Apple iPad Air 11 (2024) Wi-Fi, 128GB, Starlight

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 1102082 Tootekood: MUWE3NF/A
Saab tellida 1 üksused Kättesaadavus: 14 päeva pärast tellimuse kinnitamist
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
755.70 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 16.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 16.04.2025
Peamised tooteparameetrid Kõik parameetrid
  • Ekraani heledus, nits: 500
  • Ekraani mõõt: 11"
  • Ekraani lahutusvõime: 1640 x 2360
  • Sisseehitatud mälu: 128GB
  • Mudel: Apple iPad Air 11 (2024)
  • Kaal (g): 462 g
  • Protsessor (kiibistik): Apple M2
  • RAM mälu: 8GB
  • Operatsioonisüsteem : iPadOS 17
  • 4G: Ei ole
  • 5G: Ei ole
  • Põhikaamera resolutsioon: 12 MPix
  • Patarei maht: N/A
Näidiku omadused
Ekraani heledus, nits : 500
Värskendamiskiirus : 60
Ekraani mõõt 11"

Tahvelarvuti peamine koostisosa on ekraan, mille suurus määrab ära selle, kui suur on tahvel ise. Tavaliselt on see ekraani diagonaal pluss paar sentimeetrit "kinnihoitavat" osa.

Mugavaks kasutamiseks soovitame ligikaudu 10" tahvelarvutit. 7" ekraani juba võib lugeda väikeseks ja rohkem sobivaks lastele. Juhul, kui tahvel on üle 10", see tähendab juba küllalt suurt seadet, mis keskmisele kasutajale võib tunduda ebamugav.

Ekraani lahutusvõime 1640 x 2360

Tähistab seda, mitu punkti ekraan sisaldab horisontaal- ja vertikaalsuunas. Mida suuremad on need arvud, seda parem on kujutise teravus ja meeldivam kasutamine.

Ekraani paneeli tüüp Liquid Retina IPS LCD

See näitaja määrab ära kujutise värvuste vastavuse, heleduses, vaatenurga jm. kvaliteedikriteeriumid. Kõrgema kvaliteediga ekraani paneeliks võib lugeda mistahes AMOLED, PLS ja IPS tüüpi seadet.

Värv : Kuld
Sisseehitatud mälu 128GB

Määrab ära, milline maht on tahvelarvuti "kõvakettal". Juhul, kui seadmel ei ole lisa-mälukaartide pesa, siis see on väga oluline parameeter, mida kindlasti peaks arvestama soetamise hetkel, valides mälumahu piisava reserviga, kuna ilma laiendusvõimaluseta peab selle mahuga toime tulema kogu seadme kasutusaja jooksul.

Keskmise suurusega film võtab enda alla ligikaudu 1GB mälumahtu. Keskmise suurusega Android või iOS mäng või aplikatsioon (rakendus) vajab ~100 Mb. Muusika ja pildifailid vajavad keskmiselt ligikaudu 5 Mb, ehk 0.05 Gb (ühele failile).

Kaal (g) : 462 g
Protsessori parameetrid
Protsessori tuumade arv 8

See on väga tähtis parameeter, kuna tahvelarvuti, küllalt suure ekraani eristusvõime tõttu, on nõudlik protsessori ressursside suhtes. Seoses sellega, juhul, kui soovite kasutada mitmeid rakendusi samaaegselt, kaaluge võimalust soetada tahvel vähemalt 2-tuumalise protsessoriga.

Protsessor (kiibistik) Apple M2

Määrab ära, milline keskprotsessor on vastaval tahvlil. Praegu on turul saadaval mitmete konkureerivate protsessorite mudelid.

NVIDIA Tegra - selle seeria protsessoritel on hea graafiline ja arvutusjõudlus, samuti ka võrdlemisi head energiatõhususe näitajad. Igal juhul üks tugevamatest konkurentidest.

SnapDragon - see protsessor on väga energiatõhus, see-eest võimsuse mõttes rohkem sobiv nutitelefonidele.

AMD Fusion - see protsessor on tulnud sülearvutite keskkonnast, seoses sellega on sel suurepärane jõudlus, nii graafika- kui ka arvutustehete alal, siiski selle protsessori arhitektuur, kahjuks on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ainult Windows, Linux jm. laua-arvutite keskkonnas.

Atom - Intel mobiilne protsessor võrdlemisi keskpäraste võimsuse näitajatega. Samuti, kui ka AMD Fusion, sobib seni vaid lauaarvutite operatsioonisüsteemi jaoks.

Apple A5 - Spetsialiseeritud, Apple poolt välja töötatud protsessor, mida võite kohata ainult iPad tahvelarvutites. Võimsuse mõttes - üks liidritest.

Juhusliku juurdepääsu mälu (RAM)
RAM mälu : 8GB
Videokaart : Apple GPU (10-core)
Operatsioonisüsteem iPadOS 17

See on üks tähtsamatest parameetritest tahvelarvuti valimisel.

iOS - Apple toodetud tahvlid on varustatud iOS operatsioonisüsteemiga, mis on väga mugav, kiire toimega, kuid suletud süsteem, mida pole võimalik eriti konfigureerida ja laiendada. See-eest iOS praegusel hetkel võimaldab kõige rohkem rakendusi (appe). iOS on kohaldatud Apple pilveteenustele, mis suuremalt osalt on tasulised.

Android on Google poolt väljatöötatud tasuta operatsioonisüsteem, sarnane iOS, ainult kõigi võimalustega paljude asjade muutmiseks. Pealegi on Android hästi sobitatud Google tasuta pilveteenustega - Gmail, Picasa, Youtube, Maps, Google+, Contacts, Calendar jm. Andoid kasutajate arv on kiirelt kasvamas, seetõttu see on väga perspektiivne operatsioonisüsteem.

Windows - klassikaline Microsoft Windows süsteem, mis võimaldab kasutada tavapärast .EXE aplikatsiooni (rakendust)s tahvelarvutis. Tõsi küll, see on praegu paremini sobiv laua-arvutitele, seetõttu valige see operatsioonisüsteem ainult sel juhul, kui on mingi Windows programm, ilma milleta te ei suuda toime tulla.

Citas (Bada, MeeGo, WebOS, BrewMP, Symbian) – praegu mobiilsete operatsioonisüsteemide mänguväli, peale eelpooltoodute on olemas mitmeid eksootilisi operatsioonisüsteeme, siiski võtke arvesse, et suurem võitlus selle turuosa pärast on juba peetud, seetõttu olge etttevaatlikud, valides operatsioonisüsteemi, mis pole iOS, Windows või Android, kuna, erinevalt klassikalistest arvutitest, suuremas osas tahvelarvutites pärast soetamist ei ole võimalik muuta operatsioonisüsteemi.

Sadamad ja seadmed
Ühendus laadimiseks : USB-C
Wi-Fi Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)

Ehkki küll pole olnud võimalust näha tahvelarvutit ilma WiFi funktsioonita, südame rahusstamiseks oleme lisanud ka selle parameetri. WiFi tahvliga on võimalik saada ühendust juhtmevaba interneti ruuteri abil, saamaks juurdepääsu internetti.

Ilma WiFi ruuteri ja internetiühenduseta on tahvelarvuti soetamise mõttekus vägagi kaheldava väärtusega.

Mälukaardi pesa : Nav
Traadita ühendused
4G : Ei ole
5G : Ei ole
NFC : Ei ole
GPS : Ir
Bluetooth On

Bluetooth võimaldab juhtmevabalt ühendada klaviatuuri, kuularid, mikrofoni, printeri jm. seadmed, mis toetavad seda tehnoloogiat.

Kaamera omadused
Eesmise kaamera resolutsioon : 12 MPix
Põhikaamera resolutsioon : 12 MPix
Patarei maht N/A

See on ligikaudne arv, mis osutab, mitu tundi seade võib töötada täielikult laaditud akumulaatoriga, väikese protsessori koormuse juures ja seadistatud minimaalse ekraani valgustatusega.

Olenevalt koormusest ja kasutatavast jõudlusest - heli, wifi, 3G, failide kopeerimine, Bluetooth, jmt. See arv võib oluliselt muutuda vähemuse suunas.

Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Accessories included - iPad Air USB-C Charging Cable (1m)
Audio - Dolby technologies - Dolby Atmos
Audio - Dolby technologies - Dolby Digital
Audio - Dolby technologies - Dolby Digital Plus
Audio - Dolby technologies - Dolby Vision
Audio - Microphone modes - Voice Isolation, Wide Spectrum
Audio - Number of built-in speakers - 4
Audio - Number of microphones - 2
Battery - Battery capacity - 28.93 Wh
Battery - battery technology - Li-Ion
Battery - Battery technology - Lithium Polymer (LiPo)
Battery - Browsing time (Wi-Fi) - 10 h
Battery capacity - 28.93 Wh
Brand-specific features - Brand specific technologies - True Tone, Wide color (P3)
BrandCode - APPLE
Breite - 0.19
Camera - Yes
Camera - Auto focus - Yes
Camera - Burst mode - Yes
Camera - Camera image formats supported - HEIF, JPEG
Camera - Camera video formats supported - H.264, HEVC
Camera - Cinematic video stabilization - Yes
Camera - Digital zoom - 5x
Camera - Front camera - Yes
Camera - Front camera aperture number - 2.4
Camera - Front camera resolution (numeric) - 12 MP
Camera - Geotagging - Yes
Camera - High Dynamic Range (HDR) supported - Yes
Camera - High Dynamic Range (HDR) technology - Smart HDR 4
Camera - Image stabilizer - Yes
Camera - Maximum video resolution - 3840 x 2160 pixels
Camera - Panorama - Yes
Camera - Rear camera aperture number - 1.8
Camera - Rear camera lens elements - 5-element lens
Camera - Rear camera resolution (numeric) - 12 MP
Camera - Rear camera type - Single camera
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1280x720@30fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@25fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@30fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@60fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@120fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 1920x1080@240fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 3840x2160@24fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 3840x2160@25fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 3840x2160@30fps
Camera - Resolution at capture speed - 3840x2160@60fps
Camera - Screen flash - Yes
Camera - Time lapse mode - Yes
Camera - Video capturing speed - 240 fps
Camera - Video recording - Yes
Camera - Video recording modes - 720p
Camera - Video recording modes - 1080p
Camera - Video recording modes - 2160p
Camera - Video stabilizer - Yes
Category - Root/Laptops | Tablets/Tablets
Category 1 - Apple
Category 2 - Apple iPads
Category 3 - iPad
Cell type - Li-poly (internal battery)
Code - MUWE3HC/A
Color - Other
Communication - Bluetooth 5.3
Communication - Wi-Fi (802.11ax)
CPU - other information - Apple M2 chip: 8-core CPU with 4 performance cores and 4 power-saving cores 10-core GPU 16-core Neural Engine Multimedia engine: Hardware accelerated support for H.264 and HEVC Video decoding engine Video encoding engine
Data exchange - WiFi
Data exchange - Bluetooth - Bluetooth 5.3
Data exchange - WiFi - Wi-Fi 6E (ax)
Depth - 6.1 mm
Description - The new iPad Air 11-inch Wi-Fi model offers significant upgrades, starting with the powerful M2 chip. This chip delivers up to 50% better performance compared to its predecessor, making it ideal for multitasking, creative work, and gaming. It features a Liquid Retina display with sharp resolution and vivid colors, perfect for watching videos or editing photos. The introduction of a 13-inch model alongside the 11-inch version expands the options for users seeking larger screens For creatives, the Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard enhance the experience, providing precision for drawing and a comfortable typing experience with a floating design. The iPad Air also boasts a 12MP Ultra-Wide front camera with Center Stage, which keeps users in the frame during video calls, and a 12MP rear camera capable of 4K video recording. Connectivity is top-notch, with support for Wi-Fi 6E, ensuring fast and reliable internet access
Design - Device type - Mobile tablet
Design - Form factor - Slate
Design - Housing material - Aluminium
Design - Product colour - Beige
Designation - CE+WEEE
Detailed camera specifications - 12MP wide-angle camera, f/1.8 aperture Maximum 5x digital zoom Five-element lens Autofocus with Focus Pixels Panorama (up to 63MP) Intelligent HDR 4 Wide color gamut and Live Photos Geotagging your photos Automatic image stabilization Burst mode Photo formats saved: HEIF and JPEG Front camera: 12MP ultra-wide-angle front camera on the long side of the device F/2.4 aperture Intelligent HDR 4 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps Time-lapse video with image stabilization Wider dynamic range for video at up to 30 fps Image stabilization in Cinematic mode (1080p and 720p) Lens Correction Retina Flash with True Tone Automatic Image Stabilization Burst Mode
Diagonal screen - 11"
dimensionalWeight - 361
dimension depth - 30 mm
dimension height - 260 mm
Dimensions - depth - 0.61
Dimensions - height - 24.76
Dimensions - weight - 462
Dimensions - width - 17.85
dimension weight - 780 g
dimension width - 190 mm
Display - Anti-reflective coating - Yes
Display - Display brightness - 500 cd/m²
Display - Display diagonal - 27.9 cm (11")
Display - Display resolution - 2360 x 1640 pixels
Display - Display technology - LED
Display - Display technology marketing name - Liquid Retina
Display - Fingerprint resistant - Yes
Display - Laminated display - Yes
Display - LED backlight - Yes
Display - Native aspect ratio - 16:10
Display - Oleophobic coating - Yes
Display - Panel type - IPS
Display - Pixel density - 264 ppi
Display - Rounded display corners - Yes
EAN - 195949188619
ean - 195949188619
EAN - 0195949188695
EANCode - 0195949188695
Eans - 195949188619
Front-facing camera - 1. camera - 12 MP, f/2.4, 122˚ (ultrawide)
Front-facing camera - 2. camera -
Front-facing camera - functions - HDR
Front-facing camera - functions - Smart HDR
Front-facing camera - number of front cameras - 1
Front-facing camera - video - 1080p@25/30/60fps
Front camera - 12 Mpix
Functions - fingerprint reader
Functions - stereo sound
Functions - sensors - accelerometer
Functions - sensors - barometer
Functions - sensors - E-Compass
Functions - sensors - G-Sensor
Functions - sensors - Gyroscope
Functions - sensors - Light Sensor
General parameters - colour - beige
General parameters - manufacturer - Apple
Gewicht - 0.79
GPS receiver - No
Graphics - GPU - Apple GPU
Graphics - Graphics card cores - 10
Graphics - Graphics card family - Apple
GrossWeight - 0.8700
GRUPPE1 - Computer Systems
GRUPPE2 - Tablet
guarantee - 12
guarantee_type - external
Height - 0.0330
Height - 247.6 mm
Hoehe - 0.04
I/O connectors - 1 x USB (Type C)
Interfaces - connection - USB-C
Internal memory - 128 GB
Laenge - 0.26
Length - 0.2620
LongDescription EN - Efficient Performance
The Apple M2 chip provides outstanding performance, fast graphics, and powerful AI capabilities to the iPad Air. This allows you to easily plan home renovations, play cutting-edge games, or use AI-powered motion tracking. A New Level of Creativity
The new Apple Pencil Pro (sold separately) expands the possibilities of using the iPad, making drawing, painting, and note-taking even more intuitive and precise. WiFi 6E
Fast wireless connectivity is essential for modern communication. With WiFi 6E, you can enjoy ultra-fast WiFi connection, open files from the cloud, watch TV shows via SharePlay, and much more. Connectivity Anywhere
Ultra-fast Wi-Fi 6E and 5G (available on certain models) allow you to stay connected anywhere, being productive regardless of your location. iPadOS
iPadOS is a powerful and easy-to-use platform that makes the iPad even more versatile. You can use multiple apps simultaneously, navigate with touch, and much more. A New Level of Creativity
The new Apple Pencil Pro (sold separately) adds new possibilities to using the iPad, making drawing, painting, and note-taking even more intuitive and precise.
LongDescription ET - Efektiivne jõudlus
Apple M2 kiip tagab iPad Airile erakordse jõudluse, kiire graafika ja võimsad AI-võimalused. Selle abil saad hõlpsasti planeerida koduremonti, mängida tipptasemel mänge või kasutada AI-toega liikumisjälgimist. WiFi 6E
Kiire juhtmevaba ühendus on tänapäevaseks suhtlemiseks ülioluline. Tänu WiFi 6E-le võid olla kindel, et su WiFi on ülikiire. Saad vabalt avada faile pilves, vaadata sõpradega telesaateid SharePlay kaudu ja veel palju muudki. Ühenduvus kõikjal
Ülikiire Wi-Fi 6E ja 5G (saadaval teatud mudelitel) võimaldavad püsida ühenduses kõikjal, olles produktiivne sõltumata asukohast. iPadOS
iPadOS on erakordselt võimas, lihtsasti kasutatav ja muudab iPadi veel mitmekülgsemaks. Kasuta korraga mitut rakendust, navigeeri puudutuse jõul ja nii mõndagi veel. Loovuse uus tase
Uus Apple Pencil Pro (müügil eraldi) lisab iPadi kasutamisele uusi võimalusi, muutes joonistamise, maalimise ja märkmete tegemise veelgi intuitiivsemaks ja täpsemaks.
LongDescription LV - Efektīva veiktspēja
Apple M2 mikroshēma nodrošina izcilu veiktspēju, ātru grafiku un jaudīgas AI iespējas. Tas ļauj ērti plānot mājas renovāciju, spēlēt visprogresīvākās spēles vai izmantot AI darbinātu kustību izsekošanu. Jauns radošuma līmenis
Jaunais Apple Pencil Pro (nopērkams atsevišķi) paplašina iPad lietošanas iespējas, padarot zīmēšanu, gleznošanu un piezīmju veikšanu vēl intuitīvāku un precīzāku. WiFi 6E
Ātrs bezvadu savienojums ir būtisks mūsdienu saziņai. Izmantojot WiFi 6E, varat baudīt īpaši ātru WiFi savienojumu, atvērt failus no mākoņa, skatīties TV pārraides, izmantojot SharePlay, un daudz ko citu. Savienojamība jebkur
Īpaši ātrs Wi-Fi 6E un 5G (pieejams noteiktos modeļos) ļauj uzturēt savienojumu jebkurā vietā, nodrošinot produktīvu darbību neatkarīgi no jūsu atrašanās vietas. iPadOS
iPadOS ir jaudīga un ērti lietojama platforma, kas padara iPad vēl daudzpusīgāku. Varat vienlaikus izmantot vairākas lietotnes, pārvietoties ar pieskārienu un daudz ko citu.
Main camera - 1. camera - 12 MP, f/1.8, (wide), 1/3.0", 1.22µm, dual pixel PDAF
Main camera - 2. camera -
Main camera - 3. camera -
Main camera - 4. camera -
Main camera - 5. camera -
Main camera - functions - Burst mode
Main camera - functions - HDR
Main camera - functions - panorama
Main camera - functions - Slo-mo
Main camera - functions - Time-lapse
Main camera - number of rear cameras - 1
Main camera - video - 4K@24/25/30/60fps, 1080p@25/30/60/120/240fps
Manufacturer - Apple
Media formats - Archive formats supported - Zip
Media formats - Audio formats supported - AAC
Media formats - Audio formats supported - ALAC
Media formats - Audio formats supported - FLAC
Media formats - Audio formats supported - MP3
Media formats - Document formats supported - DOC
Media formats - Document formats supported - DOCX
Media formats - Document formats supported - HTM
Media formats - Document formats supported - HTML
Media formats - Document formats supported - ICS
Media formats - Document formats supported - Key
Media formats - Document formats supported - PDF
Media formats - Document formats supported - PPT
Media formats - Document formats supported - PPTX
Media formats - Document formats supported - RTF
Media formats - Document formats supported - TXT
Media formats - Document formats supported - USDZ
Media formats - Document formats supported - VCF
Media formats - Document formats supported - XLS
Media formats - Document formats supported - XLSX
Media formats - Image formats supported - GIF
Media formats - Image formats supported - JPG
Media formats - Image formats supported - TIFF
Media formats - Video compression formats - H.264
Media formats - Video compression formats - HEVC
Media formats - Video compression formats - ProRes
MediumDescription EN - Apple iPad Air 11 (2024) is an innovative tablet that offers powerful performance and high-quality visual experience. Its 11-inch Retina display showcases vibrant colors and sharp details, making it perfect for both entertainment and professional use. The iPad Air is equipped with Apple's M2 chip, ensuring smooth multitasking and gaming. Additionally, the device is lightweight and thin, making it particularly convenient to carry around.
MediumDescription ET - Apple iPad Air 11'' (2024) on uuenduslik tahvelarvuti, mis pakub võimsat jõudlust ja kõrgkvaliteetset visuaalset kogemust. Selle 11-tolline Retina ekraan toob esile erksad värvid ja teravad detailid, muutes selle ideaalseks nii meelelahutuseks kui ka professionaalseks kasutuseks. iPad Air on varustatud Apple'i M2 kiibiga, mis tagab sujuva mitme ülesande täitmise ja mängude mängimise. Lisaks on seade kerge ja õhuke, mis teeb selle kaasaskandmise eriti mugavaks.
MediumDescription LV - Apple iPad Air 11 (2024) ir novatorisks planšetdators, kas piedāvā jaudīgu veiktspēju un augstas kvalitātes vizuālo pieredzi. Tā 11 collu Retina displejs demonstrē dinamiskas krāsas un asas detaļas, padarot to lieliski piemērotu gan izklaidei, gan profesionālai lietošanai. IPad Air ir aprīkots ar Apple M2 mikroshēmu, kas nodrošina vienmērīgu vairākuzdevumu veikšanu un spēlēšanu. Turklāt, ierīce ir viegla un plāna, padarot to īpaši ērtu pārnēsājot.
Memory - Internal memory - 8 GB
Memory / storage - internal memory - 128
Memory card - Not relevant
Memory card reader - No
Memory standard - Not applicable
Mobile phone features - No
Model - iPad Air
Name - Apple iPad Air 11 Wi-Fi 128GB (polarstern) 6.Gen
Name - Apple iPad Air 11" M2 Wi-Fi 128GB Księżycowa poświata
name - iPad Air 11 inch Wi-Fi 128GB - Starlight
Name - iPad Air 11" M2 Wi-Fi 128GB - Starlight
Name EN - iPad Air 11" M2 WiFi 128GB, Starlight
Name ET - iPad Air 11" M2 WiFi 128GB, valge
NameInWeb EN - Apple iPad Air 11'' (2024), M2, 128 GB, WiFi, starlight - Tablet
NameInWeb ET - Apple iPad Air 11'' (2024), M2, 128 GB, WiFi, beež - Tahvelarvuti
NameInWeb LV - Apple iPad Air 11'' (2024), M2, 128 GB, WiFi, bēša - Planšetdators
Name LV - iPad Air 11" M2 WiFi 128GB, Starlight
NetWeight - 0.7500
Network - AirPlay - Yes
Network - Bluetooth - Yes
Network - Bluetooth version - 5.3
Network - MIMO - Yes
Network - Mobile network connection - No
Network - Mobile network generation - Not supported
Network - Near Field Communication (NFC) - No
Network - SIM card type - No
Network - Top Wi-Fi standard - Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)
Network - Wi-Fi standards - Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax)
Operating System - iPadOS 17
Operational conditions - Operating altitude - 0 - 3000 m
Operational conditions - Operating relative humidity (H-H) - 5 - 95%
Operational conditions - Operating temperature (T-T) - 0 - 35 °C
Operational conditions - Storage temperature (T-T) - -20 - 45 °C
Other display parameters - LED-backlit MultiTouch display with IPS technology 2360-by-1640-pixel resolution at 264 pixels per inch (ppi) Wide color gamut (P3) True Tone Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated Antireflective coating 500-nit brightness Works with Apple Pencil Pro Works with Apple Pencil (USB-C) Apple Pencil proximity The 11-inch iPad Air display has rounded corners that emphasize its streamlined shape while remaining a regular rectangle. Assuming the device's surface is a rectangle, the 11-inch iPad Air is 10.86 inches diagonally. The actual viewable area is smaller.
Other features - Stereo speakers in horizontal arrangement Two microphones for calls, sound and video recording Sensors: Touch ID Three-axis gyroscopeAccelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor Touch ID: Unlocking iPad Protecting personal data in apps Purchases in iTunes Store and App Store Apple Pay: Pay with iPad in apps and on the web using Touch ID
Other features - Warranty period - 1 year(s)
Packaging content - Cables included - USB Type-C
Packaging data > Gross depth (mm) - 262.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross height (mm) - 33.00 mm
Packaging data > Gross weight (kg) - 0.94 kg
Packaging data > Gross width (mm) - 191.00 mm
Performance - Accelerometer - Yes
Performance - Ambient light sensor - Yes
Performance - Barometer - Yes
Performance - Electronic compass - Yes
Performance - GPS (satellite) - No
Performance - Gyroscope - Yes
Performance - iBeacon - Yes
Performance - Position location - Yes
Phone features - Spatial audio - Yes
Phone features - Video call - Yes
Phone features - Voice call - Yes
Ports & interfaces - Combo headphone/mic port - No
Ports & interfaces - Docking connector type - Apple Smart Connector
Ports & interfaces - USB 3.2 Gen 2 (3.1 Gen 2) Type-C ports quantity - 1
Ports & interfaces - USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode - Yes
Processor - Octa Core
Processor - chipset - M2
Processor - Coprocessor - Yes
Processor - Coprocessor cores - 16
Processor - Coprocessor model - Neural Engine
Processor - Efficient cores - 4
Processor - Performance cores - 4
Processor - Processor cores - 8
Processor - Processor family - Apple M
Processor - Processor generation - Apple M 2nd Gen
Processor - Processor manufacturer - Apple
Processor - Processor model - M2
Processor - processor type - Octa-Core
Processor - speed - 8-core
Processor family - Apple M2
Processor special features - Video decode engine - Yes
Processor special features - Video encode engine - Yes
producer - Apple
Producer - Apple
producerCode - MUWE3HC/A
ProducerCode - MUWE3HC/A
ProductCode - MUWE3HC/A
ProductionCountry - CN
productName - Apple iPad Air Apple M 128 GB 27.9 cm (11") 8 GB Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) iPadOS 17 Beige
productSize - Normal
RAM memory installed - 8 GB
Rear camera - 12 Mpix
Resolution - 2360 x 1640
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not dismantle the unit - risk of electric shock.
Safety warning - Warnings - Do not expose to high temperatures or humidity.
SalesUnitOfMeasureCode - tk
Screen - display technology - IPS
Screen - panel resolution - 2360x1640
Screen - screen size - 11
Screen - screen surface - glossy
Security - Fingerprint reader - Yes
ShortDescription -
SIM card - Not applicable
sizeX - 265
sizeY - 195
sizeZ - 35
Software - Bundled software - App Store, Books, Calendar, Camera, Clock, Contacts, FaceTime, Files, Find My, Freeform, Home, iTunes Store, Magnifier, Mail, Maps, Measure, Messages, Music, News, Notes, Photo Booth, Photos, Podcasts, Reminders, Safari, Settings, Shortcuts, Siri, Stocks, Tips, Translate, TV, Voice Memos, Weather
Software - Mac compatibility - Yes
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 10.15.3 Catalina
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 11.0 Big Sur
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 12.0 Monterey
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 13.0 Ventura
Software - Mac operating systems supported - Mac OS X 14.0 Sonoma
Software - Operating system installed - iPadOS 17
Software - operation system version - iPadOS 17
Software - Platform - iPadOS
Software - Virtual assistant - Apple Siri
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Education x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Enterprise x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Home x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 IOT Core
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 Pro x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 10 x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 Enterprise
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 Enterprise x64
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 Home
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 Pro
Software - Windows operating systems supported - Windows 11 x64
Stck_Kart - 5
Stck_Pal - 90
Storage - Card reader integrated - No
Storage - Internal storage capacity - 128 GB
Storage - Storage media - Flash
Storno - Y
Sustainability - Doesn't contain - Arsenic
Sustainability - Doesn't contain - Mercury
Sustainability - Doesn't contain - PVC/BFR
Sustainability - Sustainability certificates - ENERGY STAR
Sustainability - Sustainability compliance - Yes
Tablet - included in set - cable
TariffNo - 84713000
Technical specifications > Audio - Landscape stereo speakers; Dual microphones for calls, video recording, and audio recording
Technical specifications > Battery - Built‐in 28.93‐watt‐hour rechargeable lithium‑polymer battery
Technical specifications > Camera - 12MP Wide camera, ƒ/1.8 aperture Digital zoom up to 5x Five-element lens Autofocus with Focus Pixels Panorama (up to 63MP) Smart HDR 4 Wide color capture for photos and Live Photos Photo geotagging Auto image stabilization Burst mode Image formats captured: HEIF and JPEG; 4K video recording at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 720p HD video recording at 30 fps Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps Time‑lapse video with stabilization Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps Cinematic video stabilization (4K, 1080p, and 720p) Continuous autofocus video Playback zoom Video formats captured: HEVC and H.264; Front Camera Landscape 12MP Ultra Wide front camera ƒ/2.4 aperture Smart HDR 4 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps Time‑lapse video with stabilization Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps Cinematic video stabilization (1080p and 720p) Lens correction Retina Flash with True Tone Auto image stabilization Burst mode
Technical specifications > Colour - Starlight
Technical specifications > Communications - All models Wi-Fi 6E (802.11ax) with 2x2 MIMO4 Simultaneous dual band Bluetooth 5.3 Wi-Fi + Cellular models 5G (sub‑6 GHz) with 4x4 MIMO Gigabit LTE with 4x4 MIMO Model A2899 and A2903: 5G NR (Bands n1, n2, n3, n5, n7, n8, n12, n14, n20, n25, n26, n28, n29, n30, n38, n40, n41, n48, n66, n70, n71, n75, n76, n77, n78, n79)4 FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 66, 71) TD-LTE (Bands 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48) UMTS/HSPA/HSPA+/DC‑HSDPA (850, 900, 1700/2100, 1900, 2100 MHz) Data only5 Wi-Fi calling4 eSIM6
Technical specifications > Connectivity - Wi-Fi
Technical specifications > Dimensions - 247.6 x 178.5 x 6.1 mm
Technical specifications > Display - 11” 11 inches Liquid Retina display LED backlit Multi‑Touch display with IPS technology 2360-by-1640-pixel resolution at 264 ppi Wide color (P3) True Tone Fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating Fully laminated Antireflective coating 500 nits brightness Supports Apple Pencil Pro Supports Apple Pencil (USB‑C) Apple Pencil hover
Technical specifications > GPS - All models Digital compass Wi‑Fi iBeacon microlocation Wi-Fi + Cellular models GPS/GNSS Cellular
Technical specifications > I/O ports - USB‑C
Technical specifications > Operating System - iOS
Technical specifications > Other -
Technical specifications > Other - In the Box iPad Air USB‑C Charge Cable (1 meter)
Technical specifications > Processor - Apple M2 chip 8-core CPU with 4 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores 10-core GPU 16-core Neural Engine 8GB RAM Media Engine Hardware-accelerated H.264 and HEVC Video decode engine Video encode engine
Technical specifications > Security - Touch ID Unlock iPad Secure personal data within apps Make purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and Apple Books
Technical specifications > Sensors - Touch ID Three‐axis gyro Accelerometer Barometer Ambient light sensor
Technical specifications > Storage - 128GB
Technical specifications > Type - Tablet
Technical specifications > Video - Video Recording 4K video recording at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 1080p HD video recording at 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps 720p HD video recording at 30 fps Slo‑mo video support for 1080p at 120 fps or 240 fps Time‑lapse video with stabilization Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps Cinematic video stabilization (4K, 1080p, and 720p) Continuous autofocus video Playback zoom Video formats captured: HEVC and H.264
Technical specifications > Weight - Wi-Fi models 1.02 pounds (462 grams) Wi-Fi + Cellular models 1.02 pounds (462 grams)
UnitOfMeasureCode - tk
UnitsPerPackage - 1
vendpn - MUWE3HC/A
Volume - 0.00165139
Warranty - 12
warrantyLength - 12
Warranty Terms - 12 month(s)
warrantyType - F
Weight - 0.77
Weight - 462 g
weight - 770
Weight & dimensions - Depth - 247.6 mm
Weight & dimensions - Height - 6.1 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package depth - 262 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package height - 33 mm
Weight & dimensions - Package weight - 750 g
Weight & dimensions - Package width - 191 mm
Weight & dimensions - Weight - 462 g
Weight & dimensions - Width - 178.5 mm
Width - 0.1910
Width - 178.5 mm
WWAN (3G) / LTE (4G) / 5G - No
755.70 €
Apple iPad Air 11 (2024) Wi-Fi, 128GB, Starlight
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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