Logitech B110 Silent, USB, Black

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 171555 Tootekood: 910-005508
Laos 50 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
13.27 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: neljapäeval, 20.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: neljapäeval, 20.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: neljapäeval, 20.03.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Kasutamine: Home/Office
  • Värv: Must
  • Ühenduse tüüp: Vads
  • Ühenduse tüüp: USB vads
  • Tüüp: Optical
Kasutamine Home/Office

Rakendus on juhend, mille abil saab kindlaks teha, kas hiir sobib paremini laua- või sülearvuti jaoks.

Sülearvuti hiired on väiksema suurusega ja sobivad seetõttu liikuvaks tööks.

Kui kasutate sülearvutit peamiselt kindla töökoha juures, on soovitatav osta lauaarvuti hiir, mis on standardse suurusega, seega on see pikema aja jooksul arvuti taga mugavam. Standardsed hiired ühendatakse sülearvutiga juhtmega, mis tagab pikaajalise stabiilse töö. Juhtmevabad hiired seevastu vajavad perioodilist patarei vahetamist.

Mänguhiirtel on rohkem nuppe, täpsem optika ja parem resolutsioon. Edasijõudnute mängimiseks soovitab TopPC.ee traadiga andmeedastusega mänguhiire.

Igapäevaseks kasutamiseks soovitab TopPC.ee PS/2- või USB-ühendusega laserhiirt.

Värv Must
Hiire välispinna värvus. See parameeter on orienteeruv ning võib erineda reaalsest hiire värvusest.
Nuppude arv : 3
Valgustus : Ei ole
Valgustuse värvus : Ei ole
Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühenduse tüüp Vads

Andme-edastamine määrab ära, kuidas on hiir ühendatud arvutiga.

Kaabliga ühendus on klassikaline, kiire ja proovitud moodus (elektrikaabel USB või PS/2 kontaktidega).

Juhtmevaba ühendus nõuab omakorda perioodiliselt patareide vahetaist, või akumulaatori laadimist, see-eest aga pakkudes vabadust kasutada hiirt, tundmata muret tihti segavate juhtmete pärast. Sellised hiired on ideaalsed töötamisel sülearvutiga, millega see ühendatakse bluetooth või infrapuna liideste abil. Kuid seejuuures peab arvestama, et tavaliselt see kaalub veidi rohkem, kui juhtmega hiired, sel pole alati stabiilne ühendus.

Ühenduse tüüp : USB vads
Lülitite tootja : N/A
Lülita mudel : N/A
Kaal (g) : 85
Juhtme pikkus (m) : 1.8
Tüüp Optical

On olemas optilised ja laserhiired.

Laserhiirtel on suurem täpsus ja väike energiatarbimine, samuti on need suutelised toimima klaasi- ja peegelpindadel.

Optilised hiire on praegusel ajal kõige laialdasemalt kasutatavad, oma ahvatleva kvaliteedi/hinna suhte tõttu. Neil pole mitte mingeid mehaanilisi osi, seoses sellega need töötavad kiirelt ja täpselt.

Tundlikkus (DPI) : 1000
Anduri tootja : N/A
Anduri mudel : N/A
Küsitluskiirus (Hz) : N/A
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - Mysz z kablem Dokumentacja
Box Height (mm) - 281 mm
Box Length (mm) - 221 mm
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 2.52 kg
Box Width (mm) - 184
Breite - 0.09
Cable Length - 1.8 m
Cable length - 1.8 m
Category - Datoru piederumi :: Perifērijas ierīces :: Datorpeles
Category - Root/Electronics/PC peripherals/Mice and touchpads
Category 1 - Eingabegeräte
Category 2 - Mäuse
Category Code - MOU
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer peripherals > Mouses
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru perifērija > Peles
Code - 910-005508
Color - Black
Colour - Black
Connection - Wired
Connection type - USB
Connectivity Technology - Wired
Cord length - 1.8 m
Depth - 61.7 mm
Depth (mm) - 112.96 mm
Desc - Tips: Optiskā, Pieslēgums: Ar vadu, Pieslēguma veids: USB, Kategorija: Standarta, Pogu skaits: 3, Krāsa: Melna, Barošana: USB, DPI jūtība: 1000 dpi, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - LOGITECH B110 SILENT Quiet, corded, full-size comfort + Silent Clicks and Scroll: 90% noise reduction + Easy set-up: Plug and play corded mouse with 3 years warranty + Full-size, comfortable and ambidextrous design The Logitech B110 Silent Mouse is the perfect blend of comfort, functionality, and noise reduction, designed to enhance your everyday computing experience. Featuring 90% noise reduction, this mouse ensures quiet clicks and scrolling, making it ideal for shared workspaces or late-night tasks. Its plug-and-play functionality allows for seamless setup, eliminating the hassle of installation. The full-size ambidextrous design caters to both right-handed and left-handed users, providing ergonomic comfort during extended use. Backed by a 3-year warranty, the Logitech B110 Silent offers reliable performance and durability for stress-free productivity.
Description - Zrób wszystko, co masz do zrobienia, nie drażniąc osób w pobliżu. Mysz Silent Mice zapewnia takie samo odczucie kliknięcia z hałasem wyciszonym o ponad 90%. Płynne kółko przewijania dopełnia możliwości cichej pracy. Mysz Silent Mice eliminuje zbędny hałas, dbając o zdrowie i produktywność wszystkich wokół. Kliknij głośno po raz ostatni. Współpracownicy będą Ci wdzięczni.
description_en - Get all your work done without missing a beat or disturbing those around you. Silent Mice have the same click feel without the click noise–over 90% noise reduction. 1 A smooth scroll wheel completes the silent experience. Silent Mice eliminate excess noise while protecting the health and productivity of everyone. Make this your last annoying click. Your coworkers and friends will thank you.
Type: Optical
Connection: Wired
Connection type: USB
Number of buttons: 3
Power supply: USB
DPI sensitivity: 1000 dpi
description_lv - Paveiciet visu savu darbu, nepalaidot garām un netraucējot apkārtējos. Klusajām pelēm ir tāda pati klikšķa sajūta bez klikšķa trokšņa — vairāk nekā 90% trokšņa samazināšana. 1 Gluds ritināšanas ritenis pabeidz klusuma pieredzi. Klusās peles novērš lieko troksni, vienlaikus aizsargājot ikviena veselību un produktivitāti. Padariet šo par savu pēdējo kaitinošo klikšķi. Jūsu kolēģi un draugi jums pateiks paldies.
Tips: optiskais
Savienojums: Vadu
Savienojuma veids: USB
Pogu skaits: 3
Barošanas avots: USB
DPI jutība: 1000 dpi
description_ru - Выполняйте всю свою работу, не пропуская ни секунды и не беспокоя окружающих. Бесшумные мыши производят такое же ощущение щелчка, но без шума щелчков — снижение шума более чем на 90 %. 1 Гладкое колесо прокрутки обеспечивает бесшумную работу. Бесшумные мыши устраняют лишний шум, защищая здоровье и производительность каждого. Пусть это будет вашим последним раздражающим щелчком. Ваши коллеги и друзья будут вам благодарны.
Тип: Оптический
Подключение: Проводное
Тип подключения: USB
Количество кнопок: 3
Источник питания: USB
Чувствительность DPI: 1000 dpi
Design - Form factor - Ambidextrous
Design - Product colour - Black
Design > Colour of product - Black
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - External
dimensionalWeight - 93
dimension depth - 40 mm
dimension height - 120 mm
Dimensions - 112,96 × 61,7 × 38,4 mm
Dimensions - 112.96 x 61.7 x 38.4 mm
dimension weight - 120 g
dimension width - 70 mm
EAN - 5099206080539
ean - 5099206080539
EAN Code - 5099206080539
EANCode - 5099206080539
Eans - 5099206080539
Ergonomics - Cable length - 1.8 m
Ergonomics - Plug and Play - Yes
Ergonomics > Cable length - 1.8 m
External Color - Melna
Full Description Line - USB|Optical|1000 dpi|Number of buttons 3|Colour Black|Dimensions 112.96 x 61.7 x 38.4 mm|Weight 0.085 kg
Gewicht - 0.11
Gross Weight Kg - 0,2
gross_weight - 0.1 kg
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
GRUPPE2 - Mouse
guarantee - 36
guarantee_type - external
Height - 38.4 mm
Height - 45.000000
Height (mm) - 38.4 mm
Hoehe - 0.04
HSTNUMMER - 910-005508
Illumination - No
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/181002160010754322.jpg
Image - https://content.it4profit.com/pimg/s/resize/900x900x900x900/181002160010762953.jpg
ImageUrl - https://www.balticdata.lv/Gfx/ProductImages/Info/Product_43136_1.png
Included Accessories - User Guide
Input device > Movement detection technology - Optical
Input device > Scroll - Scroll wheel (up/down)
Interface - USB
Laenge - 0.13
LargeDescHTML -
Length - 135.000000
Linux OS compatibility - Yes
Localization - EMEA
LongDesc -
MacOS OS compatibility - Yes
Manufacturer - LOGITECH
Manufacturer - Logitech
Manufacturer Code - 910-005508
Manufacturer Name - Logitech
ManufacturerPartNumber - 910-005508
MANUFDATASHEET - https://www.logitech.com/en-ch
Max&Min Movement Resolution - 1000dpi
Model - B110
Mouse - Buttons quantity - 3
Mouse - Buttons type - Pressed buttons
Mouse - Device interface - USB Type-A
Mouse - Movement detection technology - Optical
Mouse - Movement resolution - 1000 DPI
Mouse - Number of scroll wheels - 1
Mouse - Purpose - Office
Mouse - Recommended usage - Universal
Mouse - Scrolling directions - Vertical
Mouse - Scroll type - Wheel
MouseCableLength - 1.8 m
Mouse Features - Scrolling Wheel
Mouse Type - Optical
MouseType - Optical
Movement Resolution - 10000 dpi
MPN - 910-005508
name - B110 Silent Mouse Black 910-00550
Name - Logitech B110 Silent
Name - Logitech B110 Silent - Maus - USB
Name - Logitech B110 Silent Black
Name - Logitech | Mouse | B110 Silent | Wired | USB | Black
No. of buttons - 3
No. of scroll wheels - 1
Nominal Weight - 85 g
Number of buttons - 3
Number of Buttons - 3
NumberOfMouseButtons - 3
Other features -
PackageContents - -
PackageDimensions - -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 130.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 50 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 75 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 3545 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 8 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 2 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.01 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.0004875 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:6:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Package Type - Retail
PackageWeight - 0.100 kg
Packaging content - User guide - Yes
Packaging data - Package height - 132 mm
Packaging data - Package type - Box
Packaging data - Package weight - 116 g
Packaging data - Package width - 42 mm
Packaging data - Quantity - 1
Pack Height (mm) - 132 mm
Pack Length (mm) - 87 mm
Packs in Box - 20
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.12 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0.1 kg
Pack Width (mm) - 42 mm
PeriodofWarranty - 3 Y
Pieces in pack - 1
Pointing Device Technology - Optical
Power - Corded
Power - USB 5V
Power - Power source - Cable
PowerFeatures - -
ProdDesc - Logitech Mouse 910-005508 B110 Silent black
producer - Logitech
Producer - Logitech
producerCode - 910-005508
ProducerCode - 910-005508
Producer product family - Mouse
Producer product name - B110 Silent
ProductCard - https://content.it4profit.com/itshop/itemcard_cs.jsp?ITEM=180911120045209629&THEME=asbis&LANG=lv
ProductCategory - Klaviatūras un peles
ProductCode - 910-005508
ProductDescription - LOGITECH B110 Corded Mouse - SILENT - BLACK - USB - B2B
productName - Logitech B110 Silent
ProductPicture - http://www.tdbaltic.ee/images/ds4/910-005508-01.jpg
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ProductType - Input Devices - Mouse
Requires Operating System - Apple Mac OS Linux Microsoft Windows Chrome OS
Resoliution - 1000 dpi
Resolution - 1000 dpi
Resolution (max) - 1000 dpi
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0.02 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
Scroll - Yes
Sensor - Optical
Shape - Universal
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 13 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 4 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.12 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 9 cm
Short description - Logitech Mouse B110 SILENT Black
ShortDescription - Przewodowa | optyczna | 800 dpi | 2 przyciski
sizeX - 130
sizeY - 40
sizeZ - 90
Software - -
Stck_Kart - 20
Stck_Pal - 160
Storno - Y
SystemRequirements -
  • Required: Available USB Port
  • Windows 10,11 or later
  • macOS 10.5 or later
  • Chrome OS
  • Certified Works With Chromebook
  • Linux kernel 2.6+

  • System requirements - Linux operating systems supported - Yes
    System requirements - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    System requirements - Other operating systems supported - ChromeOS
    System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 7
    System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 8
    System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
    System requirements - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11
    Technical details > Device type - Wired
    Technical details > Gross weight - 0.154 kg
    Technical details > Net weight - 0.144 kg
    Technical details > Number of buttons - 3
    Technical details > Producer - Logitech
    Technical details > Sensors - N/A
    title_en - Logitech B110 Silent Computer Mouse
    title_lv - Logitech B110 Silent Datora Pele
    title_ru - Logitech B110 Silent Компьютерная Мышь
    Unit Box Height - 0.04
    Unit Box Length - 0.13
    Unit Box Width - 0.09
    Unit Brutto Volume - 0.000468 cubm
    Unit Gross Weight - 0.12 kg
    Unit Net Weight - 0.085 kg
    Usage - Office
    USB Interface - Yes
    Vendor - LOGITECH
    Vendor Homepage - www.logitech.com/en-roeu/product/b110-silent-mouse
    vendpn - 910-005508
    Warranty - -
    Warranty - 12/24 months
    warrantyLength - 24
    Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
    Warranty Term (month) - 24 mēneši
    warrantyType - G
    Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
    Weight - 0.085 kg
    weight - 0.8 kg
    Weight - 0.12
    Weight - 0.110000
    Weight - 85 g
    weight - 118
    Weight & dimensions - Depth - 38.4 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Height - 113 mm
    Weight & dimensions - Weight - 85 g
    Weight & dimensions - Width - 61.7 mm
    Width - 90.000000
    Width - 113 mm
    Width (mm) - 61.7 mm
    Windows 7 OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows 8 OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows 10 OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows Vista OS compatibility - Yes
    Windows XP OS compatibility - Yes
    WirelessCompatibility - No
    13.27 €
    Logitech B110 Silent, USB, Black
    Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
    Kõik kategooriad