Wacom Bamboo Ink Plus Black stylus

Pilt võib erineda tegelikust tootest, võib esineda tarvikuid ja osi, mis ei ole tegeliku tootega kaasas.
ID: 353436 Tootekood: CS322AK0B
Laos 1 üksused
Garantii: 2 aastat (Garantii ettevõtjatele 1 aasta)
111.54 €
  • Tarne Smartpostile 1,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Omniva pakiautomaati kohaletoimetamine 1,99 €: 14.04.2025
  • Kulleri kohaletoimetamine 3,99 €: 14.04.2025
Täpsem spetsifikatsioon
Andmed - Diameeter (mm) - 10
Andmed - Pikkus (mm) - 153
Andmed - Värvus - Must
barcode - 4949268622028
brand - Wacom
Breite - 0.07
Category_1 - Tablets
Category_2 - Tablets - Accessories
category_en - Accessories
category_et - Tarvikud
category_lv - Piederumi
category_ru - Аксессуары
description_en - A smart stylus for annotating, drawing and sketching, for Windows Ink
A digital pen with a range of sophisticated and intuitive features, Bamboo Ink Plus is designed to help take your creativity further on screen. Whatever you’re annotating, drawing or sketching – it’s easy to capture your ideas in Windows Ink as naturally as you would do on paper. Note taking
Marking up documents is easy with the comfortable, authentic handwriting experience and pencil-like feel. Simply press Bamboo Ink Plus’ Bluetooth button to launch the Windows Ink Workspace and take your ideas further. Sketching and drawing
The fine and sensitive tip is ideal for sketching and drawing. Specifically designed to feel natural, you can hone your artistic skills. Every stroke looks authentic and appears effortlessly, thanks to its natural tilt support* and light touch responsiveness. Visual thinking
Capture your thoughts with Bamboo Ink Plus. With Windows Ink Workspace you can accurately express your ideas, then develop them further with the pre-installed Sketchpad, Screen Sketch or other pen-optimized apps.
description_et - Nutikas puutepliiats Windows Ink'iga märkmete tegemiseks, joonistamiseks ning visandamiseks
Naudi uusi ja nutikaid viise oma ideede teostamiseks – Bamboo Ink Plus puutepliiatsiga unustad hetkega, et kasutad tipptasemel nutiseadet digitaalsel ekraanil, sest see istub käes loomulikult nagu harilik pliiats. Bamboo Ink Plus sobib kasutamiseks paljude Windows 10 seadmetega. Lihtsad märkmed
Bamboo Ink Plusiga on dokumentidele märkmete tegemine lihtne ja mugav täpselt nagu pliiatsiga paberile. Lihtsalt vajuta puutepliiatsi Bluetooth nuppu ning Windows Ink Workspace avaneb automaatselt. Mugav visandamine ja joonistamine
Bamboo Ink Plus'i peen ning tundlik otsak on ideaalne ka joonistamiseks. See istub käes nagu klassikaline pliiats ning iga pliiatsitõmme on loomulik nagu paberilgi. Visuaalne mõtlemine
Jäädvusta oma mõtted Bamboo Ink Plusiga. Windows Ink'i töölaud laseb väljendada oma ideid kujundlikult ning seejärel saab neid ideid edasi arendada Sketchpadi, Screen Sketchi või mõne muu programmi abil.
description_lv -
description_ru - Создание заметок
Запечатлевайте свои мысли интуитивно. Чтобы бегло набросать свои заметки, достаточно просто нажать на экране пиктограмму Windows Ink Workspace или предпочтительное приложение – сопряжение для этого не требуется.Письмо и визуализация
Воплощать свои идеи в жизнь можно с легкостью. Просто возьмите в руки Bamboo Ink и начните писать или делать наброски всего, что приходит на ум.Комментирование
Добавляйте комментарии и ставьте метки тем материалам, над которыми работаете, будь то скриншоты, фотографии, карты, графика или документы.
description_short_en - Annotate, sketch, draw Natural tilt support Light touch responsiveness Triangular shape and pencil-like feel Charges with USB-C connector
description_short_et - Mugav märkmete tegemine, visandamine ja joonistamine Loomulik kaldetundlikkus Hea puutetundlikkus Kolmnurkne kuju ning hariliku pliiatsi tunnetus Laetav USB-C pesa kaudu
description_short_lv - Veiciet piezīmes, skicējiet, zīmējiet Dabiska slīpuma atbalsts Reaģē uz vieglu pieskārienu Trīsstūra forma un zīmulim līdzvērtīga sajūta Uzlāde caur USB-C savienojumu
description_short_ru -
EANCode - 4949268622028
EAN_code - 4949268622028
feature_group_en - Graphics tablet accessories
feature_group_et - Graafikalaudade tarvikud
feature_group_lv - Piederumi grafiskajām planšetēm
feature_group_ru - Принадлежности для графических планшетов
Gewicht - 0.11
GRUPPE1 - Input Devices
Hoehe - 0.03
Laenge - 0.19
Manufacturer - Wacom
manufacturer_code - CS322AK0B
Manufacturer_code - CS322AK0B
Name - Wacom Bamboo Ink Plus, stylus (black)
name_en - Wacom stylus Bamboo Ink Plus, black
name_et - Wacom puutepliiats Bamboo Ink Plus, must
name_lv - Wacom irbulis Bamboo Ink Plus, melns
name_ru - Wacom стилус Bamboo Ink Plus, черный
Specifications - Color - Black
Specifications - Diameter (mm) - 10
Specifications - Length (mm) - 153
Specifikācijas - Diametrs (mm) - 10
Specifikācijas - Garums (mm) - 153
Specifikācijas - Krāsa - Melna / sudrabota
Stck_Kart - 9998
Stck_Pal - 640
Storno - Y
Weight - 0,11
Спецификации - Диаметр (мм) - 10
Спецификации - Длина (мм) - 153
Спецификации - Цвет - Черный
111.54 €
Wacom Bamboo Ink Plus Black stylus
Intel technology provider Platinum 2020
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