvestit ei ole vaja. Liikumisi saab turvaliselt salvestada microSD-kaardile (kuni 128 GB) hilisemaks esitamiseks. Kiirendatud video
Timelapse abil saad luua lahedaid klippe, mis näitavad päikeseloojangut või ehitusprotsessi sekundite jooksul. Samuti saad kiiresti üle vaadata, mis toimus pika aja jooksul. Talub vihma, lund ja tuult
Vastupidav korpus muudab Argus PT Ultra kaamera vee- ja tolmukindlaks. See töötab ideaalselt nii kodus kui ka väljas, isegi raskete ilmastikuolude korral.
description_lv -
description_ru -
description_short_en - High-quality WiFi security camera 3840 × 2160 recording, clear picture day & night Two-way audio, integrated siren & spotlight Smart person, vehicle & pet detection IP64 weatherproof design
description_short_et - Kvaliteetne WiFi turvakaamera 3840 × 2160 salvestus, selge pilt päeval & öösel Kahesuunaline kõne, integreeritud sireen & valgusti Nutikas inimese, sõiduki & looma tuvastamine IP64 ilmastikukindel disain
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Высококачественная камера видеонаблюдения Wi-Fi Запись 3840×2160, четкое изображение днем ​​и ночью Двусторонний вызов, встроенная сирена и свет Умное обнаружение людей, транспортных средств и животных IP64 защищенный от атмосферных воздействий дизайн
Design - Form factor - Dome
Design - International Protection (IP) code - IP64
Design - Mounting type - Ceiling
Design - Product colour - White
Design > Chassis type - Dome
Dimensions & weight - Augstums (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Height (mm) - 122
Dimensions & weight - Platums (mm) - 98
Dimensions & weight - Svars (g) - 481
Dimensions & weight - Weight (g) - 481
Dimensions & weight - Width (mm) - 98
EAN - 6975253983209
Eans - 6975253983209
feature_group_en - Security cameras
feature_group_et - Turvakaamerad
feature_group_lv - Drošības kameras
feature_group_ru - Камеры наблюдения
Functions - Aizsardzība pret apkārtējās vides iedarbību - IP64
Functions - Features - AI human detection
Functions - Features - Animal detection
Functions - Features - Built-in spotlight
Functions - Features - Configurable detection area
Functions - Features - External antenna
Functions - Features - Integrated light sensor
Functions - Features - Motion detection
Functions - Features - Night vision
Functions - Features - Remote control
Functions - Features - Rotatable design
Functions - Features - Two-way talk
Functions - Features - Vehicle detection
Functions - Features - Voice control
Functions - Night vision range - Up to 10 m
Functions - Voice assistant - Amazon Alexa
Functions - Voice assistant - Google Assistant
Functions - Weather sealing - IP64
General - Color - White
General - Darba temperatūra - -10 – 55 °C
General - Krāsa - Balta
General - Operating temperature - -10 – 55 °C
GTIN - 6975253983209
Image sensor - Number of sensors - 1
Image sensor - Optical sensor size - 25.4 / 2.8 mm (1 / 2.8")
Image sensor - Sensor type - CMOS
Kaamera - Liikumine horisontaalselt - 355°
Kaamera - Liikumine vertikaalselt - 140°
Kaamera - Megapiksleid - 8 megapikslit
Kaamera - Sensori suurus - 1/2,7" tüüpi
Kaamera - Sensori tüüp - CMOS
Lens system - Number of lenses - 1
Lens system > Lens type - 4mm
LongDesc - This battery-powered wire-free security camera gives you strong protection for your property. Boasting 4K high-resolution and pan-tilt capabilities, you can enjoy a 360° all-around view in stunning clarity. 5/2.4GHz WiFi allows for a more stable network with fewer interruptions. Relying on the person/vehicle/animal detection, you can distinguish between different events and avoid false alarms.360° Complete CoverageExperience a comprehensive 360° view around your home and effortlessly monitor every corner of your space, ensuring nothing escapes your watchful eye.More stable and faster WiFi connectionEnjoy the reliability of 2.4/5GHz dual-band Wi-Fi for uninterrupted surveillance and smooth live viewing anytime, anywhere.Unleash 4K 8MP Visual BrillianceDive into 4K 8MP unparalleled clarity and experience breathtakingly vivid footage without missing a single detail.Illuminate the Night in Vivid ColorExperience enhanced nighttime with vibrant colors and rich details, even in low-light conditionsSmart Detection Tailored to Your NeedsExperience customized security with Person/Vehicle/Motion Detection feature, offering precise alerts and notifications tailored to your specific security requirements.Talk Anytime, from AnywhereEngage in seamless communication with our two-way audio feature, allowing you to listen and talk to people in front of your camera in real-time from anywhere.Double Warning for the UnwelcomeEnhance your security with double warning method. With siren and spotlights both activated, this camera can deter intruders and other threats effectively.Versatile Storage OptionsBenefit from flexible storage solutions with support for up to 128GB SD cards along with convenient cloud storage, securing your recordings based on your needs.Stay Connected via Your Phone/PCKnow what's happening on your property anytime, anywhere via your Reolink App and Client, whether you're at home or on the go. No monthly fees.Control Your Cameras, Hands-FreeWith Google Voice Control, you can effortlessly access your camera using simple voice commands, making monitoring your home a breeze.
LongProductName - 1/2.7" CMOS, 8 MPix, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, 2.4GHz/5GHz, 6000 mAh, Φ98 x 122mm, 481g
LongSummaryDescription - Reolink Argus Series B440 - 4K Outdoor Battery Camera, Pan & Tilt, Person/Vehicle/Animal Detection, Color Night Vision. Type: IP security camera, Placement supported: Indoor & outdoor, Connectivity technology: Wireless. Mounting type: Ceiling, Product colour: White, Form factor: Dome. Lens viewing angle, horizontal: 90°, Lens viewing angle, vertical: 47°, Lens viewing angle, diagonal: 110°. Sensor type: CMOS, Optical sensor size: 25.4 / 2.8 mm (1 / 2.8"). Night vision distance: 10 m, LED type: IR, Infra-red wavelength: 850 nm
Management features - Reset button - Yes
Manufacturer - Reolink
manufacturer_code - BWPT4K04
Memory > Memory slots - Micro SD, Max.128GB
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Mälukaart
Mälu - Salvestusmeedium - Võrgumälu
Mälu - Sobivad mälukaardid - microSD (kuni 128 GB)
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kaal (g) - 481
Mõõtmed & kaal - Kõrgus (mm) - 122
Mõõtmed & kaal - Laius (mm) - 98
Name - Reolink Argus Series B440
Name - Reolink BWPT4K04
Name - Reolink | Smart 4K Pan and Tilt Camera with Spotlights | Argus Series B440 | Dome | 8 MP | 4mm | H.265 | Micro SD, Max.128GB
name_en - Reolink security camera Argus PT Ultra B440 8MP Pan-Tilt
name_et - Reolink turvakaamera Argus PT Ultra B440 8MP Pan-Tilt
name_lv - Reolink security camera Argus PT Ultra B440 8MP Pan-Tilt
name_ru - Reolink камера наблюдения Argus PT Ultra B440 8MP Pan-Tilt
Network - Bluetooth - No
Network - Ethernet LAN - No
Network - Networking standards - IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n
Network - Wi-Fi - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Night vision - Infra-red wavelength - 850 nm
Night vision - LED type - IR
Night vision - Night vision - Yes
Night vision - Night vision distance - 10 m
Night vision - Number of illumination LEDs - 2
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - -10 - 55 °C
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 220.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 125.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 159.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 395 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 190.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.20 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.05 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Battery
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:5:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - USB
Packaging content - Mounting kit - Yes
Packaging content - Number of cameras - 1
Packaging content - Screws included - Yes
Packaging data - Package depth - 217 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 134 mm
Packaging data - Package weight - 940 g
Packaging data - Package width - 162 mm
Performance - Connectivity technology - Wireless
Performance - Day/night mode - Yes
Performance - Placement supported - Indoor & outdoor
Performance - Preset points - Yes
Performance - Type - IP security camera
Performance > Video compression formats - H.265
Picture quality > Camera type - Indoor/Outdoor
Ports & interfaces - USB port - Yes
Power - Battery capacity - 6000 mAh
Power - Enerģijas avots - Saules panelis
Power - Enerģijas avots - Uzlādējams akumulators
Power - Power source - Rechargeable battery
Power - Power source - Solar panel
Power - Power source type - Battery, Solar
Producer - Reolink
ProducerCode - Argus Series B440
ProductName - Reolink Argus Series B440 - 4K Outdoor Battery Camera, Pan & Tilt, Person/Vehicle/Animal Detection, Color Night Vision
Security - Intelligent Video Surveillance (IVS) system features - Human detection, Vehicle detection
Security - Motion sensor - Yes
Security - Motion sensor technology - Passive infrared (PIR) sensor
Security - Security algorithms - WPA, WPA2
ShortDescription -
ShortSummaryDescription - Reolink Argus Series B440 - 4K Outdoor Battery Camera, Pan & Tilt, Person/Vehicle/Animal Detection, Color Night Vision, IP security camera, Indoor & outdoor, Wireless, Ceiling, White, Dome
Storage - Built-in HDD - No
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Compatible memory cards - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - Atmiņas karte
Storage - Ieraksta nesēji - NAS
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 128 GB
Storage - Recording media - Memory Card
Storage - Recording media - NAS
Storage - Saderīgas atmiņas kartes - microSD (up to 128 GB)
System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Yes
System requirements - Mobile operating systems supported - Android, iOS
System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Yes
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.13 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.93 kg
Technical details > Producer - Reolink
Technical details > Producer product family - Smart 4K Pan and Tilt Camera with Spotlights
Technical details > Producer product name - Argus Series B440
Title - Reolink Argus Series B440 - 4K Outdoor Battery Camera, Pan & Tilt, Person/Vehicle/Animal Detection, Color Night Vision
Toide - Vooluallikas - Laetav aku
Toide - Vooluallikas - Päikesepaneel
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Hääljuhtimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Inimese tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Integreeritud valgussensor
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kahesuunaline kõne
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kaugjuhtimine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Kohandatav tuvastusala
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Liikumisandur
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Looma tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Pööratav disain
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sisseehitatud valgusti
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Sõiduki tuvastamine
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Väline antenn
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Funktsioonid - Öörežiim
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Amazon Alexa
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Häälabiline - Google Assistant
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Ilmastikukindlus - IP64
Turvakaamera funktsioonid - Nähtavus pimedas - Kuni 10 m
Video & audio - Audio - Iebūvēti skaļruņi
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated microphone
Video & audio - Audio - Integrated speaker
Video & audio - Video compression - H.265
Video & audio - Video ierakstīšana - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & audio - Video recording - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud kõlar
Video & heli - Heli - Integreeritud mikrofon
Video & heli - Videosalvestus - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Video & heli - Videotihenduse standard - H.265
Video - Frame rate - 15 fps
Video - Maximum resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Video - Total megapixels - 8 MP
Video - Video compression formats - H.265
Video > Maximum video resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Video > Megapixel - 8 MP
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
WarrantyInfo - 2 Years
Weight - 0.978
Weight & dimensions - Diameter - 9.8 cm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 122 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 481 g
Ühenduvus - Juhtmevaba võrk - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n dual band
Ühenduvus - Ühendused - WiFi
Üldine - Töötemperatuur - -10 – 55 °C
Üldine - Värvus - Valge
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенные стереодинамики
Видео & звук - Аудио - Встроенный микрофон
Видео & звук - Запись видео - 4K UHD 3840 × 2160
Видео & звук - Стандарт сжатия видео - H.265
Камера - Вертикальный поворот - 140°
Камера - Горизонтальный поворот - 355°
Камера - Мегапиксели - 8 мегапикселей
Камера - Размер матрицы - 1/2.7" тип
Камера - Тип сенсора - CMOS
Общее - Рабочая температура - -10 – 55 °C
Общее - Цвет - Белый
Память - Носитель памяти - Карта памяти
Память - Носитель памяти - Сетевая память
Память - Подходящие карты памяти - microSD (up to 128 GB)
Питание - Питание - Перезаряжаемый аккумулятор
Питание - Питание - Солнечная панель
Размеры & вес - Вес (г) - 481
Размеры & вес - Высота (мм) - 122
Размеры & вес - Ширина (мм) - 98
Соединение - Беспроводная сеть - WiFi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n dual band
Соединение - Соединения - WiFi
Функции камеры безопасности - Видимость в темноте - До 10 м
Функции камеры безопасности - Голосовой помощник - Amazon Alexa
Функции камеры безопасности - Голосовой помощник - Google Assistant
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Rotatable design
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Внешняя антенна
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Встроенный свет
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Встроенный световой сенсор
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Голосовое управление
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Датчик движение
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Двухнаправленный звонок
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Дистанционное управление
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Назначение отслеживаемой зоны
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Ночное
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение автомобиля
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение животного
Функции камеры безопасности - Особенности - Обнаружение человека
Функции камеры безопасности - Погодная устойчивость - IP64
175.59 €
Reolink B440, 2160p(4K), 8MP, White
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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