Apple iPad Air (2022) Wi-Fi + Cellular, 64GB, Purple

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 877174 Tootekood: MME93HC/A
Kaubad ei ole hetkel saadaval Me ei võta vastu tellimusi selle toote tarnimiseks. Meil ei ole teavet selle kohta, millal see toode saadaval on. Meie tarnijad ei anna praegu teavet toote võimaliku tarneaja ja võimaliku hinna kohta, kui see uuesti müügile tuleb. veebisait annab teavet selle toote kohta ainult teavitamise eesmärgil, et kliendid saaksid toodet näha ja võrrelda seda praegu müügil olevate toodetega.

Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Ekraani heledus, nits: 500
  • Ekraani mõõt: 10.9"
  • Ekraani lahutusvõime: 1640 x 2360
  • Sisseehitatud mälu: 64GB
  • Mudel: Apple iPad Air (2022)
  • Kaal (g): 460 g
  • Protsessor (kiibistik): Apple M1
  • RAM mälu: 8GB
  • Operatsioonisüsteem : iPadOS 15
  • 4G: On
  • 5G: On
  • Põhikaamera resolutsioon: 12 MPix
  • Patarei maht: N/A
Sarnased tooted
See toode Apple iPad Air (2022) Wi-Fi + Cellular, 64GB, Purple
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Näita sarnaseid andmeid. Peida sarnased andmed.
676,36 €
179,00 €
910,40 €
910,40 €
910,40 €
Näidiku omadused
Ekraani heledus, nits 500 Ei ole märgitud 500 500 500
Värskendamiskiirus 60 60 60 60 60
Ekraani mõõt 10.9" 8.7" 10.9" 10.9" 10.9"
Ekraani lahutusvõime 1640 x 2360 1340 x 800 1640 x 2360 1640 x 2360 1640 x 2360
Ekraani paneeli tüüp Retina IPS LCD Liquid Retina IPS LCD Liquid Retina IPS LCD Liquid Retina IPS LCD
Värv Violetne Pelēka Beež Kuld Valge Sinine Pelēka
Sisseehitatud mälu 64GB 64GB 64GB 64GB 64GB
Kaal (g) 460 g 333 g 462 g 460 g 460 g
Protsessori parameetrid
Protsessori tuumade arv 8 8 8 8 8
Protsessor (kiibistik) Apple M1 Mediatek Helio G99 Apple M1 Apple M1 Apple M1
Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
RAM mälu 8GB 4GB 8GB 8GB 8GB
Videokaart Apple GPU (8-core) Mali G57 MC2 Apple GPU (8-core) Apple GPU (8-core) Apple GPU (8-core)
Operatsioonisüsteem iPadOS 15 Android 13 iPadOS 15 iPadOS 15 iPadOS 15
Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus laadimiseks USB-C USB-C USB-C USB-C USB-C
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
Mälukaardi pesa Nav microSD Nav Nav Nav
Traadita ühendused
4G On Ei ole On On On
5G On Ei ole On On On
NFC Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole
GPS Ir Ir Ir Ir Ir
Bluetooth On On On On On
Kaamera omadused
Eesmise kaamera resolutsioon 12 MPix 2 MPix 12 MPix 12 MPix 12 MPix
Põhikaamera resolutsioon 12 MPix 8 MPix 12 MPix 12 MPix 12 MPix
Patarei maht N/A 5100 mAh N/A N/A N/A
Näidiku omadused
Ekraani heledus, nits : 500
Värskendamiskiirus : 60
Ekraani mõõt 10.9"

Tahvelarvuti peamine koostisosa on ekraan, mille suurus määrab ära selle, kui suur on tahvel ise. Tavaliselt on see ekraani diagonaal pluss paar sentimeetrit "kinnihoitavat" osa.

Mugavaks kasutamiseks soovitame ligikaudu 10" tahvelarvutit. 7" ekraani juba võib lugeda väikeseks ja rohkem sobivaks lastele. Juhul, kui tahvel on üle 10", see tähendab juba küllalt suurt seadet, mis keskmisele kasutajale võib tunduda ebamugav.

Ekraani lahutusvõime 1640 x 2360

Tähistab seda, mitu punkti ekraan sisaldab horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas. Mida suuremad on need arvud, seda parem on kujutise teravus ja meeldivam kasutamine.

Ekraani paneeli tüüp Retina IPS

See näitaja määrab ära kujutise värvuste vastavuse, heleduses, vaatenurga jm. kvaliteedikriteeriumid. Kõrgema kvaliteediga ekraani paneeliks võib lugeda mistahes AMOLED, PLS ja IPS tüüpi seadet.

Värv : Violetne
Sisseehitatud mälu 64GB

Määrab ära, milline maht on tahvelarvuti "kõvakettal". Juhul, kui seadmel ei ole lisa-mälukaartide pesa, siis see on väga oluline parameeter, mida kindlasti peaks arvestama soetamise hetkel, valides mälumahu piisava reserviga, kuna ilma laiendusvõimaluseta peab selle mahuga toime tulema kogu seadme kasutusaja jooksul.

Keskmise suurusega film võtab enda alla ligikaudu 1GB mälumahtu. Keskmise suurusega Android või iOS mäng või aplikatsioon (rakendus) vajab ~100 Mb. Muusika ja pildifailid vajavad keskmiselt ligikaudu 5 Mb, ehk 0.05 Gb (ühele failile).

Kaal (g) : 460 g
Protsessori parameetrid
Protsessori tuumade arv 8

See on väga tähtis parameeter, kuna tahvelarvuti, küllalt suure ekraani eristusvõime tõttu, on nõudlik protsessori ressursside suhtes. Seoses sellega, juhul, kui soovite kasutada mitmeid rakendusi samaaegselt, kaaluge võimalust soetada tahvel vähemalt 2-tuumalise protsessoriga.

Protsessor (kiibistik) Apple M1

Määrab ära, milline keskprotsessor on vastaval tahvlil. Praegu on turul saadaval mitmete konkureerivate protsessorite mudelid.

NVIDIA Tegra - selle seeria protsessoritel on hea graafiline ja arvutusjõudlus, samuti ka võrdlemisi head energiatõhususe näitajad. Igal juhul üks tugevamatest konkurentidest.

SnapDragon - see protsessor on väga energiatõhus, see-eest võimsuse mõttes rohkem sobiv nutitelefonidele.

AMD Fusion - see protsessor on tulnud sülearvutite keskkonnast, seoses sellega on sel suurepärane jõudlus, nii graafika- kui ka arvutustehete alal, siiski selle protsessori arhitektuur, kahjuks on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ainult Windows, Linux jm. laua-arvutite keskkonnas.

Atom - Intel mobiilne protsessor võrdlemisi keskpäraste võimsuse näitajatega. Samuti, kui ka AMD Fusion, sobib seni vaid lauaarvutite operatsioonisüsteemi jaoks.

Apple A5 - Spetsialiseeritud, Apple poolt välja töötatud protsessor, mida võite kohata ainult iPad tahvelarvutites. Võimsuse mõttes - üks liidritest.

Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
RAM mälu : 8GB
Videokaart : Apple GPU (8-core)
Operatsioonisüsteem iPadOS 15

See on üks tähtsamatest parameetritest tahvelarvuti valimisel.

iOS - Apple toodetud tahvlid on varustatud iOS operatsioonisüsteemiga, mis on väga mugav, kiire toimega, kuid suletud süsteem, mida pole võimalik eriti konfigureerida ja laiendada. See-eest iOS praegusel hetkel võimaldab kõige rohkem rakendusi (appe). iOS on kohaldatud Apple pilveteenustele, mis suuremalt osalt on tasulised.

Android on Google poolt väljatöötatud tasuta operatsioonisüsteem, sarnane iOS, ainult kõigi võimalustega paljude asjade muutmiseks. Pealegi on Android hästi sobitatud Google tasuta pilveteenustega - Gmail, Picasa, Youtube, Maps, Google+, Contacts, Calendar jm. Andoid kasutajate arv on kiirelt kasvamas, seetõttu see on väga perspektiivne operatsioonisüsteem.

Windows - klassikaline Microsoft Windows süsteem, mis võimaldab kasutada tavapärast .EXE aplikatsiooni (rakendust)s tahvelarvutis. Tõsi küll, see on praegu paremini sobiv laua-arvutitele, seetõttu valige see operatsioonisüsteem ainult sel juhul, kui on mingi Windows programm, ilma milleta te ei suuda toime tulla.

Citas (Bada, MeeGo, WebOS, BrewMP, Symbian) – praegu mobiilsete operatsioonisüsteemide mänguväli, peale eelpooltoodute on olemas mitmeid eksootilisi operatsioonisüsteeme, siiski võtke arvesse, et suurem võitlus selle turuosa pärast on juba peetud, seetõttu olge etttevaatlikud, valides operatsioonisüsteemi, mis pole iOS, Windows või Android, kuna, erinevalt klassikalistest arvutitest, suuremas osas tahvelarvutites pärast soetamist ei ole võimalik muuta operatsioonisüsteemi.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus laadimiseks : USB-C
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)

Ehkki küll pole olnud võimalust näha tahvelarvutit ilma WiFi funktsioonita, südame rahusstamiseks oleme lisanud ka selle parameetri. WiFi tahvliga on võimalik saada ühendust juhtmevaba interneti ruuteri abil, saamaks juurdepääsu internetti.

Ilma WiFi ruuteri ja internetiühenduseta on tahvelarvuti soetamise mõttekus vägagi kaheldava väärtusega.

Mälukaardi pesa : Nav
Traadita ühendused
4G : On
5G : On
NFC : Ei ole
GPS : Ir
Bluetooth On

Bluetooth võimaldab juhtmevabalt ühendada klaviatuuri, kuularid, mikrofoni, printeri jm. seadmed, mis toetavad seda tehnoloogiat.

Kaamera omadused
Eesmise kaamera resolutsioon : 12 MPix
Põhikaamera resolutsioon : 12 MPix
Patarei maht N/A

See on ligikaudne arv, mis osutab, mitu tundi seade võib töötada täielikult laaditud akumulaatoriga, väikese protsessori koormuse juures ja seadistatud minimaalse ekraani valgustatusega.

Olenevalt koormusest ja kasutatavast jõudlusest - heli, wifi, 3G, failide kopeerimine, Bluetooth, jmt. See arv võib oluliselt muutuda vähemuse suunas.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - iPad Air USB-C charging cable 20W USB-C adapter
Battery > Battery technology - Li-ion
Battery capacity - 28.6 Wh
Camera - Yes
Camera > Front camera - Yes
Camera > Front camera resolution (numeric) - 12 MP
Camera > Rear camera - Yes
Camera > Rear camera resolution (numeric) - 12 MP
Camera > Video recording modes - 4K at 24/25/30/60fps, 1080p at 25/30/60/120/240fps
Category - Root/Laptops | Tablets/Tablets
Category_1 - Tablets
Category_2 - Tablets - Tablets up to 10.1 inch
Cell type - Li-poly (internal battery)
Code - MME93HC/A
Color - Violet
Communication - 5G
Communication - Bluetooth 5.0
Communication - HSDPA (3G)
Communication - HSPA+ (3G)
Communication - LTE (4G)
Communication - UMTS (3G)
Communication - Wi-Fi (802.11ax)
CPU - other information -
Depth - 6.1 mm
Description - iPad Air lets you immerse yourself in whatever youre reading, watching, or creating. The 10.9-inch Liquid Retina display features advanced technologies like True Tone, P3 wide color, and an antireflective coating. Touch ID is built into the top button, so you can use your fingerprint to unlock your iPad, sign in to apps, and make payments securely with Apple Pay. And iPad Air comes in five gorgeous colors. The breakthrough M1 chip is now in iPad Air. An 8-core CPU delivers up to 60 percent faster performance than the previous generation, making iPad Air a creative and mobile gaming powerhouse. Multitask smoothly between powerful apps and play graphics-intensive games. And with M1, you can go even further with your creativity with apps like SketchUp. The extraordinary 8-core GPU delivers up to 2x faster graphics, so you can draw a social media filter in Procreate, build in 3D with uMake, and more. And with all-day battery life, you can keep creating wherever you go. The Apple-designed 16-core Neural Engine accelerates machine learning so you can do amazing things. Editing photos is faster than ever in Adobe Lightroom, where you can intelligently select the sky in your photos with just a tap. The 12MP Wide back camera is perfect for capturing photos and 4K videos. And with the powerful ISP in the M1 chip, iPad Air now features Smart HDR, so your photos look even more beautiful. You can also use the back camera to scan documents and then mark them up with Apple Pencil. And with the large display, you can shoot video and photos and edit them right on iPad Air.
Design > Colour of product - Purple
Detailed camera specifications - FaceTime HD camera Ultra-wide-angle 12MP front camera with 122° field of view 2.4 aperture Intelligent HDR 3 1080p HD video recording at 25fps, 30fps or 60fps Time-lapse video with image stabilization Wider dynamic range for up to 30fps video Cinematic video image stabilization (1080p and 720p) Wide color gamut in stills and Live Photo Lens correction Retina Flash Automatic image stabilization Continuous shooting mode Camera 12MP wide-angle camera, 1.8 aperture Max 5x digital zoom Five-element lens Autofocus with Focus Pixels Panorama (up to 63 MP) Intelligent HDR 3 Wide color gamut in photos and Live Photo Geo-tagging of photos Automatic image stabilization Continuous shooting mode Recordable photo formats: HEIF and JPEG
Diagonal screen - 10,9''
dimension depth - 50 mm
dimension height - 260 mm
dimension weight - 870 g
dimension width - 190 mm
Display > Display - 1640 x 2360, pixels
Display > Display diagonal - 10.9 "
Display > Display technology - Liquid Retina IPS LCD
Display > LED backlight - Yes
Display > Touch technology - Multi‑Touch display with IPS technology
ean - 194252834701
EAN - 194252834718
Eans - 194252834701
EAN_code - 0194252834701
Front camera - 12 Mpix
GPS receiver - Yes
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 247.6 mm
I/O connectors - 1 x USB (Type C)
Internal memory - 64 GB
Link -
Manufacturer - Apple
Manufacturer_code - MME93FD/A
Memory > Internal memory - 8 GB
Memory card reader - No
Mobile phone features - Yes
Model - iPad Air 
Name - APPLE iPad Air 10.9 WiFi+Cell 5G 64GB - MME93FD/A purple
Name - Apple iPad Air 10.9" Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB Fioletowy (5.gen)
Name - Apple | iPad Air 5th Gen | 10.9 " | Purple | Liquid Retina IPS LCD | Apple M1 | 8 GB | 64 GB | 5G | Wi-Fi | Front camera | 12 MP | Rear camera | 12 MP | Bluetooth | 5.0 | iPadOS | 15.4 | Warranty 12 month(s)
Name - iPad Air 10'9" Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB - Purple 5th Gen
name - iPad Air 10.9-inch Wi-Fi + Cellular 64GB - Purple
Networking > 5G - Yes
Networking > Bluetooth - Yes
Networking > Bluetooth version - 5.0
Networking > Near Field Communication (NFC) - No
Networking > Wi-Fi - Yes
Networking > Wi-Fi standards - 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/6
Operating System - iPadOS 15
Other display parameters - 10.9-inch (diagonal) LED-backlit Multi-Touch display with IPS technology 2360 by 1640 pixel resolution with 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Wide color gamut (P3) True Tone technology Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Full display lamination Anti-glare coating Reflective index 1.8% Brightness of 500 nits Works with Apple Pencil (2nd generation)
Other features - Video Recording 4K video recording at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps or 60 fps 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps or 60 fps 720p HD video recording at 30 fps Slow motion video in 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps Time-lapse video with image stabilization Wider dynamic range for up to 30fps video Cinematic video image stabilization (4K, 1080p and 720p) Continuous autofocus video Zoom during playback Recorded video formats: HEVC and H.264 Video chatting FaceTime video Center of attention From iPad to any FaceTime-enabled device over a WiFi or cellular network Audio calls Audio FaceTime From iPad to any FaceTime-enabled device over a WiFi or cellular network Speakers Stereo speakers Microphones Two microphones for calls and audio and video recording Sensors Touch ID Tri-axis gyroscope Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Package features > Classification of battery - CL126:NE:2016-12-09
Package features > Composition of battery - CL127:KT:2016-12-09
Package features > Embeeded battery - Yes
Package features > Gross depth (mm) - 100.00 mm
Package features > Gross height (mm) - 250.00 mm
Package features > Gross width (mm) - 180.00 mm
Package features > Packing quantity - 1.00 pc(s)
Package features > Paper/Pasteboard - 90.00 g
Package features > Plastic (No PET) - 10.00 g
Package features > Tare weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > TI weight (kg) - 0.10 kg
Package features > Type of battery - Accumulator
Package features > Volume (m3) - 0.00 m³
Package features > WEE classification - CL109:2:2017-04-01
Package features > WEEE tax - Yes
Packaging data > Gross depth (mm) - 252.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross height (mm) - 47.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross weight (kg) - 1.09 kg
Packaging data > Gross width (mm) - 183.00 mm
Performance > Integrated sensors - Accelerometer, ambient light sensor, barometer, Touch ID - fingerprint sensor, three-axis gyroscope
Processor - Octa Core
Processor > Processor model - Apple M1
Processor family - Apple M1
producer - Apple
Producer - Apple
ProducerCode - MME93FD/A
Producer product name - iPad Air 5th Gen
Rear camera - 12 Mpix
Resolution - 2360 x 1640
ShortDescription - 10.9” | M1 | 64GB | LTE (eSIM) | 2 x Kamera | iPadOS15
SIM card - eSIM
SIM card - Nano
Software > Operating system installed - iPadOS
Software > Operating system version - 15.4
Storage > Internal storage capacity - 64 GB
Technical details > Gross weight - 0.56 kg
Technical details > Net weight - 0.46 kg
Technical details > Producer - Apple
Technical details > Warranty - 12 month(s)
Technical Specifications > Audio - Stereo speakers, Dual microphones for calls, video recording, and audio recording
Technical Specifications > Battery - All models Built‐in 28.6‐watt‐hour rechargeable lithium‑polymer battery Up to 10 hours of surfing the web on Wi‐Fi or watching video Charging via power adapter or USB‑C to computer system Wi-Fi + Cellular models Up to 9 hours of surfing the web using cellular data network
Technical Specifications > Camera - 12MP Wide camera, ƒ/1.8 aperture Digital zoom up to 5x Five-element lens Autofocus with Focus Pixels Panorama (up to 63MP) Smart HDR 3 Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos Photo geotagging Auto image stabilization Burst mode Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG FaceTime HD Camera 12MP Ultra Wide front camera, 122° field of view ƒ/2.4 aperture Smart HDR 3 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps Time‑lapse video with stabilization Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p) Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos Lens correction Retina Flash Auto image stabilization Burst mode
Technical Specifications > Colour - Purple
Technical Specifications > Communications - All models 802.11ax Wi-Fi 6; simultaneous dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz); HT80 with MIMO Bluetooth 5.0 technology Wi-Fi + Cellular models Model A2589: 5G NR (Bands n1, n2, n3, n5, n7, n8, n12, n20, n25, n28, n29, n30, n38, n40, n41, n48, n66, n71, n77, n78, n79)4 FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32 66, 71) TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 48) UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+/DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) Data only5 Wi-Fi calling4 eSIM6
Technical Specifications > Connectivity - Wi-Fi + Cellular
Technical Specifications > Dimensions - 247.6 x 178.5 x 6.1 mm
Technical Specifications > Display - Liquid Retina display 10.9-inch (diagonal) LED‑backlit Multi‑Touch display with IPS technology 2360-by-1640-pixel resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Wide color display (P3) True Tone display Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated display Antireflective coating 1.8% reflectivity 500 nits brightness Supports Apple Pencil (2nd generation)
Technical Specifications > GPS - All models Digital compass Wi‑Fi iBeacon microlocation Wi-Fi + Cellular models Built‑in GPS/GNSS Cellular
Technical Specifications > I/O ports - USB‑C
Technical Specifications > Operating System - iOS
Technical Specifications > Other -
Technical Specifications > Other - In the Box iPad Air USB‑C Charge Cable (1 meter) 20W USB‑C Power Adapter
Technical Specifications > Processor - Apple M1 chip 8-core CPU 8-core graphics Apple Neural Engine 8GB RAM
Technical Specifications > Security - Fingerprint sensor (Touch ID)
Technical Specifications > Sensors - Touch ID Three‐axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Technical Specifications > Storage - 64GB
Technical Specifications > Type - Tablet
Technical Specifications > Video - 4K video recording at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 720p HD video recording at 30 fps Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps Time‑lapse video with stabilization Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps Cinematic video stabilization (4K, 1080p, and 720p) Continuous autofocus video Playback zoom Video formats captured: HEVC and H.264
Technical Specifications > Weight - Wi-Fi models 1.02 pounds (461 grams) Wi-Fi + Cellular models 1.02 pounds (462 grams)
Technical_details - iPad Air 64GB, Tablet PC With the iPad Air (2022), everything is just more impressive - whether you're reading, watching or creating. The 10.9" Liquid Retina display comes with advanced technologies such as True Tone, wide P3 color space and anti-reflective coating. The iPad Air now has the revolutionary M1 chip. And an 8 - core CPU delivers up to 60% faster performance than the previous one Generation This gives the iPad Air even more power that you can take with you everywhere ­ can take. Whether you're creating or gaming, you'll experience fluid multitasking between powerful apps and playing graphics-intensive games. The incredible 8 - core GPU delivers up to 2x faster graphics. Apple's extra 16 - core Neural Engine accelerates machine learning so you can do amazing things like edit photos faster than ever in Adobe Lightroom and intelligently select the sky in photos with a tap. Speaking of the camera, the 12MP ultra-wide-angle front camera enables follow mode, which makes video calls more natural and content creation more fun. Whenever you move, the camera automatically pans to keep you in the center of the picture. If someone sits next to it, it zooms out, and if someone leaves the frame, the camera only zooms back in on the main user. The 12 MP wide-angle rear camera is perfect for taking photos and 4K videos. And with the powerful ISP in the M1 chip, iPad Air now has Smart HDR that makes all your photos look even more stunning. Fast connections are important to stay connected. With WLAN 6 you can be sure that you have super-fast WLAN. And the same applies on the go with 5G and maximum potential for fast downloads, smooth streams and precise gaming. Type: Tablet PC Colour: violet EAN: 0194252834701 Manufacturer No.: MME93FD/A Series: iPad Air Integrated voice assistant: Apple Siri Processor: Designation | Apple M1 Processor: processor cores | number | 8 cores Memory: Capacity | Total | 8 GB (of which 8 GB built-in) Display: Image | 27.69 cm (10.9 in) Display: Resolution | 2,360 x 1,640 pixels Display: Type | IP Display: Retina Version | liquid retina Display: Brightness | 500 cd/m2 Display: property | anti-glare Display: Touchscreen | present Graphic: Type | Apple M1 8-core GPU Datastore: count | 1 Data Storage: Total Capacity | 64GB Data Storage: Storage 1 | 64GB [Flash] Camera: Rear | Number of lenses | 1 Camera: Rear | Resolution 1 | 12 megapixels Camera: Rear | Features | Automatic image stabilization Camera: Front | Number of lenses | 1 Camera: Front | Resolution 1 | 12 megapixels Camera: Front | Features | Automatic image stabilization Sound: speaker | 2.0 channel Sound: Microphone | present SIM Slot: Nano, Dual Connectivity: WiFi | Wi-Fi 3 (802.11a), Wi-Fi 3 (802.11b), Wi-Fi 3 (802.11g), Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n), Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), Wi-Fi 6 ( 802.11ax) Connectivity: MIMO support | MIMO 2x2 (2.4GHz), MIMO 2x2 (5GHz) Connectivity: Bluetooth | Bluetooth 5.0 Connectivity: Mobile Data | 5G N1 (2100MHz), 5G N2 (1900MHz), 5G N3 (1800MHz), 5G N5 (850MHz), 5G N7 (2600MHz), 5G N8 (900MHz), 5G N12 (700MHz), 5G N20 (800MHz), 5G N25 (1900MHz), 5G N28 (700MHz), 5G N38 (2600MHz), 5G N40 (2300MHz), 5G N41 (2500MHz), 5G N66 (1700MHz), 5G N71 (600MHz), 5G N77 (3700MHz), 5G N78 (3500MHz), LTE B1 (2100MHz), LTE B2 (1900MHz), LTE B3 (1800MHz), LTE B4 (1700MHz), LTE B5 ( 850MHz), LTE B7 (2600MHz), LTE B8 (900MHz), LTE B12 (700MHz), LTE B13 (700MHz), LTE B14 (700MHz), LTE B17 (700MHz), LTE B18 (800 MHz), LTE B19 (850MHz), LTE B20 (800MHz), LTE B25 (1900MHz), LTE B26 (850MHz), LTE B28 (700MHz), LTE B29 (700MHz), LTE B32 (1500MHz). ), LTE B34 (2000MHz), LTE B38 (2600MHz), LTE B39 (1900MHz), LTE B40 (2300MHz), LTE B41 (2500MHz), LTE B66 (1700MHz), LTE B71 (600MHz) , 3G/UMTS Functions: accelerometer, compass (magnetometer), ambient light sensor, 3-axis gyroscope, barometer, fingerprint sensor Operating system: iOS 15 Interfaces: 1x USB-C 3.2 (10 Gbit/s) Power supply: battery | power source | Lithium polymer battery (28.6 Wh) Power supply: battery | Runtime | Operation: up to 10 hours Power supply: Data according to manufacturer information. Actual battery life may vary based on usage patterns and system settings. Feature: Supports the Apple Pencil (2nd generation) and the Magic Keyboard Accessories: available | USB - C charging cable (1m), 20W USB - C power supply Dimensions: Width: 178.5mm x Height: 247.6mm x Depth/Length: 6.1mm Weight: 462 grams
vendpn - MME93FD/A
Warranty - 12
Warranty Terms - 12 month(s)
Weight - 0,87
Weight - 462 g
Width - 178.5 mm
WWAN (3G) / LTE (4G) / 5G - Built-in
676.36 €
Apple iPad Air (2022) Wi-Fi + Cellular, 64GB, Purple
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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