Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Wi-Fi, 8GB/128GB, Graphite

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 986938 Tootekood: SM-X710NZAAEUB
Saab tellida 50 üksused Kättesaadavus: 14 päeva pärast tellimuse kinnitamist
Garantii: 2 aastat
654.67 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 01.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 01.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Ekraani heledus, nits: 400
  • Ekraani mõõt: 11"
  • Ekraani lahutusvõime: 2560 x 1600
  • Sisseehitatud mälu: 128GB
  • Mudel: Galaxy Tab S9 Wi-Fi (SM-X710)
  • Kaal (g): 498 g
  • Protsessor (kiibistik): Snapdragon 8 Gen 2
  • RAM mälu: 8GB
  • Operatsioonisüsteem : Android 13
  • 4G: Ei ole
  • 5G: Ei ole
  • Põhikaamera resolutsioon: 13 MPix
  • Patarei maht: 8400 mAh
Näidiku omadused
Ekraani heledus, nits : 400
Värskendamiskiirus : 120
Ekraani mõõt 11"

Tahvelarvuti peamine koostisosa on ekraan, mille suurus määrab ära selle, kui suur on tahvel ise. Tavaliselt on see ekraani diagonaal pluss paar sentimeetrit "kinnihoitavat" osa.

Mugavaks kasutamiseks soovitame ligikaudu 10" tahvelarvutit. 7" ekraani juba võib lugeda väikeseks ja rohkem sobivaks lastele. Juhul, kui tahvel on üle 10", see tähendab juba küllalt suurt seadet, mis keskmisele kasutajale võib tunduda ebamugav.

Ekraani lahutusvõime 2560 x 1600

Tähistab seda, mitu punkti ekraan sisaldab horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas. Mida suuremad on need arvud, seda parem on kujutise teravus ja meeldivam kasutamine.

Ekraani paneeli tüüp Dynamic AMOLED 2X

See näitaja määrab ära kujutise värvuste vastavuse, heleduses, vaatenurga jm. kvaliteedikriteeriumid. Kõrgema kvaliteediga ekraani paneeliks võib lugeda mistahes AMOLED, PLS ja IPS tüüpi seadet.

Värv : Must
Sisseehitatud mälu 128GB

Määrab ära, milline maht on tahvelarvuti "kõvakettal". Juhul, kui seadmel ei ole lisa-mälukaartide pesa, siis see on väga oluline parameeter, mida kindlasti peaks arvestama soetamise hetkel, valides mälumahu piisava reserviga, kuna ilma laiendusvõimaluseta peab selle mahuga toime tulema kogu seadme kasutusaja jooksul.

Keskmise suurusega film võtab enda alla ligikaudu 1GB mälumahtu. Keskmise suurusega Android või iOS mäng või aplikatsioon (rakendus) vajab ~100 Mb. Muusika ja pildifailid vajavad keskmiselt ligikaudu 5 Mb, ehk 0.05 Gb (ühele failile).

Kaal (g) : 498 g
Protsessori parameetrid
Protsessori tuumade arv 8

See on väga tähtis parameeter, kuna tahvelarvuti, küllalt suure ekraani eristusvõime tõttu, on nõudlik protsessori ressursside suhtes. Seoses sellega, juhul, kui soovite kasutada mitmeid rakendusi samaaegselt, kaaluge võimalust soetada tahvel vähemalt 2-tuumalise protsessoriga.

Protsessor (kiibistik) Snapdragon 8 Gen 2

Määrab ära, milline keskprotsessor on vastaval tahvlil. Praegu on turul saadaval mitmete konkureerivate protsessorite mudelid.

NVIDIA Tegra - selle seeria protsessoritel on hea graafiline ja arvutusjõudlus, samuti ka võrdlemisi head energiatõhususe näitajad. Igal juhul üks tugevamatest konkurentidest.

SnapDragon - see protsessor on väga energiatõhus, see-eest võimsuse mõttes rohkem sobiv nutitelefonidele.

AMD Fusion - see protsessor on tulnud sülearvutite keskkonnast, seoses sellega on sel suurepärane jõudlus, nii graafika- kui ka arvutustehete alal, siiski selle protsessori arhitektuur, kahjuks on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ainult Windows, Linux jm. laua-arvutite keskkonnas.

Atom - Intel mobiilne protsessor võrdlemisi keskpäraste võimsuse näitajatega. Samuti, kui ka AMD Fusion, sobib seni vaid lauaarvutite operatsioonisüsteemi jaoks.

Apple A5 - Spetsialiseeritud, Apple poolt välja töötatud protsessor, mida võite kohata ainult iPad tahvelarvutites. Võimsuse mõttes - üks liidritest.

Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
RAM mälu : 8GB
Videokaart : Adreno 740
Operatsioonisüsteem Android 13

See on üks tähtsamatest parameetritest tahvelarvuti valimisel.

iOS - Apple toodetud tahvlid on varustatud iOS operatsioonisüsteemiga, mis on väga mugav, kiire toimega, kuid suletud süsteem, mida pole võimalik eriti konfigureerida ja laiendada. See-eest iOS praegusel hetkel võimaldab kõige rohkem rakendusi (appe). iOS on kohaldatud Apple pilveteenustele, mis suuremalt osalt on tasulised.

Android on Google poolt väljatöötatud tasuta operatsioonisüsteem, sarnane iOS, ainult kõigi võimalustega paljude asjade muutmiseks. Pealegi on Android hästi sobitatud Google tasuta pilveteenustega - Gmail, Picasa, Youtube, Maps, Google+, Contacts, Calendar jm. Andoid kasutajate arv on kiirelt kasvamas, seetõttu see on väga perspektiivne operatsioonisüsteem.

Windows - klassikaline Microsoft Windows süsteem, mis võimaldab kasutada tavapärast .EXE aplikatsiooni (rakendust)s tahvelarvutis. Tõsi küll, see on praegu paremini sobiv laua-arvutitele, seetõttu valige see operatsioonisüsteem ainult sel juhul, kui on mingi Windows programm, ilma milleta te ei suuda toime tulla.

Citas (Bada, MeeGo, WebOS, BrewMP, Symbian) – praegu mobiilsete operatsioonisüsteemide mänguväli, peale eelpooltoodute on olemas mitmeid eksootilisi operatsioonisüsteeme, siiski võtke arvesse, et suurem võitlus selle turuosa pärast on juba peetud, seetõttu olge etttevaatlikud, valides operatsioonisüsteemi, mis pole iOS, Windows või Android, kuna, erinevalt klassikalistest arvutitest, suuremas osas tahvelarvutites pärast soetamist ei ole võimalik muuta operatsioonisüsteemi.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus laadimiseks : USB-C
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)

Ehkki küll pole olnud võimalust näha tahvelarvutit ilma WiFi funktsioonita, südame rahusstamiseks oleme lisanud ka selle parameetri. WiFi tahvliga on võimalik saada ühendust juhtmevaba interneti ruuteri abil, saamaks juurdepääsu internetti.

Ilma WiFi ruuteri ja internetiühenduseta on tahvelarvuti soetamise mõttekus vägagi kaheldava väärtusega.

Mälukaardi pesa : microSD
Traadita ühendused
4G : Ei ole
5G : Ei ole
NFC : Ei ole
GPS : Ir
Bluetooth On

Bluetooth võimaldab juhtmevabalt ühendada klaviatuuri, kuularid, mikrofoni, printeri jm. seadmed, mis toetavad seda tehnoloogiat.

Kaamera omadused
Eesmise kaamera resolutsioon : 12 MPix
Põhikaamera resolutsioon : 13 MPix
Patarei maht 8400 mAh

See on ligikaudne arv, mis osutab, mitu tundi seade võib töötada täielikult laaditud akumulaatoriga, väikese protsessori koormuse juures ja seadistatud minimaalse ekraani valgustatusega.

Olenevalt koormusest ja kasutatavast jõudlusest - heli, wifi, 3G, failide kopeerimine, Bluetooth, jmt. See arv võib oluliselt muutuda vähemuse suunas.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Audio - Audio system - Dolby Atmos
Audio - Number of microphones - 3
Audio - Speakers manufacturer - AKG
Available memory - 99.9 GB
Battery - Battery capacity - 31.66 Wh
Battery - Battery capacity - 8400 mAh
Battery - Battery included - Yes
Battery - Battery life (max) - 15 h
Battery - Battery recharge time - 1.5 h
Battery - Battery technology - Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Battery - Battery voltage - 3.88 V
Battery - Fast charging - Yes
Battery - Wireless charging - No
Bluetooth profiles - A2DP, AVRCP, DI, HID, HOGP, OPP, PAN, PBP, TMAP
Bluetooth version - Bluetooth 5.3
Bluetooth Wireless connections - Yes
Brand - Samsung
BrandPartCode - SM-X710NZAAEUB
Built-in storage - 128 GB
Camera - 13MP
Camera - Auto focus - Yes
Camera - Digital zoom - 8x
Camera - Front camera - Yes
Camera - Front camera aperture number - 2.4
Camera - Front camera field of view (FOV) angle - 120°
Camera - Front camera resolution (numeric) - 12 MP
Camera - Maximum video resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Camera - Panorama - Yes
Camera - Rear camera aperture number - 2
Camera - Rear camera field of view (FOV) angle - 80°
Camera - Rear camera flash - Yes
Camera - Rear camera resolution (numeric) - 13 MP
Camera - Rear camera type - Single camera
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1280x720@30fps, 1920x1080@30fps, 3840x2160@30fps
Camera - Time lapse mode - Yes
Camera - Video recording - Yes
Card Reader - microSD
Category - Tablets
Category Code - TPC
Category_1 - Tablets
Category_2 - Tablets - Tablets up to 10.1 inch
category_en - Computers & Components > Tablet PCs
category_lv - Datortehnika > Planšetdatori
category_ru - Datortehnika > Planšetdatori
Colour - Graphite
CPU/Platform/SoC - 3.36GHz, 2.8GHz, 2GHz
Depth Unit Dimensions - 5.9 mm
Description - Galaxy Tab S9 (Wi-Fi)
description_en - DISPLAY
Display resolution 2560 x 1600 pixels
Display brightness 600 cd/m²
Touchscreen type Capacitive
Pixel density 275 ppi
Display number of colours 16 million colours
Display glass type Gorilla Glass
Rounded display corners No
Native aspect ratio 16:10
Panel type TFT
Display diagonal 27.9 cm (11")
Display technology marketing name Dynamic AMOLED 2X
Processor model 8 Gen 2
Processor family Qualcomm Snapdragon
Processor cores 8
Processor boost frequency 3.36 GHz
Processor manufacturer Qualcomm
Internal memory 8 GB
Compatible memory cards MicroSD (TransFlash)
Maximum memory card size 1 TB
Card reader integrated Yes
Internal storage capacity 128 GB
Audio system Dolby Atmos
Speakers manufacturer AKG
Number of microphones 3
Auto focus Yes
Video recording Yes
Maximum video resolution 3840 x 2160 pixels
Digital zoom 8x
Rear camera resolution (numeric) 13 MP
Front camera Yes
Front camera resolution (numeric) 12 MP
Front camera aperture number 2.4
Rear camera aperture number 2
Resolution at capture speed 1920x1080@30fps, 3840x2160@30fps, 1280x720@30fps
Rear camera field of view (FOV) angle 80°
Front camera field of view (FOV) angle 120°
Rear camera flash Yes
Rear camera type Single camera
Panorama Yes
Time lapse mode Yes
Bluetooth Yes
Bluetooth version 5.3
Wi-Fi standards 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Wi-Fi Direct Yes
Dual SIM support No
Top Wi-Fi standard Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Mobile network generation Not supported
Mobile network connection No
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-C ports quantity 1
Protection features Dust resistant, Water resistant
Device type Mobile tablet
International Protection (IP) code IP68
Country of origin Vietnam
Housing material Aluminium
Rugged design No
Form factor Slate
Product colour Graphite
GPS (satellite) Yes
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) Yes
Ambient light sensor Yes
Accelerometer Yes
Gyroscope Yes
Google applications Google Play, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Chrome, YouTube, Google Photos, Google Drive
BeiDou Yes
Galileo Yes
Position location Yes
Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) Yes
Hall sensor Yes
Fingerprint reader Yes
Operating system architecture 64-bit
Operating system installed Android 13
Platform Android
Battery technology Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Battery life (max) 15 h
Battery capacity 8400 mAh
Battery capacity 31.66 Wh
Battery recharge time 1.5 h
Battery voltage 3.88 V
Fast charging Yes
Wireless charging No
Battery included Yes
description_lv - DISPLEJS Displeja izšķirtspēja 2560 x 1600 pikseļi Displeja spilgtums 600 cd/m² Skārienekrāna tips Kapacitatīvs Pikseļu blīvums 275 ppi Displeja krāsu skaits 16 miljoni krāsu Displeja stikla tips Gorilla Glass Noapaļoti displeja stūri Bez HD veida WQXGA Native malu attiecība 16:10 Paneļa tips TFT 27,9 cm (11") Displeja tehnoloģiju mārketinga nosaukums Dynamic AMOLED 2X PROCESSOR Procesora modelis 8 Gen 2 Procesoru saime Qualcomm Snapdragon Procesora serdeņi 8 Procesora pastiprināšanas frekvence 3,36 GHz Procesora ražotājs Qualcomm ATMIŅA Iekšējā atmiņa 8 GB KRĀTUVE Saderīgas atmiņas kartes MicroSD (TransF) izmērs 1 TB Integrēts karšu lasītājs Jā Iekšējās atmiņas ietilpība 128 GB AUDIO Audio sistēma Dolby Atmos Skaļruņu ražotājs AKG Mikrofonu skaits 3 KAMERA Autofokuss Jā Video ieraksts Jā Maksimālā video izšķirtspēja 3840 x 2160 pikseļi Digitālā tālummaiņa 8x Aizmugurējās kameras izšķirtspēja (ciparu) 13 MP Priekšpuse kamera Jā Priekšējās kameras izšķirtspēja (ciparu) 12 MP Priekšējās kameras apertūras numurs 2,4 Aizmugurējās kameras diafragmas numurs 2 Izšķirtspēja uzņemšanas ātrumā 1920x1080@30fps, 3840x2160@30fps, 1280x720@30fps Aizmugurējās kameras skata lauks (FOV) priekšējās kameras leņķis no 8 skata (FOV) leņķis 120° Aizmugurējās kameras zibspuldze Jā Aizmugurējās kameras tips Viena kamera Panorāma Jā Laika nobīdes režīms Jā TĪKLS Bluetooth Jā Bluetooth versija 5.3 Wi-Fi standarti 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Wi-Fi Direct Jā
Divu SIM atbalsts Nē
Vispopulārākais Wi-Fi standarts Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Mobilā tīkla ģenerēšana Nav atbalstīts
Mobilā tīkla savienojums Nē
USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) C tipa pieslēgvietu skaits 1
Aizsardzības līdzekļi Putekļu izturīgs, Ūdensizturīgs
Ierīces tips Mobilā planšetdators
Starptautiskās aizsardzības (IP) kods IP68
Izcelsmes valsts Vjetnama
Korpusa materiāls Alumīnijs
Izturīgs dizains Nē
Formas faktors Šīferis
Produkta krāsa Grafīta
GPS (satelīts) Jā
Assisted GPS (A-GPS) Jā
Apkārtējās gaismas sensors Jā
Akselerometrs Jā
Žiroskops Jā
Google lietojumprogrammas Google Play, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Chrome, YouTube, Google fotoattēli, Google disks
BeiDou Jā
Galileo Jā
Pozīcijas atrašanās vieta Jā
Kvazi-Zenith satelītu sistēma (QZSS) Jā
Halles sensors Jā
Pirkstu nospiedumu lasītājs Jā
Operētājsistēmas arhitektūra 64 bitu Operētājsistēma
instalēta Android 13
Platforma Android
Akumulatora tehnoloģija Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion)
Akumulatora darbības laiks (maks.) 15 h
Akumulatora ietilpība 8400 mAh
Akumulatora ietilpība 31,66 Wh
Akumulatora uzlādes laiks
Akumulatora spriegums 155 h. 3,88 V
Ātrā uzlāde Jā
Bezvadu uzlāde Nē
Iekļauts akumulators Jā
description_ru - ЭКРАН
Разрешение экрана 2560 x 1600 пикселей
Яркость дисплея 600 cd/m²
Тип сенсорного экрана Емкостный
Плотность пикселей 275 ppi
Количество цветов экрана 16 миллионов цветов
Тип стекла дисплея Gorilla Glass
Округлые углы дисплея Нет
Собственное форматное соотношение 16:10
Тип матрицы TFT
Диагональ экрана 27,9 cm (11")
Маркетинговое название технологии экрана Dynamic AMOLED 2X
Модель процессора 8 Gen 2
Семейство процессоров Qualcomm Snapdragon
Количество ядер процессора 8
Повышеная частота процессора 3,36 GHz
Производитель процессора Qualcomm
Оперативная память 8 GB
Совместимые карты памяти MicroSD (TransFlash)
Максимальный объем флеш-карты 1 TB
Встроенный кардридер Да
Емкость встроенной памяти 128 GB
Аудиосистема Dolby Atmos
Производитель колонок AKG
Число встроенных микрофонов 3
Автофокусировка Да
Запись видео Да
Максимальное разрешение видео 3840 x 2160 пикселей
Цифровой зум 8x
Разрешение задней камеры (числовое) 13 MP
Фронтальная камера Да
Разрешение фронтальной камеры (числовое) 12 MP
Число диафрагмы передней камеры 2,4
Число диафрагмы задней камеры 2
Разрешение при скорости захвата 1920x1080@30fps, 3840x2160@30fps, 1280x720@30fps
Угол поля обзора задней камеры 80°
Угол поля обзора фронтальной камеры 120°
Вспышка задней камеры Да
Тип задней камеры Одна камера
Панорама Да
Режим замедленной съемки Да
Bluetooth Да
Версия Bluetooth 5.3
Wi-Fi стандартов 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Wi-Fi Direct Да
Поддержка двух SIM-карт Нет
Основной стандарт Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Поколение сети мобильной связи Не поддерживается
Подключение к мобильной сети Нет
Количество портов USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-С 1
Защитные возможности Пылестойкий, Влагостойкость
Тип устройства Mobile tablet
International Protection (IP) код IP68
Страна производства Вьетнам
Материал корпуса Алюминий
Прочная конструкция Нет
Формат Слейт
Цвет товара Графит
GPS (спутниковый) Да
Сенсор рассеянного света Да
Акселерометр Да
Гироскоп Да
Приложения Google Google Play, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Chrome, YouTube, Google Photos, Google Drive
Поддрежка ГЛОНАСС Да
Бэйдоу Да
Galileo Да
Определение местоположения Да
Квазизенитная спутниковая система (QZSS) Да
Датчик Холла Да
Сканер отпечатков пальцев Да
Архитектура операционной системы 64-разрядный
Установленная операционная система Android 13
Платформа Android
Технология батареи Литий-ионная (Li-Ion)
Время работы батареи (макс) 15 h
Емкость батареи 8400 mAh
Емкость батареи 31,66 Wh
Время подзарядки батареи 1,5 h
Напряжение батареи 3,88 V
Быстрая зарядка Да
Беспроводная зарядка Нет
Батарея в комплекте Да
Design - Device type - Mobile tablet
Design - Form factor - Slate
Design - Housing material - Aluminium
Design - International Protection (IP) code - IP68
Design - Product colour - Graphite
Design - Protection features - Dust resistant, Water resistant
Design - Rugged design - No
Display - Display brightness - 600 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 27.9 cm (11")
Display - Display glass type - Gorilla Glass
Display - Display number of colours - 16 million colours
Display - Display resolution - 2560 x 1600 pixels
Display - Display technology marketing name - Dynamic AMOLED 2X
Display - HD type - WQXGA
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:10
Display - Panel type - TFT
Display - Pixel density - 275 ppi
Display - Rounded display corners - No
Display - Touchscreen type - Capacitive
Display technology - Dynamic AMOLED 2X
EAN - 8806095084138
EAN_code - 8806095084138
Front-facing Camera - 12MP
Full Description Line - Galaxy|SM-X710|3.36GHz, 2.8GHz, 2GHz|Screen 11"|Resolution 2560x1600|Dynamic AMOLED 2X|RAM 8GB|1xUSB-C|Wireless LAN 802.11ax|Bluetooth|Card Reader microSD|Camera 13MP|Front-facing Camera 12MP|Speakers|GPS / geotagging|Colour Graphite|Width 165.8 mm|Height 254.3 mm|Depth 5.9 mm|Weight 0.498 kg
GPS / geotagging - Yes
Graphics - Graphics card family - Adreno
gross_weight - 0.25 kg
GTIN - 8806095084138
Height Unit Dimensions - 254.3 mm
Logistics data - Pallet net height - 80 cm
Logistics data - Pallet net length - 120 cm
Logistics data - Pallet net width - 115.8 cm
LongDesc - Three sizes. Two nature-inspired colorsChoose between understated, professional Graphite and soft, natural Beige — both accentuated with premium detailing and a smooth blasting finish for a sophisticated look.Get a crystal-clear, comfortable view with Dynamic AMOLED 2XWhether you choose Galaxy Tab S9, Galaxy Tab S9+ or Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra, each is ready to bring your creative vision to life. All three feature a Dynamic AMOLED 2X display, delivering stunning color and visuals. Plus, it's easy on the eyes with reduced blue light emission.Unified design. The beauty is in the detailsIt's always the smallest things that matter most. Like the floating camera design on the back — crafted to elegantly encapsulate the upgraded camera system. We even reimagined the side buttons and speaker arrangement to feel more familiar.Vibrant hues. Stunning viewsEverything on screen is lifelike with the high-resolution Dynamic AMOLED 2X display. Details are crisp and clear with a wide range of vivid colors and true blacks thanks to HDR10+ enhanced visuals and smooth scrolling at up to 120Hz refresh rate.Level up your play with epic, cinematic visualsThe Galaxy Tab S9 Series delivers an engrossing, photo-realistic gaming experience on the Tab's expansive screen for marathon playthroughs.The experience is heightened with immersive audio from the quad AKG speaker system and Dolby Atmos surround sound.The first water and dust-resistant Galaxy S tabletWhen the day gets tough, the Galaxy Tab S9 Series stays sturdy and durable. The smooth metal design is suited up with our strongest Armor Aluminum frame — living up to its name by protecting your tablet from shocks and drops. And the IP68 rating means it's our first water and dust-resistant Galaxy Tab S Series ever.S Pen. Stronger, faster, more responsiveWe rebuilt the included S Pen to be IP68 water resistant just like the tablet. It's also improved across the board, with enhanced tip sensitivity for less accidental clicks. And with the magnetic attachment and bidirectional charging, just snap it on to charge.Enhanced outdoor viewing with Vision BoosterVision Booster lets you see your screen clearly in brightly lit areas thanks to an intelligent outdoor algorithm that detects the sun's glow and shifts to match. Go between the studio and patio with ease thanks to contrast and color enhancements to keep things vibrant.Next-gen processor for next-level, lifelike gamingThe extremely fast Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 for Galaxy processor is intelligently engineered to deliver revved-up performance and power savings for champion-level gameplay. The graphics engine powers true-to-life reflections and shadows in 3D gaming environments for immersive gaming.Stay creative on the move with a long-lasting batteryKeep the creative juices flowing with the long-lasting battery. It's got enough power to get you through your day and even spare some in case your phone needs a boost, too. Plug in your Samsung Galaxy smartphone with a USB-C cable and Fast Charging takes care of the rest.Store all your inspiration with microSD supportChoose up to 1TB internal storage, sketch your masterpiece with GoodNotes, then grab your microSD to add on more storage in case you need even more room for your videos, compositions, hi-res photos and more.Elevate your notetaking, optimized for the big screenLet your imagination run wild on pro-level notetaking with GoodNotes — optimized to provide a seamless S Pen experience and feel of writing on actual paper. Sketch in portrait view and edit in horizontal view, or vice versa.Put S Pen to paper with the NotePaper ScreenWith the NotePaper Screen, writing is the next best thing to pen and paper. Add in S Pen — the ultimate drawing tool to elevate your canvas. It is sensitive to pressure and tilt, allowing you to create detailed sketches and illustrations with precision and control.Note taking just got more noteworthyAmp up your productivity with S Pen's enhanced note-taking functions. Quickly jot down novel ideas or make a quick diagram to get your point across. And with S Pen to Text, you can seamlessly turn your handwriting into text input in a wide range of apps like Google, Messages, Maps and more.Live collaboration comes to Samsung NotesPull your teammates in for a brainstorming session, facilitated by S Pen and Samsung Notes. Share notes between Samsung Galaxy devices to edit content in real time directly in the app. You can even scan multi-page documents easily and save them in Gallery to pull them up during video calls.Get a PC-like experience with a single snapAttach the Book Cover Keyboard to topple your to-do lists with ease. Fully backlit with function keys and a trackpad, it supports DeX mode for a seamless PC-like experience. Assign app shortcuts to up your efficiency and connect wirelessly to other Samsung Galaxy devices to type smoothly on any screen.Shoot on your phone, share it to your tabletMove massive files from one Samsung Galaxy device to another in a flash with Quick Share. Open up LumaFusion to take advantage of the expansive screen to edit, cut and add final touches with precision.Streamline creativity and multitaskingPainting on your tablet just got easier with the newly-added Simple Mode on Clip Studio Paint. Elevate multitasking with your smartphone by using Multi Control that allows you to drag and drop images between the devices, or instantly transfer files from your smartphone and continue editing on your tablet.Divide your screen. Multiply your productivityConquer multiple tasks at once. You can sketch out architectural plans and choose captivating visuals and video chat — all on one screen without ever closing a window.
LongProductName - SM-X710NZAAEUB
LongSummaryDescription - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 SM-X710N. Display diagonal: 27.9 cm (11"), Display resolution: 2560 x 1600 pixels. Internal storage capacity: 128 GB. Processor family: Qualcomm Snapdragon, Processor model: 8 Gen 2. Internal memory: 8 GB. Rear camera resolution (numeric): 13 MP, Rear camera type: Single camera, Front camera resolution (numeric): 12 MP. Top Wi-Fi standard: Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax). Assisted GPS (A-GPS). Card reader integrated. Weight: 498 g. Operating system installed: Android 13. Product colour: Graphite
Manufacturer - Samsung
Manufacturer_code - SM-X710NZAAEUB
Memory (RAM) - 8GB
Memory - Internal memory - 8 GB
Mobile OS - Android 13.0
Model - Galaxy Tab S9
Model number - Galaxy Tab S9
Name - SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S9 128GB, tablet PC (graphite, Android 13)
Native resolution - 2560x1600
Network - Bluetooth - Yes
Network - Bluetooth version - 5.3
Network - Dual SIM support - No
Network - Mobile network connection - No
Network - Mobile network generation - Not supported
Network - Near Field Communication (NFC) - No
Network - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Network - Wi-Fi Direct - Yes
Network - Wi-Fi standards - 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Packaging content - AC adapter included - Yes
Packaging content - Cables included - USB Type-C
Packaging content - Keyboard included - No
Packaging content - Stylus pen - Yes
Performance - Accelerometer - Yes
Performance - Ambient light sensor - Yes
Performance - Assisted GPS (A-GPS) - Yes
Performance - BeiDou - Yes
Performance - Country of origin - Vietnam
Performance - Galileo - Yes
Performance - GLONASS - Yes
Performance - Google applications - Gmail, Google Chrome, Google Drive, Google Maps, Google Photos, Google Play, YouTube
Performance - GPS (satellite) - Yes
Performance - Gyroscope - Yes
Performance - Hall sensor - Yes
Performance - Position location - Yes
Performance - Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) - Yes
Ports & interfaces - USB 3.2 Gen 1 (3.1 Gen 1) Type-C ports quantity - 1
Processor - Processor boost frequency - 3.36 GHz
Processor - Processor cores - 8
Processor - Processor family - Qualcomm Snapdragon
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Qualcomm
Processor - Processor model - 8 Gen 2
Producer - Samsung
Product model code - SM-X710
ProductName - SM-X710N
Screen size - 11"
Security - Fingerprint reader - Yes
Shipping Box Depth Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 27.5 cm
Shipping Box Height Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 2 cm
Shipping box quantity - 1
Shipping Box Weight Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 0.78 kg
Shipping Box Width Shipping/Package Box Dimensions - 18.5 cm
ShortSummaryDescription - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 SM-X710N, 27.9 cm (11"), 2560 x 1600 pixels, 128 GB, 8 GB, Android 13, Graphite
Software - Operating system architecture - 64-bit
Software - Operating system installed - Android 13
Software - Platform - Android
Speakers - Yes
Storage - Card reader integrated - Yes
Storage - Compatible memory cards - MicroSD (TransFlash)
Storage - Internal storage capacity - 128 GB
Storage - Maximum memory card size - 1 TB
Storage - User memory - 99.9 GB
Tablet family name - Galaxy
Title - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 SM-X710N Qualcomm Snapdragon 128 GB 27.9 cm (11") 8 GB Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Android 13 Graphite
title_en - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Tablet 8GB / 128GB
title_lv - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Planšetdators 8GB / 128GB
title_ru - Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Планшет 8GB / 128GB
Unit Box Height - 0.02
Unit Box Length - 0.275
Unit Box Width - 0.185
Unit Brutto Volume - 0.001017 cubm
Unit Gross Weight - 0.78 kg
Unit Net Weight - 0.498 kg
USB-C Input/Output connectors - 1
Vendor Homepage -
Video recording resolution - 3840 x 2160
Warranty - 24 months
WarrantyInfo -
Weight - 0,78
weight - 0.2 kg
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 5.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 165.8 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package depth - 21.4 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package height - 184.5 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package weight - 755 g
Weight & dimensions - Package width - 273.9 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 498 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 254.3 mm
Width Unit Dimensions - 165.8 mm
Wireless LAN Wireless connections - 802.11ax
654.67 €
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Wi-Fi, 8GB/128GB, Graphite
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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