Samsung 870 EVO, 500GB

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 661350 Tootekood: MZ-77E500B/EU
Laos >50 üksused
Garantii: 3 aastat
62.17 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: kolmapäeval, 19.03.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Maht: 500 GB
  • Tüüp: SATA
  • Lugemiskiirus (Seq. Read): 560 MB/s
  • Kirjutamise kiirus (Seq. Write): 530 MB/s
  • Formaat: 2.5"
  • Liides: SATA III (6Gb/s)
Pakume osta Samsung 2.5" formaadis SSD 500 GB suure mahutavusega.

Täiendava eelisena on SSD-kettad täiesti müravabad, sest erinevalt tavalistest kõvaketastest ei sisalda need mehaanilisi liikuvaid osi. Teine omadus on äärmiselt madal energiatarve, mida sülearvutiomanikud kindlasti hindavad, sest see parameeter suurendab märkimisväärselt aku tööaega.
Maht 500 GB
Kõvaketta maht gigabaitides näitab ära, millist informatsiooni mahtu suudab säilitada kõvaketas. Kõvaketta maht on fikseeritud ja ei ole suurendatav pärast ketta soetamist, seetõttu veenduge kõvaketta soetamisel, kas see vastab teie olemasoleva mahu vajadustele, ning samuti on olemas varu tuleviku vajadusteks.
Tüüp : SATA
Lugemiskiirus (Seq. Read) 560 MB/s

Sequential read speed, ehk keskmine andmete lugemise kiirus on oluline SSD ketta töökiiruse kriteerium. Andmeid SSD kettalt loetakse palju sagedamini, kui kirjutatakse tagasi, kuna operatsioonisüsteem suuremalt osalt töödeldud andmeid säilitab operatiivmälus.

Juhul, kui soovite, et soetatud SSD ketta lugemiskiirus oluliselt ületaks klassikalise kõvaketta kiirust, valige SSD ketas 200 MB/s või suurema lugemise kiirusega. Täiendav suutlikkuse (jõudluse) kasv toimub andmete otsingu (SeekTime) arvel, mis SSD ketastel, kui sellistel, on lugematuid kordi paremal tasemel mistahes kõvakettast.

Kirjutamise kiirus (Seq. Write) 530 MB/s

Peaaegu sama tähtis, kui lugemise kiirus, on kirjutamise (salvestamise) kiirus. Ka see parameeter määrab ära SSD ketta jõudluse, sellegipoolest, seetõttu, et kettale kirjutamine on harvem toiming,kui andmete lugemine, siis mistahes kiirus üle 100 MB/s keskmise suurusega kasutajale on subjektiivselt raskemini eristatav suurematest näitajatest, välja arvatud juhul, kui SSD ketast kasutate serveriks, heli/video salvestamiseks jmt.

Radiaatorid : Ei ole
Valgustus : Ei ole
Sadamad ja seadmed
Formaat 2.5"

Tänu SSD-tehnoloogiast tulenevale väikesele suurusele on ketaste standardsuurus 2,5" ja see sobib keskmise kaasaskantava arvuti jaoks. Lauaarvutisse on võimalik paigaldada 2,5-tolline ketas, kui kasutada üleminekut 2,5" -> 3,5" ja seda üleminekut saab soodsalt osta rubriigist "Adapteri". 2,5" + 3,5" formaadiga kettad on selle üleminekuga kaasas.

1,8" kettad on mõeldud ülikompaktse klassi kaasaskantavatele arvutitele.

PCI-Express SSD-d on mõeldud lauaarvutitele, kus on olemas vaba PCI-Express pistik. Seda tehnoloogiat kasutatakse enamasti selleks, et tagada muud tüüpi ühenduste võimalusi ületav jõudlus.

Liides : SATA III (6Gb/s)
Ühenduskoht SATA

SSD kettad, mil on SATAII ja SATAIII liidesed, on ühitatavad mõlemat liiki liidestega emaplaadiga. Siiski peab võtma arvesse, et emaplaadi SATAII liides maksimaalselt suudab tagada ligikaudu 300 MB/s suurust läbilaskvust, mis SSD ketastel, millede lugemise ja/või kirjutamise kiirus ületab seda piiri, võib vähendada reaalset läbilaskvust kuni SATAII võimaluste piirini.

Sarnane olukord on PCI-Express ja SATAIII liidestega. Ehkki küll SATAIII standard suudab tagada kuni isegi 600 MB/s suuruse andmete läbilaskvuse, on kättesaadavad ka SSD kettad, millede kiirus ületab seda piiri, sel juhul tootja valib PCI-Express liidese, mil on suurem läbilaskevõime. PCI-Express ketast pole võimalik ühendada sülearvutiga.

Mälutehnoloogia : TLC (Triple-Level Cell)
Random Read IOPS : 98K
Random Write IOPS : 80K
Endurance (TBW) : 300 TB
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Box Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.95 kg
Brand - Samsung
BrandPartCode - MZ-77E500B/EU
BrandPartCode - MZ-77E500BW
Breite - 0.1
BufferSize - -
Category - Datortehnika :: Datoru komponentes :: SSD diski
Category - Internal Solid State Drives
Category - PC COMPON
category - PC Components|Drives|Solid State Drives (SSDs)|SATA|2.5"
Category - Root/Electronics/PC parts/Hard drives
Category 1 - SSDs
Category 2 - Interne SSDs
Category Code - SSM
Category_1 - Hard Drives and Pendrives
Category_2 - Internal Hard Drives - SATA - 2.5 inch
category_en - Computers & Components > Computer components > Hard Drives > SSD
category_lv - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
category_ru - Datortehnika > Datoru komponentes > Cietie diski > SSD
Code - MZ-77E500B/EU
code - MZ-77E500B/EU
Code - MZ-77E500BW
Color - Not applicable
Compliant Storage Standards - S.M.A.R.T.
Country of origin - CN
Depth - 69.85 mm
Depth - 100 mm
Desc - Tips: SSD, Apjoms: 500 GB, Izmērs: 2.5", Savietojamība: SATA III - 6 GB/s, Rakstīšanas ātrums: 530 Mb/s, Lasīšanas ātrums: 560 MB/s, Garantija: 2 gadi
Description - 870 EVO 500GB 2.5" SATA III Client SSD for Business The perfect choice for creators, IT pros and everyday business users, the latest 870 EVO SSD provides indisputable performance, reliability, and compatibility advantages. It features a 5-year limited warranty and low lag 6th-generation V-NAND and steady performance when multi-tasking. Add 870 EVO to laptops, network storage devices, video systems and more for extra storage and reliability. - Excellent performance with maximized write speeds - More compatible than ever with storage devices, video systems and PCs - Upgrade with ease—just plugin and restart and manage with Samsung Magician software - You can trust the world's number one flash memory brand with your data
Description - Dysk SSD SAMSUNG 870 EVO Najczęściej wybierany dysk SSD na świecie
Najnowszy model najlepiej sprzedającej się na świecie serii dysków półprzewodnikowych 870 EVO jak jego poprzednicy oferuje pionierską technologię SSD firmy Samsung. Ponadto zapewnia poprawioną wydajność, niezawodność i kompatybilność, dzięki czemu zaspokoi potrzeby wszystkich odbiorców: od twórców treści przez profesjonalistów z branży IT po zwykłych użytkowników. Niezrównana wydajność
870 EVO osiąga maksymalny limit interfejsu SATA, czyli prędkości sekwencyjne wynoszące 560/530 MB/s. Zwykli użytkownicy mogą teraz cieszyć się SSD o prawdziwie profesjonalnej wydajności. Dysk wzmocniono dodatkowo technologią Inteligent TurboWrite z dużym buforem, która zapewnia wyższe prędkości zapisu i wydajność przez długi czas. Wyjątkowa niezawodność
Dysk 870 EVO zapewnia nawet 2400 TBW w ramach 5-letniej ograniczonej gwarancji, spełniając tym samym najwyższe w branży standardy niezawodności. SSD bez trudu sprosta szerokiemu wachlarzowi zadań od codziennego korzystania z komputera po przetwarzanie wideo 8K. Dysk został ponadto wyposażony w najnowszy VNAND 6. generacji oraz kontroler MKX, gwarantujące stabilną współpracę z urządzeniem-hostem. Bardziej wszechstronna kompatybilność
870 EVO pomyślnie przeszedł testy na kompatybilność z najczęściej używanymi systemami i aplikacjami, w tym chipsetami, płytami głównymi, dyskami NAS i urządzeniami rejestrującymi wideo. Ten najnowszy dodatek do najlepiej sprzedającej się na świecie serii EVO zapewnia zatem wszechstronność kompatybilną z dowolnymi systemami i zadaniami. Bezproblemowe przejście na najnowszy model
Przejście na 870 EVO jest wyjątkowo łatwe wystarczy, że użytkownik posiada komputer PC lub laptop obsługujący standardowe urządzenia SATA o wielkości 2,5. By móc cieszyć się tym arcydziełem technologii SSD, wystarczy podłączyć je do wejścia SATA, a odświeżone oprogramowanie migracyjne zajmie się całą resztą. Oprogramowanie Samsung Magician
Spraw, że Twój dysk będzie działał niezawodnie. Nowe, udoskonalone oprogramowanie Samsung Magician 6 pozwoli Ci łatwo zarządzać SSD za sprawą bogatego zestawu przydatnych narzędzi. Dzięki temu pozostaniesz na bieżąco, jeśli chodzi o najnowsze uaktualnienia, będziesz też mógł monitorować stan dysku, a nawet zwiększyć jego wydajność. Pamięć flash nr 1 na świecie
Doświadcz nadzwyczajnej wydajności i niezawodności, którą gwarantuje wyłącznie marka zajmująca od 2003 r. pozycję światowego lidera w dziedzinie pamięci flash. Całe oprogramowanie układowe i wszystkie komponenty, w tym światowej sławy DRAM i NAND Samsung, produkowane są wewnętrznie, co przekłada się na całkowitą kontrolę nad jakością.
Description - Samsung SSD 870 EVO 500GB 2.5" 300 TBW
description_en - Samsung 870 EVO. SDD drive capacity: 500 GB
SSD form factor standard: 2.5"
Read speed: 560 MB/s
Write speed: 530 MB/s Data transfer rate: 6 Gbit/s
Component: PC
description_lv - Samsung 870 EVO. SDD diskdziņa kapacitāte: 500 GB
SSD formas standarts: 2.5"
Lasīšanas ātrums: 560 MB/s
Rakstīšanas ātrums: 530 MB/s Datu pārsūtīšanas ātrums: 6 Gbit/s
Komponente: PC (dators)
description_ru - Samsung 870 EVO. Емкость SDD-накопителя: 500 ГБ
Стандарт форм-фактора SSD: 2,5»
Скорость чтения: 560 МБ/с
Скорость записи: 530 МБ/с Скорость передачи данных: 6 Гбит/с
Компонент: ПК (компьютер)
Design > SSD form factor - 2.5"
Designation - CE+WEEE
Device Location - Internal
dimensionalWeight - 58
dimension depth - 22 mm
dimension height - 145 mm
Dimensions - 100 X 69.85 X 6.8mm
dimension weight - 90 g
dimension width - 100 mm
Disk type - SSD
Drive thickness - 7mm
Drive type - Internal
EAN - 8806090527463
EAN - 8806090545924
ean - 8806090545924
EANCode - 8806090545924
Eans - 8806090545924
EAN_code - 8806090545924
External Color - Melna
External Data Bit Rate - 6 Gbps
Features - Component for - PC
Features - Component for - PC/Laptop
Features - Controller type - Samsung MKX
Features - Data transfer rate - 6 Gbit/s
Features - DevSlp (device sleep) support - Yes
Features - Hardware encryption - Yes
Features - Interface - Serial ATA III
Features - Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 1500000 h
Features - Memory type - V-NAND
Features - Memory type - V-NAND MLC
Features - Random read (4KB) - 98000 IOPS
Features - Random write (4KB) - 88000 IOPS
Features - Read speed - 560 MB/s
Features - S.M.A.R.T. support - Yes
Features - Security algorithms - 256-bit AES
Features - SSD capacity - 500 GB
Features - SSD form factor - 2.5"
Features - TBW rating - 150
Features - TBW rating - 300
Features - TBW rating - 2400
Features - TRIM support - Yes
Features - Write speed - 530 MB/s
Flash Memory Cell Technology - Multi-Level Cell
Form Factor - 2,5"
FormFactor - 2.5"
Form Factor - 2.5" 7mm
Form factor (width) - 2,5'' (SFF)
Full Description Line - SSD series 870 EVO|500GB|SATA|SATA 3.0|MLC|Write speed 530 MBytes/sec|Read speed 560 MBytes/sec|Form Factor 2,5"|Drive thickness 7mm|TBW 300 TB|MTBF 1500000 hours
Gewicht - 0.09
Gross weight - 0.13
GrossWeight - 0.100 kg
Gross Weight Kg - 0,1
gross_weight - 0.2 kg
GRUPPE1 - Hard Drive/Optical
GRUPPE2 - Solid State Drive
GTIN - 8806090527463
GTIN - 8806090545924
guarantee - 60
guarantee_type - normal
HardDrive - 500 GB
HDD capacity - 500 GB
HDD interface - SATA III - 6 Gb/s
height - 0.02
height - 0.07
Height - 6.8 mm
Height - 6.8 mm
Hoehe - 0.02
Image -
ImageUrl -
Installed Cache Memory Storage Capacity - 512 MB
Laenge - 0.14
LargeDescHTML - Pasaul iemotkais SSDBeidzot Tu vari iepazt pasaul prdotko SSD srijas jaunko modeli. 870 EVO apkopo Samsung vislabks SSD tehnoloijas, kas nodrošina uzlabotu veiktspju, uzticambu un saderbu, lai tas atbilstu jebkura satura veidotja, IT profesiona vai vienkršm ikdienas vajadzbm.*Avoti: 850 EVO un 860 EVO srijas, NPD (ASV dati no 2015. gada janvra ldz 2020. gada aprlim) un GfK (EU5 dati no 2015. gada janvra ldz 2020. gada aprlim, dati par nu no 2018. gada septembra ldz 2020. gada aprlim)Izcilba sniegum870 EVO sasniedz maksimlo SATA savienojumu ar 560/530 MB/s secgs lasšanas un rakstšanas trumu. Ikdienas lietotji tagad var baudt profesionla lmea SSD veiktspju. Intelligent TurboWrite patrina rakstšanas trumu un saglab ilgtermi augstu veiktspju ar liela apjoma maingo buferi.*Veiktspja var atširties atkarb no SSD programmaparatras versijas, sistmas aparatras un konfigurcijas. Secgs rakstšanas veiktspjas mrjumu pamat ir Intelligent TurboWrite tehnoloija. *Prbaudes sistmas konfigurcija: Intel® Core i7-470K CPU@4.00 GHz, DDR3 1600MHz 8GB, OS-Windows 10 Pro 64bit, Chipset-ASUS Z97 PROProdukts, kuram uzticas nozareNodrošinot ldz 2400 TBW ar 5 gadu ierobeotu garantiju, 870 EVO atbilst nozares vadošajiem uzticambas standartiem. Tas spj apstrdt dadus uzdevumus, skot ar vienkršu skaitošanu un beidzot ar 8K video montu. Tas ir aprkots ar jaunko 6. paaudzes VNAND un MKX kontrolleru, kas nodrošina stabilu galven datora darbbu.*Garantta TBW 870 EVO: 150 TBW 250 GB modelim, 300 TBW 500 GB modelim, 600 TBW 1 TB modelim, 1 200 TBW 2 TB modelim un 2400 TBW 4 TB modelim. *5 gadi vai TBW, atkarb no t, kas notiek pirmais. Lai iegtu papildinformciju par garantiju, ldzu, apskati pievienoto garantijas paziojumu iepakojum.Neprspjama saderba870 EVO izturja saderbas testus ar galvenajm resursdatoru sistmm un lietojumprogrammm, tostarp mikroshmojumiem, mtesplatm, NAS un video ierakstšanas iercm. K jaunkais produkts visvairk prdotaj EVO srij, prbaudt 870 EVO daudzpusba ir saderga ar jebkura lietotja sistmm un veicamajiem uzdevumiem.*Saderbas testi veikti ar Samsung produktiem, AMD, MSI, Gigabyte, Synology, QNAP, BlackMagicDesign un ATMOS.Vairk iespju870 EVO ir piemrots ikvienam, kas strd ar stacionro vai portatvo datoru, kas atbalsta standarta 2,5" SATA formas faktoru. Prsteidzošais SSD ir rti lietojams - piesldz 870 EVO pie SATA savienojuma un auj atjaunotajai migrcijas programmatrai parpties par prjo.Samsung Magician programmatraGandrz k maija. Jaun un uzlabot programmatra Samsung Magician 6 nodrošins Tava SSD darbbu. Tu vari viegli prvaldt savu krtuvi, izmantojot plašu nodergu rku klstu, lai neatpaliktu no jaunkajiem atjauninjumiem, uzraudztu krtuves stvokli un uzlabotu t veiktspju.Nr.1 zibatmia pasaulIzbaudi izcilo veiktspju un uzticambu, kuru sniedz lderis zibatmiu izstrd jau kopš 2003. gada. Visa programmaparatra un komponenti, ieskaitot Samsung pasaul atzts DRAM un NAND, tiek raoti Samsung, nodrošinot nemaingu kvalitti.*Avots: 2003. - 2019. gada 2. ceturkša IHS Markit dati: NAND piegdtju iemumu tirgus daa. 
length - 0.1
length - 0.14
Link -
Logistics data - Harmonized System (HS) code - 84717070
LongDesc -
LongDesc - The world’s favorite SSDThe latest model of the world’s best-selling SSD series has finally arrived. The 870 EVO inherits the legacy of Samsung’s pioneering SSD technology, boasting upgraded performance, reliability, and compatibility to suit the needs of anyone from contents creators, IT professionals, to everyday usExcellence in performanceThe 870 EVO achieves the maximum SATA interface limit of 560/530 MB/s sequential speeds. Everyday users can now enjoy professional-level SSD performance.Intelligent TurboWrite accelerates write speeds and maintains long-term high performance with a larger variable buffer.Industry-defining reliabilityProviding up to 2,400 TBW under a 5year limited warranty, the 870 EVO meets the industry’s leading standards of reliability. It withstands tasks from everyday computing to 8K video processing and comes equipped with the latest 6th Gen. VNAND and MKX controller that ensure a stable host experience.More compatible than everThe 870 EVO passed compatibility tests with major host systems and applications, including chipsets, motherboards, NAS, and video recording devices. As the latest entry in the globally best-selling EVO series, the 870 EVO‘s proven versatility is compatible with systems and tasks of any user.Upgrade with easeUpgrading to the 870 EVO is made easy for anyone with a desktop PC or laptop that supports a standard 2.5-inch SATA form factor. Enjoying this masterpiece SSD is as convenient as plugging in the 870 EVO into a SATA slot, and letting the renewed migration software take care of the rest.Samsung Magician softwareMake your drive work like magic. The new and improved Samsung Magician 6 software will keep your SSD in check. You can easily manage your drive with a wide range of useful tools to keep up with the latest updates, monitor the drive's health and status, or even enhance its performance.World's No.1 Flash MemoryExperience the superior performance and reliability that you can only get from the world's number one brand for flash memory since 2003. All firmware and components, including Samsung's world-renowned DRAM and NAND, are produced in-house, allowing end-to-end integration for quality you can trust.
LongDesc - The worlds favourite SSDThe latest model of the worlds best-selling SSD series has finally arrived. The 870 EVO inherits the legacy of Samsungs pioneering SSD technology, boasting upgraded performance, reliability and compatibility to suit the needs of anyone from content creators and IT professionals to everyday users.Excellence in performanceThe 870 EVO achieves the maximum SATA interface limit of 560/530 MB/s sequential speeds. Everyday users can now enjoy professional-level SSD performance. Intelligent TurboWrite accelerates write speeds and maintains long-term high performance with a larger variable buffer.Industry-defining reliabilityProviding up to 2,400 TBW under a 5-year limited warranty, the 870 EVO meets the industrys leading standards of reliability. It withstands tasks from everyday computing to 8K video processing and comes equipped with the latest 6th Gen. VNAND and MKX controller that ensure a stable host experience.More compatible than everThe 870 EVO passed compatibility tests with major host systems and applications, including chipsets, motherboards, NAS and video recording devices. As the latest entry in the globally best-selling EVO series, the 870 EVO‘s proven versatility is compatible with any users systems and tasks.Upgrade with easeUpgrading to the 870 EVO is made easy for anyone with a desktop PC or laptop that supports a standard 2.5-inch SATA form factor. Enjoying this masterpiece SSD is as convenient as plugging in the 870 EVO into a SATA slot and letting the renewed migration software take care of the rest.Samsung Magician softwareMake your drive work like magic. The new and improved Samsung Magician 6 software will keep your SSD in check. You can easily manage your drive with a wide range of useful tools to keep up with the latest updates, monitor the drive's health and status, or even enhance its performance.World's no.1 flash memoryExperience the superior performance and reliability that you can only get from the world's number one brand for flash memory since 2003. All firmware and components, including Samsung's world-renowned DRAM and NAND, are produced in-house, allowing end-to-end integration for quality you can trust.
LongProductName - 500 GB, SATA III, 2.5", V-NAND 3bit MLC
LongProductName - MZ-77E500B/EU
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung 870 EVO. SSD capacity: 500 GB, SSD form factor: 2.5", Read speed: 560 MB/s, Write speed: 530 MB/s, Data transfer rate: 6 Gbit/s, Component for: PC
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung 870 EVO. SSD capacity: 500 GB, SSD form factor: 2.5", Read speed: 560 MB/s, Write speed: 530 MB/s, Data transfer rate: 6 Gbit/s, Component for: PC/Laptop
Manufacturer - Samsung
Manufacturer - SAMSUNG
Manufacturer Code - MZ-77E500B/EU
Manufacturer Name - Samsung
Manufacturer_code - MZ-77E500B/EU
Maximum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - 85 °C
Maximum Operating Ambient Temperature - 70 °C
Maximum Operating Humidity - 95 %
Maximum Power Consumption - 2.2 W
Maximum Random Read Rate - 98000 IOPS
Maximum Random Write Rate - 88000 IOPS
Maximum Sequential Read Rate - 560 MB/s
Maximum Sequential Write Rate - 530 MB/s
Mean Time Between Failures - 1500000 hr
Mean time between failures (MTBF) - 1500000 h
Memory Technology - NAND Flash
Minimum Non-Operating Ambient Temperature - -40 °C
Minimum Operating Ambient Temperature - 0 °C
Minimum Operating Humidity - 5 %
Minimum Power Consumption - 2.5 mW
Model - 870 EVO
Model - SSD 870 EVO
MPN - MZ-77E500B/EU
MTBF - 1.5e+006 hours
Name - 2.5" 500GB Samsung 870 EVO retail
name - Samsung 870 EVO 2,5 Zoll SSD, SATA 6G - 500 GB
Name - Samsung 870 Evo 500GB
Name - Samsung 870 EVO 500GB MZ-77E500B/ EU
Name - Samsung | SSD | 870 EVO | 500 GB | SSD form factor 2.5" | Solid-state drive interface SATA III | Read speed 560 MB/s | Write speed 530 MB/s
Name - Samsung 870 EVO 500 GB, SSD
name - SSD drive 870EVO MZ-77E500B/EU 500GB
NAND flash technology - MLC
Nominal Supply Voltage - 5 V
OperatingSystems - -
Operational conditions - Operating shock - 1500 G
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 70 °C
Other features -
Other features - Product colour - Black
PackageContents - -
Package features > Embeeded battery - No
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 144 mm
Package features > Gross depth master carton - 244 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 21 mm
Package features > Gross height master carton - 139 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 98 mm
Package features > Gross width master carton - 184 mm
Package features > Net weight master carton - 0.88 kg
Package features > Packing quantity - 10 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 2760 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 40.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 20.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.06 kg
Package features > Tare weight master carton - 0.062 kg
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.000296352 m³
Package features > WEEE tax - No
Package Type - Retail
Packs in Box - 10
Pack Weight Brutto (kg) - 0.0884 kg
Pack Weight Netto (kg) - 0 kg
Performance > Read speed - 560 MB/s
Performance > Solid-state drive capacity - 500 GB
Performance > Solid-state drive interface - SATA III
Performance > Write speed - 530 MB/s
Pieces in pack - 1
PortConnector - -
Power - Operating voltage - 5 V
Power - Power consumption (average) - 2.2 W
Power - Power consumption (idle) - 0.03 W
Power - Power consumption (max) - 3.5 W
PowerSupply - -
ProdDesc - HDSSD 2.5 (Sata) 500GB Samsung 870 EVO Basic
producer - Samsung
Producer - Samsung
producerCode - MZ-77E500B/EU
ProducerCode - MZ-77E500B/EU
Producer product family - SSD
Producer product name - 870 EVO
ProductCard -
ProductCategory - SSD
ProductCode - MZ-77E500B/EU
ProductDescription - Samsung 870 EVO 500GB SSD, 2.5'' 6.5mm, SATA 6Gb/s, Read/Write: 560 / 530 MB/s
ProductName - 870 EVO
productName - Samsung 870 EVO 2.5" 500 GB Serial ATA III V-NAND
ProductPicture -
ProductPicture2 -
ProductPicture3 -
ProductPicture4 -
productSize - Normal
ProductType - SSD Client
QuantityofDevices - 1
RaidController - -
RaidLevels - -
Reading speed - 560 MB/s
ReadSeekTime - -
Read speed - 560 MBytes/sec
Retail Packaging Net Weight Carton - 0 kg
Retail Packaging Net Weight Plastic - 0 kg
SATA 3.0 Interface - Yes
SATA Interface - Yes
SeekTime - -
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 24 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 18.5 cm
Shipping box quantity - 10
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1.078 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 14 cm
Shock Tolerance Storage - 1500G @ 0.5ms
ShortDescription - 2.5'' | SSD | 500GB | 560/530MB/s || SATA3 | 7mm | AES 256-bit
Short description - SSD 2.5" 500GB Samsung 870 EVO SATA 3
ShortSummaryDescription - Samsung 870 EVO, 500 GB, 2.5", 560 MB/s, 6 Gbit/s
sizeX - 100
sizeY - 145
sizeZ - 20
Software - -
Solid State Drive Features - TRIM SupportAES 256-bit EncryptionWWN SupportAuto Garbage CollectionDEVSLP Mode
SSD Capacity - 500GB
SSD Controller - Samsung MKX
SSD series - 870 EVO
Stck_Kart - 9998
Stck_Pal - 0
Storage Capacity - 500 GB
StorageDeviceFeatures - NVMe
StorageDeviceInterface - SATA
StorageDeviceSpeed - -
StorageDeviceType - SSD
Storno - N
Subcategory - SSD
Supports Data Channel - SATA III-600
SystemRequirements - -
Tariff No. - 85235110
TBW - 300 TB
TBW - 300 TB
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.088 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.028 kg
Technical details > Producer - Samsung
Title - Samsung 870 EVO 500 GB 2.5" Serial ATA III V-NAND
Title - Samsung 870 EVO 500 GB 2.5" Serial ATA III V-NAND MLC
title_en - Samsung SSD 870 EVO SSD Disk 500GB / 2.5"
title_lv - Samsung SSD 870 EVO SSD Disks 500GB / 2.5"
title_ru - Samsung SSD 870 EVO SSD Диск 500GB / 2.5"
Total Bytes Written (TBW) - 300 TB
TransmissionSpeed - 560 MB/s
Type - Storage
Unit Box Height - 0.02
Unit Box Length - 0.145
Unit Box Width - 0.1
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.0006216 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.1078 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.045 kg
USBSpeed - -
Vendor - SAMSUNG
Vendor Homepage -
vendpn - MZ-77E500B/EU
Vibration Tolerance Storage - 20G @ 20-2000Hz
Warranty -
Warranty - -
Warranty - 60
Warranty - 60 month(s)
Warranty - 60L months
WarrantyInfo -
WarrantyInfo - 5 years
warrantyLength - 60
Warranty Products Returnable - Yes
Warranty Term (month) - 60 mēneši
warrantyType - G
Warranty validation Criteria - Serial Number
Weight - 0,09
Weight - 0.045 kg
weight - 0.09 kg
Weight - 0.1
Weight - 44.6 g
weight - 80
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 6.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 70 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 69.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 45 g
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 86 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 100 mm
width - 0.01
width - 0.1
Width - 69.9 mm
Width - 100 mm
Write speed - 530 MBytes/sec
Writing speed - 530 MB/s
62.17 €
Samsung 870 EVO, 500GB
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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