Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Wi-Fi/5G, 8GB/128GB, Graphite

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ID: 1082006 Tootekood: SM-X216BZAEEUB
Saab tellida 223 üksused Kättesaadavus: 14 päeva pärast tellimuse kinnitamist
Garantii: 2 aastat
260.78 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 14.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Ekraani heledus, nits: 500
  • Ekraani mõõt: 11"
  • Ekraani lahutusvõime: 1920 x 1200
  • Sisseehitatud mälu: 128GB
  • Mudel: Galaxy Tab A9+ (SM-X216)
  • Kaal (g): 492 g
  • Protsessor (kiibistik): Snapdragon 695 5G
  • RAM mälu: 8GB
  • Operatsioonisüsteem : Android 13
  • 4G: On
  • 5G: On
  • Põhikaamera resolutsioon: 8 MPix
  • Patarei maht: 7040 mAh
Näidiku omadused
Ekraani heledus, nits : 500
Värskendamiskiirus : 90 Hz
Ekraani mõõt 11"

Tahvelarvuti peamine koostisosa on ekraan, mille suurus määrab ära selle, kui suur on tahvel ise. Tavaliselt on see ekraani diagonaal pluss paar sentimeetrit "kinnihoitavat" osa.

Mugavaks kasutamiseks soovitame ligikaudu 10" tahvelarvutit. 7" ekraani juba võib lugeda väikeseks ja rohkem sobivaks lastele. Juhul, kui tahvel on üle 10", see tähendab juba küllalt suurt seadet, mis keskmisele kasutajale võib tunduda ebamugav.

Ekraani lahutusvõime 1920 x 1200

Tähistab seda, mitu punkti ekraan sisaldab horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas. Mida suuremad on need arvud, seda parem on kujutise teravus ja meeldivam kasutamine.

Ekraani paneeli tüüp TFT

See näitaja määrab ära kujutise värvuste vastavuse, heleduses, vaatenurga jm. kvaliteedikriteeriumid. Kõrgema kvaliteediga ekraani paneeliks võib lugeda mistahes AMOLED, PLS ja IPS tüüpi seadet.

Värv : Pelēka
Sisseehitatud mälu 128GB

Määrab ära, milline maht on tahvelarvuti "kõvakettal". Juhul, kui seadmel ei ole lisa-mälukaartide pesa, siis see on väga oluline parameeter, mida kindlasti peaks arvestama soetamise hetkel, valides mälumahu piisava reserviga, kuna ilma laiendusvõimaluseta peab selle mahuga toime tulema kogu seadme kasutusaja jooksul.

Keskmise suurusega film võtab enda alla ligikaudu 1GB mälumahtu. Keskmise suurusega Android või iOS mäng või aplikatsioon (rakendus) vajab ~100 Mb. Muusika ja pildifailid vajavad keskmiselt ligikaudu 5 Mb, ehk 0.05 Gb (ühele failile).

Kaal (g) : 492 g
Protsessori parameetrid
Protsessori tuumade arv 8

See on väga tähtis parameeter, kuna tahvelarvuti, küllalt suure ekraani eristusvõime tõttu, on nõudlik protsessori ressursside suhtes. Seoses sellega, juhul, kui soovite kasutada mitmeid rakendusi samaaegselt, kaaluge võimalust soetada tahvel vähemalt 2-tuumalise protsessoriga.

Protsessor (kiibistik) Snapdragon 695 5G

Määrab ära, milline keskprotsessor on vastaval tahvlil. Praegu on turul saadaval mitmete konkureerivate protsessorite mudelid.

NVIDIA Tegra - selle seeria protsessoritel on hea graafiline ja arvutusjõudlus, samuti ka võrdlemisi head energiatõhususe näitajad. Igal juhul üks tugevamatest konkurentidest.

SnapDragon - see protsessor on väga energiatõhus, see-eest võimsuse mõttes rohkem sobiv nutitelefonidele.

AMD Fusion - see protsessor on tulnud sülearvutite keskkonnast, seoses sellega on sel suurepärane jõudlus, nii graafika- kui ka arvutustehete alal, siiski selle protsessori arhitektuur, kahjuks on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ainult Windows, Linux jm. laua-arvutite keskkonnas.

Atom - Intel mobiilne protsessor võrdlemisi keskpäraste võimsuse näitajatega. Samuti, kui ka AMD Fusion, sobib seni vaid lauaarvutite operatsioonisüsteemi jaoks.

Apple A5 - Spetsialiseeritud, Apple poolt välja töötatud protsessor, mida võite kohata ainult iPad tahvelarvutites. Võimsuse mõttes - üks liidritest.

Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
RAM mälu : 8GB
Videokaart : Adreno 619
Operatsioonisüsteem Android 13

See on üks tähtsamatest parameetritest tahvelarvuti valimisel.

iOS - Apple toodetud tahvlid on varustatud iOS operatsioonisüsteemiga, mis on väga mugav, kiire toimega, kuid suletud süsteem, mida pole võimalik eriti konfigureerida ja laiendada. See-eest iOS praegusel hetkel võimaldab kõige rohkem rakendusi (appe). iOS on kohaldatud Apple pilveteenustele, mis suuremalt osalt on tasulised.

Android on Google poolt väljatöötatud tasuta operatsioonisüsteem, sarnane iOS, ainult kõigi võimalustega paljude asjade muutmiseks. Pealegi on Android hästi sobitatud Google tasuta pilveteenustega - Gmail, Picasa, Youtube, Maps, Google+, Contacts, Calendar jm. Andoid kasutajate arv on kiirelt kasvamas, seetõttu see on väga perspektiivne operatsioonisüsteem.

Windows - klassikaline Microsoft Windows süsteem, mis võimaldab kasutada tavapärast .EXE aplikatsiooni (rakendust)s tahvelarvutis. Tõsi küll, see on praegu paremini sobiv laua-arvutitele, seetõttu valige see operatsioonisüsteem ainult sel juhul, kui on mingi Windows programm, ilma milleta te ei suuda toime tulla.

Citas (Bada, MeeGo, WebOS, BrewMP, Symbian) – praegu mobiilsete operatsioonisüsteemide mänguväli, peale eelpooltoodute on olemas mitmeid eksootilisi operatsioonisüsteeme, siiski võtke arvesse, et suurem võitlus selle turuosa pärast on juba peetud, seetõttu olge etttevaatlikud, valides operatsioonisüsteemi, mis pole iOS, Windows või Android, kuna, erinevalt klassikalistest arvutitest, suuremas osas tahvelarvutites pärast soetamist ei ole võimalik muuta operatsioonisüsteemi.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus laadimiseks : USB-C
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)

Ehkki küll pole olnud võimalust näha tahvelarvutit ilma WiFi funktsioonita, südame rahusstamiseks oleme lisanud ka selle parameetri. WiFi tahvliga on võimalik saada ühendust juhtmevaba interneti ruuteri abil, saamaks juurdepääsu internetti.

Ilma WiFi ruuteri ja internetiühenduseta on tahvelarvuti soetamise mõttekus vägagi kaheldava väärtusega.

Mälukaardi pesa : microSD
Traadita ühendused
4G : On
5G : On
NFC : Ei ole
GPS : Ir
Bluetooth On

Bluetooth võimaldab juhtmevabalt ühendada klaviatuuri, kuularid, mikrofoni, printeri jm. seadmed, mis toetavad seda tehnoloogiat.

Kaamera omadused
Eesmise kaamera resolutsioon : 5 MPix
Põhikaamera resolutsioon : 8 MPix
Patarei maht 7040 mAh

See on ligikaudne arv, mis osutab, mitu tundi seade võib töötada täielikult laaditud akumulaatoriga, väikese protsessori koormuse juures ja seadistatud minimaalse ekraani valgustatusega.

Olenevalt koormusest ja kasutatavast jõudlusest - heli, wifi, 3G, failide kopeerimine, Bluetooth, jmt. See arv võib oluliselt muutuda vähemuse suunas.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
4G Wireless connections - Yes
5G Wireless connections - Yes
Audio - Audio system - Dolby Atmos
Audio - Number of built-in speakers - 4
Audio - Speaker power - 1.2 W
Battery - Battery capacity - 7040 mAh
Battery - Battery included - Yes
Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 5.1
Bluetooth Wireless connections - Yes
Brand - Samsung
BrandPartCode - SM-X216BZAEEUB
BrandPartCode - SM-X216BZAEEUE
Built-in storage - 128 GB
Camera - 8MP
Camera - Auto focus - Yes
Camera - Front camera - Yes
Camera - Front camera resolution (numeric) - 5 MP
Camera - Maximum video resolution - 1920 x 1080 pixels
Camera - Rear camera flash - No
Camera - Rear camera resolution (numeric) - 8 MP
Camera - Rear camera type - Single camera
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@30fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@60fps
Camera - Video capturing speed - 30 fps
Camera - Video capturing speed - 60 fps
Camera - Video recording modes - 1080p
Card Reader - microSD
Category - Tablets
Category 1 - Tablets & Smartphones
Category 2 - Tablets
Category Code - TPC
Category_1 - Tablets
Category_2 - Tablets - Tablets up to 10.1 inch
category_en - Computers & Components > Tablet PCs
category_lv - Datortehnika > Planšetdatori
category_ru - Datortehnika > Planšetdatori
Code - SM Tab A9+ Graphite 128 5G
Colour - Graphite
CPU/Platform/SoC - Octa-core (2x2.2 GHz Kryo 660 Gold & 6x1.8 GHz Kryo 660 Silver)
Depth Unit Dimensions - 6.9 mm
Description - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
description_en - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Screen diagonal: 27.9 cm (11")
Screen resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels
Built-in memory capacity: 128 GB
Processor clock frequency: 1.8 GHz
Rear camera resolution (numeric): 8 MP
Rear Camera Type: Single Camera
Front camera resolution (numeric): 5 MP
Primary Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Built-in card reader
Weight: 491 g
Product color: Graphite
description_lv - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+
Ekrāna diagonāle: 27,9 cm (11 collas)
Ekrāna izšķirtspēja: 1920 x 1200 pikseļi
Iebūvētās atmiņas ietilpība: 128 GB
Procesora takts frekvence: 1,8 GHz
Aizmugurējās kameras izšķirtspēja (ciparu): 8 MP
Aizmugurējās kameras tips: viena kamera
Priekšējās kameras izšķirtspēja (ciparu): 5 MP
Priekšējā kamera
Primārais Wi-Fi standarts: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Iebūvēts karšu lasītājs
Svars: 491g
Produkta krāsa: Grafīts
description_ru - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Диагональ экрана: 27,9 cm (11")
Разрешение экрана: 1920 x 1200 пикселей
Емкость встроенной памяти: 128 GB
Тактовая частота процессора: 1,8 GHz
Оперативная память: 8 GB
Разрешение задней камеры (числовое): 8 MP
Тип задней камеры: Одна камера
Разрешение фронтальной камеры (числовое): 5 MP
Фронтальная камера
Основной стандарт Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Встроенный кардридер
Вес: 491 g
Цвет товара: Графит
Design - Device type - Mobile tablet
Design - Form factor - Slate
Design - Product colour - Graphite
dimensionalWeight - 259
Display - Display diagonal - 27.9 cm (11")
Display - Display number of colours - 16 million colours
Display - Display resolution - 1920 x 1200 pixels
Display - HD type - WUXGA
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:10
Display - Panel type - TFT
EAN - 8806095360690
EAN_code - 8806095306155
Front-facing Camera - 5MP
Full Description Line - Galaxy|Tab A9+|Octa-core (2x2.2 GHz Kryo 660 Gold & 6x1.8 GHz Kryo 660 Silver)|Screen 11"|Resolution 1920x1200|RAM 8GB|1xUSB-C|1xHeadphones jack|1xMicroSD Card Slot|1xNano-SIM card tray|Wireless LAN 802.11a/b/g/n/ac|Bluetooth|4G|5G|Card Reader microSD|Camera 8MP|Front-facing Camera 5MP|Speakers|GPS / geotagging|Android|Colour Graphite|Width 257.1 mm|Height 168.7 mm|Depth 6.9 mm|Weight 0.492 kg
GPS / geotagging - Yes
gross_weight - 0.55 kg
GTIN - 8806095306155
GTIN - 8806095360690
Headphones jack Input/Output connectors - 1
Height Unit Dimensions - 168.7 mm
LongDesc - Classic and contemporaryStylish with a touch of cool, the Galaxy Tab A9 and Tab A9+ features a sleek design and a smooth metal body. Enjoy Samsungs signature tablet design in Graphite, Silver and Navy with each hue highlighting effortless charm.Expansive, bright visuals with smooth motionExperience the joy of entertainment on the large, bright display. Galaxy Tab A9+'s high screen refresh rate lets you immerse in the visuals with smooth and fluid motion. Even when you are out in the sun, step into the captivating world of your favorite content.Store more of what you loveGalaxy Tab A9 and Tab A9+ come with up to 8GB of RAM memory, ensuring less lag while you multi-task. Plus, the built-in 128GB storage saves all your hi-res videos, photos and files. You can expand the storage with a microSD card — up to 1TB. Store more of what you love and delete less.Stream, play, browse faster with 5GExperience the power of hyper-fast 5G connectivity on Galaxy Tab A9+. Seamlessly connect to the online world so you can do more, faster. Enjoy a lag-free experience while streaming content, downloading large files and more.Split the screen into three. Multiply your productivityConquer multiple tasks at once. With Galaxy Tab A9+, you can sketch out architectural plans and choose captivating visuals and video chat — up to three apps all on one screen without ever closing a window.Surround yourself with rich audioTake a deep dive into a rich soundscape with speakers that provide an enveloping audio experience. Whether you're enjoying a movie or music, Galaxy Tab A9+ lets you fully engage in 3D sound with stunning clarity and depth.Secure your peace of mindKeep your information safe and sound. Store important data in the Secure Folder and monitor the overall security status of your device on the Privacy Dashboard. Make the most of your Samsung Galaxy experience, worry-free of security issues.Quick Share at hyperspeedQuick ShareSharing your photos, videos and documents is fast and easy with Quick Share. Just a few taps and you can instantly send files from your Galaxy phone, Tab or Book to other nearby Galaxy devices — even to multiple devices. Want to send a file to a non-Galaxy device? It's as easy as sending a link.Never lose trackContinue Apps on other devicesPick up right where you left off, whenever you need. By simply being signed in to the same Samsung account, you can get back to your notes or internet search without starting all over again while freely switching between your two devices.Expand your horizonsCopy & PasteProduce, deliver, and achieve beyond borders by seamlessly copying and pasting across devices. Whether you're creating a mood board or putting information into PowerPoint slides, your productivity and creative energy will flow more freely and efficiently.Pair up without a hold upAuto SyncLet time-consuming manual pairing of your favorite devices be a thing of the past. From your laptop and earbuds to Galaxy Watch, you'll see all the devices that have been paired with your Samsung Galaxy phone automatically appear in your Galaxy Tab A9 or Tab A9+'s Bluetooth device list.
LongProductName - SM-X216BZAEEUB
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+. Display diagonal: 27.9 cm (11"), Display resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels. Internal storage capacity: 128 GB. Processor frequency: 2.2 GHz, Processor family: Qualcomm Snapdragon, Processor model: 695. Internal memory: 8 GB. Rear camera resolution (numeric): 8 MP, Rear camera type: Single camera, Front camera resolution (numeric): 5 MP, Front camera. Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). Card reader integrated. Weight: 491 g. Product colour: Graphite
Manufacturer - Samsung
Manufacturer - SAMSUNG
Manufacturer_code - SM-X216BZAEEUB
Media formats - Audio formats supported - 3GA
Media formats - Audio formats supported - 3GA, AAC, AMR, AWB, FLAC, IMY, M4A, Mid, MIDI, MP3, MXMF, OGA, OGG, OTA, RTTTL, RTX, WAV, XMF
Media formats - Audio formats supported - AAC
Media formats - Audio formats supported - AMR
Media formats - Audio formats supported - AWB
Media formats - Audio formats supported - FLAC
Media formats - Audio formats supported - IMY
Media formats - Audio formats supported - M4A
Media formats - Audio formats supported - Mid
Media formats - Audio formats supported - MIDI
Media formats - Audio formats supported - MP3
Media formats - Audio formats supported - MXMF
Media formats - Audio formats supported - OGA
Media formats - Audio formats supported - OGG
Media formats - Audio formats supported - OTA
Media formats - Audio formats supported - RTTTL
Media formats - Audio formats supported - RTX
Media formats - Audio formats supported - WAV
Media formats - Audio formats supported - XMF
Media formats - Video formats supported - 3G2
Media formats - Video formats supported - 3G2, 3GP, AVI, FLV, M4V, MKV, MP4, WEBM
Media formats - Video formats supported - 3GP
Media formats - Video formats supported - AVI
Media formats - Video formats supported - FLV
Media formats - Video formats supported - M4V
Media formats - Video formats supported - MKV
Media formats - Video formats supported - MP4
Media formats - Video formats supported - WEBM
Memory (RAM) - 8GB
Memory - Internal memory - 8 GB
MicroSD Card Slot Input/Output connectors - 1
Mobile OS - Android 13.0
Model - Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G
Name - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ (X216) (Graphite) 11” TFT LCD 1200x1920,2.2GHz&1.8GHz/128GB/8GB RAM/Android 13/microSDXC,WiFi,BT,5G | Samsung
Name - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 128GB LTE DE graphite
Name - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ EU-128-8-5G-gy
Nano-SIM card tray Input/Output connectors - 1
Native resolution - 1920x1200
Network - 3G bands supported - 850
Network - 3G bands supported - 850,900,1900,2100 MHz
Network - 3G bands supported - 900
Network - 3G bands supported - 1900
Network - 3G bands supported - 2100 MHz
Network - 4G bands supported - 700
Network - 4G bands supported - 800
Network - 4G bands supported - 850
Network - 4G bands supported - 900
Network - 4G bands supported - 1800
Network - 4G bands supported - 1900
Network - 4G bands supported - 2100
Network - 4G bands supported - 2100, 1900, 1800, 850, 2600, 900, 700, 800, 2300, 2500 MHz
Network - 4G bands supported - 2300
Network - 4G bands supported - 2500
Network - 4G bands supported - 2600 MHz
Network - 4G standard - LTE-TDD & LTE-FDD
Network - 5G bands supported - 700
Network - 5G bands supported - 800
Network - 5G bands supported - 850
Network - 5G bands supported - 900
Network - 5G bands supported - 1800
Network - 5G bands supported - 2100
Network - 5G bands supported - 2100, 1800, 850, 2600, 900, 800, 700, 2300, 2500, 3700, 3500 MHz
Network - 5G bands supported - 2300
Network - 5G bands supported - 2500
Network - 5G bands supported - 2600
Network - 5G bands supported - 3500
Network - 5G bands supported - 3700 MHz
Network - 5G standard - Sub6 FDD
Network - 5G standard - Sub6 FDD, Sub6 TDD
Network - 5G standard - Sub6 TDD
Network - Bluetooth - Yes
Network - Bluetooth version - 5.1
Network - Mobile network connection - Yes
Network - Mobile network generation - 5G
Network - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Network - Wi-Fi Direct - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11b
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11g
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
Operating System - Android
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 50 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 200 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 100 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Palette Qty - 3344 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.07 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.001 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Performance - Accelerometer - Yes
Performance - Ambient light sensor - Yes
Performance - Assisted GPS (A-GPS) - No
Performance - BeiDou - Yes
Performance - Galileo - Yes
Performance - GLONASS - Yes
Performance - GPS (satellite) - Yes
Performance - Gyroscope - Yes
Performance - Position location - Yes
Performance - Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) - Yes
Phone features - Video call - Yes
Phone features - Voice call - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Combo headphone/mic port - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Headphone connectivity - 3.5 mm
Ports & interfaces - Lightning connector - No
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB 2.0 Type-C ports quantity - 1
Processor - Processor boost frequency - 2.2 GHz
Processor - Processor cores - 8
Processor - Processor family - Qualcomm Snapdragon
Processor - Processor frequency - 1.8 GHz
Processor - Processor frequency - 2.2 GHz
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Qualcomm
Processor - Processor model - 695
Producer - Samsung
producerCode - SM-X216BZAEEUB
Product model code - Tab A9+
ProductName - A9+
productName - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G LTE-TDD & LTE-FDD 128 GB 27.9 cm (11") 8 GB Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) Graphite
productSize - Normal
Screen size - 11"
Security - Face recognition - Yes
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 26 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 3 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 1 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 17 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+, 27.9 cm (11"), 1920 x 1200 pixels, 128 GB, 8 GB, 2.2 GHz, Graphite
sizeX - 265
sizeY - 28
sizeZ - 175
Software - Platform - Android
Speakers - Yes
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Internal storage capacity - 128 GB
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 1 TB
Storage - User memory - 103.6 GB
Tablet family name - Galaxy
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.30 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.20 kg
Technical details > Producer - Samsung
Title - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G Qualcomm Snapdragon LTE-TDD & LTE-FDD 128 GB 27.9 cm (11") 8 GB Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) Graphite
title_en - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G 11" Tablet 8GB / 128GB
title_lv - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G 11" Planšetdators 8GB / 128GB
title_ru - Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ 5G 11" Планшет 8GB / 128GB
Unit Box Height - 0.03
Unit Box Length - 0.26
Unit Box Width - 0.17
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001326 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 1 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.492 kg
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Video recording resolution - 1920 x 1080
Warranty - 24
Warranty - 24 month(s)
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo -
warrantyLength - 24
warrantyType - G
Weight - 0,64
Weight - 0.64
weight - 0.491 kg
weight - 650
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 6.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 168.7 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 491 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 257.1 mm
Width Unit Dimensions - 257.1 mm
Wireless LAN Wireless connections - 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
260.78 €
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Wi-Fi/5G, 8GB/128GB, Graphite
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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