Asus GeForce RTX 4090, 24GB GDDR6X, ROG Strix OC (DLSS 3)

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+ Star Wars Outlaws mäng kingitusena
ID: 911352 Tootekood: ROG-STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
Ametis 2 üksused
Garantii: 3 aastat
2,398.99 €
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • GPU mudel: GeForce RTX 4090
  • Mootori Kiirus (GPU speed): 2610 MHz
  • Pistikupesad: 1x 16-pin
  • Operatiivmälu: 24 GB
  • Mälutehnoloogia: GDDR6X
  • Jahutus: High-End Cooler
Pakume osta graafikakaarti Asus GeForce RTX 4090 koos 24 GB GDDR6X RAM-iga.

TheGeForceRTX 4090 videokaart on kõige võimsam mudel 2022 NVIDIA Ada arhitektuuri, mis pööras uue lehekülje PC Gaming kategoorias. Tänu uutele SM, RT ja Tensor tuumadele pakub see graafikakaart kuni kaks korda suuremat jõudlust ja energiatõhusust kui parimad GeForce RTX 30 seeria mudelid.

Asus GeForce RTX 4090 on varustatud 24 GB GDDR6X RAM-iga ja töötab 2610 MHz taktsagedusel. Videokaart sobib eriti neile, kes naudivad mänge 4K UHD resolutsioonis, sest RTX 4090 on 71% kiirem kui Radeon RX 6950 XT ja 59% kiirem kui GeForce RTX 3090 Ti, mis oli kuni selle videokaardi ilmumiseni jõudluse kuningas.

GeForce RTX 4090 4K UHD performance

Ada Lovelace'i arhitektuur tõestab end ka väljaspool PC-mängude mängimist. Näiteks Blenderi renderdamistarkvaras edestab RTX 4090 RTX 3090 Ti'd 90% võrra ning sarnane pilt on näha ka V-Ray, OctaneRender ja Redshift'i puhul.

GeForce RTX 4090 Blender performance

Kui sa mitte ainult ei mängi uusimaid PC-mänge, vaid tegeled aktiivselt mänguarendusega, siis saad Unreal Engine'i kasutamisel vähemalt 75% FPS-i tõusu, kui asendad oma praeguse graafikakaardi GeForce RTX 4090-ga!

GeForce RTX 4090 Unreal Engine performance

Selleks, et tagada ühilduvus sinu süsteemiga, peab sinu PC-korpus toetama vähemalt 358mm pikkust videokaarti ning toiteallikas peab olema 1000 W või rohkem. Sama oluline on, et teie arvuti protsessor oleks võimas. Saate selle Asus GeForce RTX 4090 videokaardi täieliku jõudluspotentsiaali ainult siis, kui kasutate Inteli 13. põlvkonna või uuemat Core i7 ja Core i9 protsessorit või AMD Ryzen 7000 seeria või uuemat Ryzen 7/Ryzen 9 protsessorit.

Virtuaalne reaalsus

GeForce embleem näitab, et see graafikakaart on piisavalt võimas, et ühilduda uusimate VR (Virtual Reality) seadmetega nagu Oculus Rift, HTC Vive (SteamVR) jne.

GeForce RTX 40 Series
GPU näpunäited GeForce
GPU, ehk videokaardi mootor. See parameeter määrab ära, kas videokaart on ATI Radeon, Nvidia GeForce või Quadro mudeli videokaart.
GPU-seeria : Asus ROG
GPU mudel GeForce RTX 4090

See on peamine graafikakaardi jõudluse näitaja, see näitab ära, milline on selle kaardi mudel. Ühe mudeli kaardid on väga lähedase jõudlusega ja tavaliselt oluliselt erinevad teise mudeli kaartidest.

Peamine erinevus on tootjas. NVidia toodab GeForce seeria kaarte ja AMD toodab Radeon seeria kaarte. Mõlemal neil seeriatel on oluline erinevus, GeForce kaartidel on edukamad (stabiilsemad) draiverid, mis parandavad kaartide sobivust mängude mängimiseks ja tarkvaraga, vähendades kujutises defektide (artefaktide) ja "rippumise" juhud kuni miinimumini. Radeon kaardid tavaliselt on odavamad ja tarbivad vähem energiat (on tehnoloogiliselt paremad), see-eest draiverite ja mängude toega võivad olla probleemid.

Radeon või GeForce seeriate valik on maitseasi, sarnaselt sellele, nagu AMD või Intel protsessori valik, ja mitte alati pole 100% ratsionaalselt põhjendatav, seetõttu soovitame oma valikukriteeriumites lihtsalt juhinduda mängudest, mida soovite mängida lähemal ajal, ning vaadata YouTube (graafikakaardi mudel + mängu nimetus) mingi videot, kus on täpselt näidatud, kuidas vastav kaart suudab toime tulla vastava mänguga. Tulemus on silmaga nähtav ja tavaliselt väga lähedane sellele, mis te saate, soetades konkreetse või sarnase mudeli kaardi.

Selleks, et kergendada oma ostjate jaoks valiku tegemist, on nende graafikakaartide (mudelite) juures, mis on parimaks valikuvariandiks kõigi uuemate mängude mängimiseks korraliku kvaliteediga hea hinna eest, märgistanud rohelise märgistusega "soovitatav".

Mootori Kiirus (GPU speed) 2610 MHz
GPU speed, ehk graafikamootori kiirus (MHz) näitab, millise taktisagedusega töötab videokaardi tähtsaim komponent - videoprotsessor. Mida suurem mootori kiirus, seda võimsam on videokaart. Videokaardi jõudluse määrab lisaks ära mälu suurus, tüüp, biti ja mootori mudel, seetõttu, soetades videokaardi võimsa mootoriga veenduge ülejäänud komponentide võimsuse vastavuses.
Ventilaatorite arv : 3
Pikkus (mm) : 358
Voogprotsessorid / CUDA tuumad : 16384
PCI-E versioon : 4.0 x16
Energiatarve (TDP) : 450 W
Minimaalne väljundvõimsus : 1000 W
Pistikupesad : 1x 16-pin
Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
Operatiivmälu 24 GB

Videokaardi operatiivmälu maht. Tähtis parameeter juhul, kui soovite mängida suurt eristusvõimet nõudvaid mänge või töötada kõrge eristusvõimega monitoriga. Suurem mälu maht tähendab paremat jõudlust ja suurema eristusvõime toetust.

Praegusel hetkel on optimaalne videomälu maht 1 GB.

Mälutehnoloogia GDDR6X
Videokaardi operatiivmälu tüüp määrab määrab ära videokaardi töökiiruse. Praegu kättesaadavad videokaardid komplekteeritakse DDRII, GDDRIII, või GDDR4 mäluga. GDDR4 mälu on kiireim mälu tüüp.
Mälutüüp : 21000 MHz
Bitti 384 bit

Video kaardi operatiivmälu bitid määravad ära, millise informatsiooni hulgaga suudab ühe taktisageduse tsükli vältel töötada videokaardi mälu. Suurem bittide arv osutab suuremale videokaardi suutlikkusele.

Jahutus High-End Cooler
Kasutusel on kaks kaks jahutamise moodust, radiaator ja ventilaator. Radiaatoriga jahutus teostatakse ilma liikuvate osadeta (ventilaatorita), seetõttu videokaart ei tekita müra. Ventilaatoriga jahutus on tõhusam, see-eest tekitab videokaart teataval tasemel müra arvuti töötamise ajal.
Valgustus : RGB
NVIDIA SLI (NVLink) tugi : Ei ole
VR (Virtual Reality) Ready : On
Madala profiili toetus : Alates
Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühenduskoht HDMI 2

HDMI on digitaalne kujutise ja heli ülekandmise standard, mis võimaldab arvutiga ühendada televiisori, monitori või projektori, mis toetavad HDMI, kasutades HDMI kaablit.

Ühenduskoht DisplayPort 3

DisplayPort on digitaalne liides kujutise ja heli ülekandmiseks ühe juhtme kaudu kõrge kvaliteediga. Erinevalt HDMI liidesest, see võimaldab ühendada arvutiga suuremat osa väliseid monitore, kasutades ühte liidest.

DVI-D port : 0
DVI-I port : 0
Ühenduskoht D-Sub 0

D-SUB on klassikaline (analoog) monitoride, projektorite ja muude väliste videoseadmete ühendamise pistik. See standard vähehaaval on turult kadumas, andes ruumi palju kvaliteetsematele HDMI või DisplayPort (digitaalsetele) pistikutele.

Maksimaalne ekraanide arv : 4
Star Wars Outlaws mäng kingitusena
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included -
Brand - ASUS
BrandPartCode - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Card's length - > 280 mm
Category - Graphics Cards
category - PC Components|Graphics Cards|NVIDIA|GeForce RTX 4090
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Graphic cards
Category 1 - Grafikkarten
Category 2 - NVidia PCI-Express Grafikkarten
Category Code - VGP
Category_1 - Graphics Cards
Category_2 - Graphics Cards PCIe - Nvidia
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > AMD graphics cards
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > AMD grafiskās kartes
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > AMD grafiskās kartes
Chipset - GeForce RTX 4090
Chipset - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
Chipset manufacturer - NVIDIA
code - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Code - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Cooling - Active
Core frequency - 2640 MHz
CUDA Core - 16384
CUDA Cores - 16384
Description - ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X - improved design with record-breaking cooling performance. NVIDIA Ada Lovelace streaming multiprocessors: up to 2x the performance and power efficiency Fourth-generation Tensor cores: up to 2x faster performance for AI applications 3rd generation RT cores: up to 2x faster ray tracing performance Axial-tech fans enlarged to increase airflow by 23% New patented vapour chamber with milled heat spreader for lower GPU temperatures 3.5-slot design: huge set of fins optimised for the airflow provided by the three Axial-tech fans Die-cast shield, subframe and backplate increase structural rigidity and are ventilated to further maximise airflow and heat dissipation efficiency Digital power control with high-current power stages and 15,000 hr capacitors for maximum possible performance Auto-Extreme technology to automate precision manufacturing processes for greater hardware reliability  GPU Tweak III software enables intuitive performance tuning, thermal value control and system monitoring functions Improved Axial-tech fans - A fresh spin Bigger and better. Axial-tech fans spin on double ball bearings and have been enlarged, allowing 23% more air to pass through the graphics card. This reduces operating temperatures and noise emissions while increasing GPU performance. Reverse rotation and 0dB technology - Well-managed cooling The two side fans rotate counterclockwise to minimise turbulence and maximise airflow through the heatsink. All three fans completely stop when the GPU temperature drops below 50 degrees Celsius. This makes it possible to play less demanding games or work on non-stressful system tasks in relative silence. The fans restart when the temperature rises above 55 degrees Celsius. This is regulated according to the fan speed curve and the user enjoys a balance between performance and noise level when working or playing. 3.5-slot design - Solid construction and multiple fins The heatsink with a customised design is large in size to effectively absorb heat from the GeForce RTX 4090 GPU, which is then effectively dissipated by three Axial-tech fans. Patented vapour chamber - Phase change solution The vapour chamber with milled paths allows the heatpipes to be lowered without compressing them flat, enabling more efficient heat transfer to the fin set. Compared to conventional solutions with a combination of vapour chamber and heatpipes, this efficient set-up reduces GPU temperatures by up to 5 degrees Celsius at a thermal load of 500 W. High-performance power supply - First response system Digital power control, a set of high-current power stages and a line of capacitors with a life span of 15,000 hours provide huge power reserves, so you enjoy stability when overclocking performance. Compact PCB - Robust design Component layout and pathways have been optimised on a short PCB, resulting in less power loss and allowing heat to escape through the large rear panel vent. Metal exoskeleton - Exceptional structural rigidity High-quality, cast-formed subframe, shield and backplate firmly stiffen the PCB and strategically control airflow. FanConnect II - Connect additional fans The two PWM FanConnect slots provide additional flexibility for personalised configurations. You can connect the case fans directly to the graphics card and tune their speed curve based on CPU and graphics card temperatures, providing additional intake or exhaust airflow for demanding 3D tasks. Reinforcements - Additional benefits The graphics card bracket provides additional stability to the critical connection between the PCB and the heat spreader. The rear I/O panel cover is made of stainless steel to prevent corrosion in humid climates and to allow better attachment of the card. Placed in a practical location, the Dual Bios switch allows quick selection of Performance and "Quiet" profiles, which regulate the speed of the Axial-tech fans. Power detection - Quick diagnosis Check if the power supply unit is worthy of your GPU. ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090 graphics cards are equipped with a quick-diagnosis circuit that constantly monitors the power input from the power unit and uses virtually positioned LEDs to indicate problems with voltage regulation or cable connections.
Description - ROG Strix GeForce RTX™ 4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X - ROG Strix GeForce RTX® 4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X with DLSS 3 and chart-topping thermal performance - NVIDIA Ada Lovelace Streaming Multiprocessors: Up to 2x performance and power efficiency - 4th Generation Tensor Cores: Up to 4x performance with DLSS 3 vs. brute-force rendering - 3rd Generation RT Cores: Up to 2X ray tracing performance - OC mode: Boost clock 2640 MHz (OC mode)/ 2610 MHz (Gaming mode) - Axial-tech fans scaled up for 23% more airflow - New patented vapor chamber with milled heatspreader for lower GPU temps - 3.5-slot design: massive fin array optimized for airflow from the three Axial-tech fans - Diecast shroud, frame, and backplate add rigidity and are vented to further maximize airflow and heat dissipation - Digital power control with high-current power stages and 15K capacitors to fuel maximum performance - Auto-Extreme precision automated manufacturing for higher reliability - GPU Tweak III software provides intuitive performance tweaking, thermal controls, and system monitoring
description_en - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
GPU: GeForce RTX 4090
Discrete graphics adapter memory: 24 GB
Graphics adapter memory type: GDDR6X
Memory bus: 384 bit
Maximum resolution: 7680 x 4320 pixels
DirectX Version: 12 Ultimate
OpenGL version: 4.6
Interface type: PCI Express 4.0
Cooling type: Active
Number of fans: 3 fan(s)
Lighting Color: Blue
description_lv - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
GPU: GeForce RTX 4090
Diskrētā grafikas adaptera atmiņa: 24 GB
Grafikas adaptera atmiņas tips: GDDR6X
Atmiņas kopne: 384 biti
Maksimālā izšķirtspēja: 7680 x 4320 pikseļi
DirectX versija: 12 Ultimate
OpenGL versija: 4.6
Interfeisa tips: PCI Express 4.0
Dzesēšanas veids: Aktīvs
Ventilatoru skaits: 3 ventilatori
Apgaismojuma krāsa: zila
description_ru - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
Семейство графических процессоров: NVIDIA
Графический процессор: GeForce RTX 4090
Объём памяти дискретного графического адаптера: 24 GB
Тип памяти графического адаптера: GDDR6X
Шина памяти: 384 бит
Максимальное разрешение: 7680 x 4320 пикселей
Версия DirectX: 12 Ultimate
Версия OpenGL: 4.6
Тип интерфейса: PCI Express 4.0
Тип охлаждения: Aктивный
Количество вентиляторов: 3 вентилятор(ы)
Цвет освещения: Синий
Design - Cooling type - Active
Design - Form factor - Full-Height/Full-Length (FH/FL)
Design - Illumination - Yes
Design - Illumination colour - Blue
Design - Illumination colour - Blue, Green, Red
Design - Illumination colour - Green
Design - Illumination colour - Red
Design - Number of fans - 3 fan(s)
Design - Number of slots - 3.5
Design - Product colour - Black
dimensionalWeight - 2551
dimension depth - 130 mm
dimension height - 230 mm
Dimensions - 357.6 x 149.3 x 70.1mm
dimension weight - 4048 g
dimension width - 425 mm
DisplayPort Input/Output connectors - 3
EAN - 4711081936879
ean - 4711081936879
Eans - 4711081936879
EAN_code - 4711081936879
Full Description Line - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090|Graphics memory size 24 GB|GDDR6X|PCIE 4.0 16x|Memory CLK 21 Gbps|GPU boost clock 2610 MHz|7680x4320|2xHDMI|3xDisplayPort|Included Accessories 1 x Collection Card​1 x Speedsetup Manual​1 x Adapter Cable​1 x ROG Graphics Card Holder1 x ROG Velcro Hook & Loop1 x Thank you Card
GPU boost clock - 2610 MHz
Graphic card features - Gaming/HDCP/Overclock Edition
Graphics card connector - PCI-E ver. 4.0
Graphics connector - PCIE 4.0 16x
Graphics memory size - 24 GB
Graphics memory type - GDDR6X
Gross Weight Kg - 3,6
gross_weight - 3 kg
GTIN - 4711081936879
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - normal
HDMI Input/Output connectors - 2
Included Accessories -
1 x Collection Card​
1 x Speedsetup Manual​
1 x Adapter Cable​
1 x ROG Graphics Card Holder
1 x ROG Velcro Hook & Loop
1 x Thank you Card
Link -
LongDesc - WITH THE INCREDIBLE SUM OF ITS PARTSThe ROG Strix GeForce RTX® 4090 brings a whole new meaning to going with the flow.Inside and out, every element of the card gives the monstrous GPU headroom to breathe freely and achieve ultimate performance.The unleashed reign of the NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture is here.
LongProductName - ROG Strix GeForce RTX® 4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X buffed-up design with chart-topping thermal performance
LongSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING. Graphics processor family: NVIDIA, Graphics processor: GeForce RTX 4090. Discrete graphics card memory: 24 GB, Graphics card memory type: GDDR6X, Memory bus: 384 bit. Maximum resolution: 7680 x 4320 pixels. DirectX version: 12 Ultimate, OpenGL version: 4.6. Interface type: PCI Express 4.0. Cooling type: Active, Number of fans: 3 fan(s), Illumination colour: Blue, Green, Red
Manufacturer - Asus
Manufacturer - ASUS
Manufacturer Code - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Manufacturer Name - Asustek
Manufacturer_code - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Max resolution - 7680x4320
Memory - Discrete graphics card memory - 24 GB
Memory - Graphics card memory type - GDDR6X
Memory - Memory bus - 384 bit
Memory > Discrete graphics adapter memory - 24 GB
Memory > Graphics adapter memory type - GDDR6X
Memory > Memory clock speed - 2610 MHz
Memory bus - 384-bit
Memory CLK - 21 Gbps
Memory frequency - 21 Gbps
Memory type - DDR6X
Model - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090
Model - ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X
MPN - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
Name - ASUS GeForce RTX 4090 ROG STRIX GAMING OC, graphics card (DLSS 3, 3x DisplayPort, 2x HDMI 2.1)
Name - ASUS GeForce RTX 4090 ROG STRIX Gaming OC 24GB DLSS 3
name - ASUS GeForce RTX 4090 ROG Strix O24G, 24576 MB GDDR6X
Name - Asus | ROG STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING | NVIDIA | 24 GB | GeForce RTX 4090 | GDDR6X | HDMI ports quantity 2 | PCI Express 4.0 | Memory clock speed 2610 MHz
name - Graphics card GeForce RTX 4090 ROG STRIX OC 24GB GDDR6X 384bit 3DP
Other features -
Other information -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 278.00 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 725 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 70.00 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 310 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 275.00 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 465 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 16 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 323 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 250.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 50.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.30 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 1.777 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.01 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - DC
Packaging data - Cables included - DC
Packaging data - Package depth - 226 mm
Packaging data - Package height - 126 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 3.65 kg
Packaging data - Package width - 420 mm
Performance - DirectX version - 1‎2 Ultimate
Performance - DirectX version - 12 Ultimate
Performance - Dual Link DVI - No
Performance - HDCP - Yes
Performance - NVIDIA DLSS 3 - Y
Performance - NVIDIA G-SYNC - Yes
Performance - OpenGL version - 4.6
Performance - TV tuner integrated - No
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPorts quantity - 3
Ports & interfaces - DisplayPort version - 1.4a
Ports & interfaces - HDMI ports quantity - 2
Ports & interfaces - HDMI version - 2.1a
Ports & interfaces - Interface type - PCI Express 4.0
Ports & interfaces > DisplayPorts quantity - 3
Ports & interfaces > HDMI ports quantity - 2
Ports & interfaces > Interface type - PCI Express 4.0
Power - Minimum system power supply - 1000 W
Power - Supplementary power connectors - 1x 16-pin
Power connectors - 16 pin
Processor - Graphics processor - GeForce RTX 4090
Processor - Graphics processor family - NVIDIA
Processor - Maximum displays per videocard - 4
Processor - Maximum resolution - 7680 x 4320 pixels
Processor - Parallel processing technology support - Not supported
Processor > Graphics processor - GeForce RTX 4090
Processor > Graphics processor family - NVIDIA
producer - Asus
Producer - ASUS
Producer - Asus
producerCode - 90YV0ID0-M0NA00
ProducerCode - ROG-STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
Producer product name - ROG STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
productName - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 24 GB GDDR6X DLSS 3
ProductName - ROG-STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
productSize - Normal
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 42 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 13 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 3.746 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 23 cm
Short description - ASUS VGA 24GB RTX4090 ROG-STRIX-O24G-GAMING 3xDP/2xHDMI ROG Strix GeForce RTX4090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6
ShortDescription - Chipset NVIDIA RTX 4090 | 24GB
ShortSummaryDescription - ASUS ROG -STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING, GeForce RTX 4090, 24 GB, GDDR6X, 384 bit, 7680 x 4320 pixels, PCI Express 4.0
sizeX - 430
sizeY - 230
sizeZ - 129
Supported standards - OpenGL 4.6
Technical details > Gross weight - 1.47 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 1.17 kg
Technical details > Producer - Asus
title_en - Asus NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Video Card 24GB
title_lv - Asus NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Videokarte 24GB
title_ru - Asus NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Видеокартa 24GB
Unit Box Height - 0.13
Unit Box Length - 0.42
Unit Box Width - 0.23
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.01256 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 3.75 kg
Unit Net Weight - 3 kg
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - ROG-STRIX-RTX4090-O24G-GAMING
Version - Box
Video ports - 2 x HDMI
Video ports - 3 x DisplayPort
VRAM memory size - 24 GB
Warranty - 36
Warranty - 36 month(s)
Warranty - 36 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 36
warrantyType - G
weight - 2.5 kg
Weight - 3.7
Weight - 4,06
weight - 3746
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 149.3 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 70.1 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 2.5 kg
Weight & dimensions - Width - 357.6 mm
2,398.99 €
Asus GeForce RTX 4090, 24GB GDDR6X, ROG Strix OC (DLSS 3)
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