Apple iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe - Black

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ID: 999735 Tootekood: MT393ZM/A
Laos 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
74.83 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 04.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 04.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 04.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Värv: Must
Tootja : Apple
Värv : Must
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included -
Andmed - Koti tüüp - Kaitseümbris
Andmed - Muud omadused - Magnetiline kinnitus
Andmed - Muud omadused - MagSafe ühilduvus
Andmed - Sobivad seadmed - Apple iPhone 15
barcode - 194253945390
brand - Apple
BrandCode - APPLE
Category - Root/Accessories | Exploitation/GSM accessories/Case
category_en - Cellphone accessories
category_en - GSM Accessories > Cases > For Mobile Phones
category_et - Telefonide tarvikud
category_lv - GSM aksesuāri > Maciņi > Telefonu maciņi
category_lv - Mobilo telefonu piederumi
category_ru - GSM aksesuāri > Maciņi > Telefonu maciņi
category_ru - Аксессуары для телефона
Color - Black
Compatible with - iPhone 15
Description - Designed by Apple to complement iPhone 15, the FineWoven Case with MagSafe is a delightful way to give your iPhone extra protection while adding style. Made from durable micro-twill, the material has a soft, suede-like feel. The FineWoven material was also designed with the earth in mind its made from 68 per cent post-consumer recycled content and significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to leather. The case quickly snaps into place and fits snugly over your iPhone without adding bulk. With built-in magnets that align perfectly with iPhone 15, this case offers a magical attach experience and faster wireless charging, every time. When its time to charge, just leave the case on your iPhone and snap on your MagSafe charger, or set it on your Qi-certified charger. Like every Apple-designed case, it undergoes thousands of hours of testing throughout the design and manufacturing process. So not only does it look great, its built to protect your iPhone from scratches and drops. This high-quality case is made to be durable and protect your iPhone. The FineWoven material may show wear over time as the fibres get compressed with normal use. Some scratches may diminish over time. Interaction with MagSafe accessories will leave slight imprints.
description_en - Designed by Apple to complement iPhone 15, the FineWoven Case with MagSafe is a delightful way to give your iPhone extra protection while adding style. Made from durable microtwill, the material has a soft, suedelike feel. The FineWoven material was also designed with the earth in mind — it's made from 68 percent post-consumer recycled content and significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to leather. The case quickly snaps into place and fits snugly over your iPhone without adding bulk. With built-in magnets that align perfectly with iPhone 15, this case offers a magical attach experience and faster wireless charging, every time. When it’s time to charge, just leave the case on your iPhone and snap on your MagSafe charger, or set it on your Qi-certified charger.
description_en - Thin, light, and easy to grip — this Apple-designed case shows off the brilliant colored finish of iPhone 15 while providing extra protection. Crafted with a blend of optically clear polycarbonate and flexible materials, the case fits right over the buttons for easy use. On the surface, a scratch-resistant coating has been applied to both the interior and exterior. And all materials and coatings are optimized to prevent yellowing over time. With built-in magnets that align perfectly with iPhone 15, this case offers a magical attach experience and faster wireless charging, every time. When it’s time to charge, just leave the case on your iPhone and snap on your MagSafe charger, or set it on your Qi-certified charger. Protects your phone from bumps and scratches Full access to all connections and functions Made of durable materials Perfect for iPhone 15
description_et - Minimalistlik ümbris istub Apple iPhone 15 telefonile justkui valatult ning kaitseb seda olulisi ühendusi, nuppe ja funktsioone katmata. Kaitseümbrisel on sisseehitatud MagSafe magnetid, mis võimaldavad kasutada Qi või MagSafe juhtmevaba laadimist ilma ümbrist eemaldamata. Kaitseb Sinu nutitelefoni kriimude ja mustuse eest Säilitab ligipääsu olulistele ühendustele Sobib iPhone 15 nutitelefonile
description_lv -
description_lv - Apple izstrādātais iPhone 15 FineWoven apvalks, ar MagSafe, ir apburošs veids, kā nodrošināt jūsu iPhone papildu aizsardzību, piešķirot tam stilu. Izgatavots no mikropinuma un materiāls tika izstrādāts ņemot vērā ekoloģiju — tas ir izgatavots no 68 procentiem, pēc patēriņa, otrreizēja satura. Korpuss ātri nofiksējas vietā un cieši pieguļ jūsu iPhone tālrunim, nepalielinot tā apjomu. Ar iebūvētiem magnētiem, kas lieliski sakrīt ar iPhone 15, apvalks piedāvā maģisku pievienošanas pieredzi un ātrāku bezvadu uzlādi, katru reizi.
description_ru - Минималистичный чехол идеально подходит для Apple iPhone 15 Plus и защищает его, не закрывая важные соединения, кнопки и функции. В защитный чехол встроены магниты MagSafe, которые позволяют использовать беспроводную зарядку Qi или MagSafe, не снимая чехол. Его внутренняя сторона покрыта мягким покрытием из микрофибры, защищающим устройство от царапин, а внешняя силиконовая поверхность придает корпусу ощущение шелковистости.
Защищает ваш смартфон от царапин и грязиСохраняет доступ к важным соединениямИзготовлен из прочного силиконаПодходит для смартфона iPhone 15
description_ru - Чехол FineWoven с технологией MagSafe от Apple обеспечит iPhone дополнительную защиту и стиль. Он изготовлен из прочного микротвила с мягкой текстурой, похожей на замшу. Экологичный FineWoven на 68% состоит из переработанных материалов и сильно снижает выбросы углерода по сравнению с кожей. Чехол быстро и надежно надевается на iPhone, не делая его громоздким. Благодаря встроенным магнитам, которые идеально подходят к iPhone, этот чехол обеспечивает удобную посадку и быструю беспроводную зарядку. Когда придет время зарядки, оставьте чехол на iPhone и подключите зарядное устройство MagSafe или установите смартфон на зарядное устройство, сертифицированное Qi.
description_short_en - Phone case with built-in MagSafe magnets Allows to use Qi or MagSafe charging Protects against scratches and dirt Maintains access to important connections Suitable for iPhone 15 smartphone
description_short_et - Kaitseümbris sisseehitatud MagSafe magnetitega Võimaldab kasutada Qi või MagSafe laadimist Kaitseb telefoni kriimude ja mustuse eest Säilitab ligipääsu olulistele ühendustele Apple iPhone 15 nutitelefonile
description_short_lv -
description_short_ru - Защитный чехол со встроенными магнитами MagSafe В комплект входит зарядка Qi или MagSafe Защищает телефон от царапин и грязи Сохраняет доступ к важным соединениям Для смартфона Apple iPhone 15
Diagonal screen - 6,1''
dimension depth - 20 mm
dimension height - 180 mm
Dimensions -
dimension weight - 102 g
dimension width - 90 mm
ean - 194253945390
EAN - 194253945390
Eans - 194253945390
feature_group_en - Smartphone cases
feature_group_et - Telefonide ümbrised
feature_group_lv - Viedtālruņu apvalki
feature_group_ru - Чехлы для телефонов
General - Color - Black
General - Package contents - Protective case
General parameters - colour - black
General parameters - manufacturer - Apple
GrossWeight - 0.1080
gross_weight - 0.1 kg
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.0176
height - 15
Length - 0.1820
manufacturer_code - MT393ZM/A
MediumDescription EN - Designed by Apple to complement iPhone 15, the FineWoven Case with MagSafe is a delightful way to give your iPhone extra protection while adding style. Made from durable microtwill, the material has a soft, suedelike feel. The FineWoven material was also designed with the earth in mind — it's made from 68 percent post-consumer recycled content and significantly reduces carbon emissions compared to leather. The case quickly snaps into place and fits snugly over your iPhone without adding bulk.
With built-in magnets that align perfectly with iPhone 15, this case offers a magical attach experience and faster wireless charging, every time. When it’s time to charge, just leave the case on your iPhone and snap on your MagSafe charger, or set it on your Qi-certified charger.
MediumDescription ET - Loodud Apple'i poolt, et täiendada iPhone 15, on FineWoven ümbris koos MagSafe'iga suurepärane viis anda oma iPhone'ile lisakaitset, samal ajal lisades stiili. Valmistatud vastupidavast mikrokiust materjalist, on sellel materjalil pehme ja seemisnahale sarnane tekstuur. FineWoven materjal on loodud ka loodust silmas pidades - see koosneb 68 protsendist taaskasutatud materjalist ja vähendab märkimisväärselt süsinikuheitmeid võrreldes nahaga. Ümbris kinnitub kiiresti ja istub kindlalt sinu iPhone'i ümber, lisamata üleliigset mahtu.
Sisseehitatud magnetid, mis joonduvad täiuslikult iPhone 15-ga, pakuvad sellele ümbrisele maagilist kinnituskogemust ja kiiremat juhtmevaba laadimist iga kord. Kui on aeg laadida, jäta lihtsalt ümbris oma iPhone'ile ja kinnita MagSafe'i laadija või aseta see oma Qi-sertifitseeritud laadijale.
MediumDescription LV - Apple izstrādātais iPhone 15 FineWoven apvalks, ar MagSafe, ir apburošs veids, kā nodrošināt jūsu iPhone papildu aizsardzību, piešķirot tam stilu. Izgatavots no mikropinuma un materiāls tika izstrādāts ņemot vērā ekoloģiju — tas ir izgatavots no 68 procentiem, pēc patēriņa, otrreizēja satura. Korpuss ātri nofiksējas vietā un cieši pieguļ jūsu iPhone tālrunim, nepalielinot tā apjomu. Ar iebūvētiem magnētiem, kas lieliski sakrīt ar iPhone 15, apvalks piedāvā maģisku pievienošanas pieredzi un ātrāku bezvadu uzlādi, katru reizi.
Model - MT393ZM/A
Name - Apple iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe black
name - Case FineWoven with MagSafe for iPhone 15 - black
Name EN - iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe - Black
Name ET - iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe - Black
NameInWeb EN - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe, iPhone 15, black - Case
NameInWeb ET - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe, iPhone 15, must - Ümbris
NameInWeb LV - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe, iPhone 15, melna - Apvalks viedtālrunim
Name LV - iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe - Black
name_en - Apple iPhone 15 FineWoven Case MagSafe, black
name_et - Apple kaitseümbris iPhone 15 FineWoven Case MagSafe, must
name_lv - Apple iPhone 15 FineWoven Case MagSafe, black
name_ru - Apple защитный чехол iPhone 15 FineWoven MagSafe, черный
NetWeight - 0.0500
Other features -
Phone accesssory - MagSafe support
Phone accesssory - material - textile
Phone accesssory - suitable for phones - Apple iPhone 15
Phone accesssory - type - protective cover
producer - Apple
Producer - Apple
ProducerCode - MT393ZM/A
ProductCode - MT393ZM/A
ProductionCountry - CN
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
ShortDescription - etui na telefon
Specifications - Bag type - Case
Specifications - Other properties - Compatible with MagSafe
Specifications - Other properties - Magnetic mount
Specifications - Suitable devices - Apple iPhone 15
Specifikācijas - Citi - Compatible with MagSafe
Specifikācijas - Citi - Magnētiskais stiprinājums
Specifikācijas - Piemērotas ierīces - Apple iPhone 15
Specifikācijas - Somas tips - Apvalks
Stuff - Fabric
TariffNo - 42050090
title_en - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe MT393ZM/A Apple iPhone 15 Case
title_lv - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe MT393ZM/A Apple iPhone 15 Apvalks viedtālrunim
title_ru - Apple FineWoven Case with MagSafe MT393ZM/A Apple iPhone 15 Чехол
Type - case - back
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - MT393ZM/A
Vispārīgi - Iepakojumā ietilpst - Aizsargājošs futrālis
Vispārīgi - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Volume - 0.00028829
weight - 0 kg
Width - 0.0900
Üldine - Komplekti sisu - Kaitseümbris
Üldine - Värvus - Must
Общее - Комплектация - Защитный чехол
Общее - Цвет - Черный
Спецификации - Другое - Магнитное крепление
Спецификации - Другое - Совместимость MagSafe
Спецификации - Совместимые устройства - Apple iPhone 15
Спецификации - Тип сумки - Защитный чехол
74.83 €
Apple iPhone 15 FineWoven Case with MagSafe - Black
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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